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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by brickme

  1. Okay so I was bored and looking through the User Controls and saw a link that said subscripitions. All I got was a blank list and something that said checkout. I clicked check out and got an error. My question is Why are there no subscriptions and what are they in the first place? brickme
  2. You guys make such a big fuss about everything as rufus said it will probably be a UCS set since the number is in the 10--- range. The set will probably be an exclusive because we have not dug up even the slightest picture on it yet. Toyfair is soon FBTB has great coverage and we'll probably see 10212 there.
  3. Oh and for the record... This is your character: Susan Webb (Townie) You are a dancer, Every Friday night, you and Sarah Wolf go down to the Stapleton Diner, and sing and dance for the townsfolk. It’s the only thing that can lighten their moods in this time of despair. You have no night actions, and you are a simple townie. You win when all the scum are dead or captured. (If you have any questions please PM me and/or Bob) So I made everybody happy on friday nights with sarah. Sarah I will get vengenance for betraying the name of dancer. I'd watch your back in future games...
  4. Hair in brown Head Torso Legs are complete dark blue no printing just dark blue hips and legs.
  5. Darn it. Oh well. Sarah how could you? I sung and danced with you every friday night!
  6. I literally feel like throwing up so no more duels from me.
  7. oh I guess commander flash is going down.
  8. I will not be able to adjucate from now until sunday someone else must.
  9. @simonjedi I pmed dragonator a few days ago about my future game. He is not granting game slots for a while. Pm JCC1004 he was interested in co hosting my game.
  10. Round 3 Hawke Koor jimbutcher parry 0 shield 0 high 0 mid 1 kick 1 parry 0 lightning 0 throw 0 choke 0 kick 0 Health 3 Health 2 Choke completely cancels opponnets action. no damage lost. Winner is Hawke koor (bounty hunter) Congrats etc. A note people: I do NOT apperciate 50 requests to adjucate 1 duel. Have ONE player pm me not two. If you bug me with adjucating I HAVE THE AUTHORITY to deny your request. brickme
  11. Adjucator ready pm me duel list round 1 please. Round one Hawke Koor jimbutcher kick 0 shield 0 choke 0 throw 0 lightning 1 high 0 mid 1 kick 0 parry 0 parry 0 Health 5 Health 3 A great force round sees Hawke with the upper hand. DS 2 please Round 2 Hawke Koor jimbutcher kick 0 throw 1 choke 0 mid 0 lightning 0 shield 0 high 0 parry 0 parry 0 low 0 Health 4 Health 3 Jim closes the gap... will it be enough ds 3 please.
  12. Anyone ready to go?
  13. Round two Darkfang jim parry 0 push 1 low 0 parry 0 med 0 low 1 high 0 high 0 parry 0 kick 1 Health 0 Health 5 Great game. The winner is jimbutcher Jim feel free to update your character darkfang-maybe next time good night and may the force be with you. Good luck roncanator. It's harder than it looks.
  14. Dark Fang vs. Jimbutcher Round one Darkfang Jim butcher parry 0 kick 1 high 0 mid 1 high 0 high 0 kick 0 push 0 high0 parry 0 Health3 Health5 Never adjucated force before. This is correct though.
  15. pm me. i've done this before.
  16. Round 3 Dak Pinen Hawke koor mid 1 kick 0 low 0 high 1 mid 0 low 1 parry 0 mid 0 mid 0 parry 0 Health 0 Health 1 Congrats Hawke! Roncanator-third time was luck for me. It is 10:00 pm where I live no more of me adjucating games for the night. Whitefang's is last pm me both of ya. Bounty feel free to change your character.
  17. Round One Dak Penin Hawke Koor Low 1 mid 0 High 0 mid 1 Parry 0 parry 0 Mid 1 high 0 Low 0 low 0 Health 4 Health 3 Dak has the upper hand! ds 2 please. Round 2 Dak Penin Hawke Koor low 0 high 1 kick 0 low 1 mid 1 kick 0 low 0 parry 0 parry 0 mid 0 Health 2 Health 2 All tied up. last one
  18. after zapper bricks I'll do yours! Edit sok left so post what games are going on now. Bounty hunter vs. ronco Hawke Koor vs. Dak penin If you guys are still up pm me ds one!
  19. I'll adjucate. Let's play! Pm me round 1 while I pm zapper brick.
  20. Round 3 Taran crax Dak Penin low 0 low 0 low 0 parry 0 low 1 mid 0 high 0 high 0 high 1 low 0 Health2 Health 0 It looks like we have a winner Congrats to Taran crax Sok feel free to update your character with one force power Roncanator- well next time. Remember feel the force around you Thanks for playing. Any other games want me to adjucate?
  21. Round 2 Taran crax Dak Penin high 1 low 0 low 0 parry 0 low 1 mid 0 parry 0 kick 1 mid 0 low 1 Health 2 Health 2 Dak and taran are all tied up. Taran Pressed on then got short changed. Who will prevail? Last round guys. number 3 please.
  22. Alright now your talking Dak Penin vs.Taran Crax Duel sequences to me please for round 1 Taran Crax Dak Penin high 0 high 0 mid 0 low 1 High 0 parry 0 low 1 kick 0 mid 0 mid 0 Health 4 Health 4 Ooh Jedi mind tricks are not allowed to guess the other attack Duel sequence 2 please
  23. Pedro has kindly given me permission to Adjudicate the next game. Sok why don't you duel roncanator? Pm him. I promise he won't bite.
  24. Good games to all that played me. This game is too addicting pedro!
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