Everything posted by brickme
Call of duty MW2, anyone?
I have an xbox 360... 10x times better I wouldn't mind changing my clan tag to "Euro". Pm for my tag.
Call of duty MW2, anyone?
Hardcore search and destroy? YIKES! I'm just a lowly level 39 noob. Haven't perstiged yet. On Highrise to get onto the white building you have to run and jump on that broken window washer thing and climb it like a ladder.
What did you buy today?
I finally found collectible minifigs! I found them (strangley) at boscovs. I also got some non lego stuff.
Call of duty MW2, anyone?
Well I bought half of the Modern warfare 2 xbox 360 (Other half was a birthday present). I used to be a pc gamer but now It's 360 or nothing. It depends on your computer. If your computer can't do the simplest functions then don't get it. If you have a decent to high grade computer It's up to you. For me it was worth every penny. (Then again I got a console with it.) I wanted to get the hardened edition but I got the console instead.
EB Members Title Archive
Knows that Shadows is keeping an eye on him Oh boy, Today I was being nosy and decide to view where everyone on the board was when I saw shadows was viewing his profile. I saw his status then (Shadows is keeping an eye on you) and got really creeped out. I told him this in a pm and he got really amused. As for who gave me this title, "His citizens haven't half a brain between them" so I have no clue.
Call of duty MW2, anyone?
So I see that we are lacking a Modern warfare 2 thread around here. The whole purpose of this thread is to discuss. Discuss stratagies,DLC, and whatever else. To start off when you are playing on Highrise if you go all the way to the elevator building you can see a little yellow window washer support. If you climb in that and hop up on the construction beams then you can get into that little alcove inside the red building. Also if anybody has any good Special Ops stratagies they would be greatly appreciated.
What are you listening to?
livin on a prayer by bon jovi. Also if you want to count it the Portal 2 trailer times 12 (and counting)!
Hogwarts Mafia: Hog's Head
Metagaming is when people are like "Oh I read this book/watched this movie (Prohibition, dystopia, infection, etc.)They were in the same type of situation"
Hogwarts Mafia: Hog's Head
Er... Sandy? What's the rule on Metagaming for this game? I notice quite a few people doing it.
2010 FIFA World Cup
*singing* Oh as I cry for that Germany..... Those lands of Red, black, and yellow. I think about the cup And who will win And I know deep in my heart, that it will be my beloved Germany... *Stops singing* *Yes, those crappy song lyrics were by me* *Walks over and gives Holodoc a big high five* Honestly though I think Brazil will pull through but hey, a guy can dream. GO GERMANY!
E3 2010
I will be watching the convention (or parts of it) on I hope to see some information about Portal 2 and the new assassins creed. But what will really catch my eye is Call of Duty: Black Ops. Another call of duty game ruined by treyarch.
Happy Birthday!
Bwahaha. See I have no accidents of shaving and tease you about JCC. I guess I'm next then. Have a happy birthday JCC and prateek and everyone else. Gosh what's with all the may birthdays?
Big Cam is turning 28
Happy birthday Big cam! Hope you get a tactical nuke in Modern Warfare 2 just for you!
Happy Birthday Striker!
Happy birthday Stricker Striker! Here is a full cake for you since one piece doesn't satisfy all the guests. I know... I am a dork.
What are you listening to?
I'm such a shadows junior. Still Alive (Best song ever!)
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Conclusion
Thanks Shadows. <
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to Ilikepi. Happy birthday to jamtf (so close to winning). Happy birthday to everyone else today.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Conclusion
What tags? Do you mean those things under our member number? I don't remember seeing anything about tags. Unless I missed something somewhere? Wait, I think I just confused myself somehow.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Conclusion
Umm... No comment Stupid Aristocrat, your attitude probably killed you. If we went on for one more day, you were my next target. (Then darth hawken) After I sent in my night actions def and I had a big argument about wether you were Nizam or not. I said you weren't but def tried to convince me to kill you. I supported you crazy one! Well since my last post was rather rushed I would like to give a big thanks to all my kills Dragonator Quarryman Whitefang def Svelte Heh, I targeted all the staff by pure coincedence, *Hides in corner* Please don't hurt me. I would compliment the Grand Vizier for his astounding hosting ability. I am proud to be part of his "huge succes" (Hey I survived, I consider it a huge success). As far as cake recepies go I tried a delightful peanut butter german chocolate cake the other day...
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Conclusion
I survived! Alright. I just want to say something though. Even though I was loyal and formed alliances I left you all out to dry. Seriously. On Day 1 Lord Arjay asked for mutual protection. Guess who didn't get protection? Night 2 came and the same thing happened. Also on day 4 I was in an alliance with def, after I already sent in my actions of kill svelte, kill def. Sorry and Ha Ha to all you who suffered by me. *Goes back to humming "Stayin alive*
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Chat
*Coughs* Excuse me I have a very bad cough right now. Ricolas? *Coughs again*
Watto's Junkyard Discussion
Yes, Judging by that yes. Also what about some sort of star wars work contest? Like Vader works in an office cubicle or Luke is a plumber or something?
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Day 4
*Alan walks in rather stupidly* Well it is nice to see the sun today. And what's this I hear two Nizam dead? Alright! That is the best news I've heard today!
Watto's Junkyard Discussion
There's only so many colors you can put on the Empire's finest... How about a summer Star Wars contest where you can show luke taking a dive in a pool on Yavin or make a relaxation starfighter?
A happy birthday goes out to Christian!
Happy birthday Christian! Hope you get everything you wanted!
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