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  1. Unless the voting is almost over I'd still like you to add it to the voting topic. I don't care that much about winning (for me contests are a good way to finally finish something), but I like some attention given to my mocs and I'm curious about feed-back. Which builder over here doesn't? And people could still edit their post about giving points if they want to. That's fair enough for me. So that's another point in adding it. (Glad you like my other entry.)
  2. @ superkalle (I can't PM yet, I think.): Just back from holidays I noticed that my entry wasn't showing up in this voting topic. I posted two entries in the same post: one for the LDD only: Star (Justice) Base Dock and one for LDD + bricks: Rotating Star (Justice) Base (is in the other voting topic, but with the wrong name Star (Justice) Base Dock) Check out my post again, please: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=42614&view=findpost&p=774390 Anyway, thanks for all the effort put in this contest. Now I need to find some time to check all the other great entries...
  3. For the LDD only category: Star (Justice) Base Dock: Inspired by Kubrick's 2001: the dock of the big wheel. I call it a "Star Base": a "moon base" in space. This is what you see when you open the lxf-file: It's centered next to a transparent head inside at the back. Look around or zoom out! Can you guide the two ships in? It can be connected with this: For the LDD+real bricks category: Rotating Star (Justice) Base: Based on the cyclotron of 2001's Discovery. The lxf-file is centered on a transparent head in the middle of the ring. Use the left/right arrow or move the mouse while holding the right button to see the inside rotate. Zoom out to see the wheel in space. The minifigs differ in real and in ldd but they are in the same place. You can comment at flickr. The files are at my brickshelf in the map /Space/lxf-files. 2 lxf's when public...
  4. Very cool TLC makes the Lego Universe Mode available. And thanks to the people over here who "pushed" them. It's even more simple than the way I, accidentally, discovered just the day before this great news. This makes this post a bit redundant and already old news, grrr , but nevertheless I'd like to share it, there might still be some interesting details for some of you. HOW TO KEEP OLDER LDD PALETTES: Three days ago I updated LDD 3.0 to 3.1, but I wasn't pleased that a lot of bricks weren't in the new palette anymore. So I took a look in: C:\Documents And Settings\UserName\ApplicationData\Lego Company\Lego Digital Designer and saw two setup-files: setupLDD-PC-3_0_11.exe setupLDD-PC-3_1_3.exe Two files of 54 MB. The second is the new file you download to install 3.1. And, hooray, the first, the 3.0 setup file wasn't deleted, so I reinstalled 3.0. This means palettes are extracted from the db.lif file and placed in C:\Documents And Settings\UserName\ApplicationData\Lego Company\Lego Digital Designer\Palettes The *.lif files that were already in this directory are deleted. So I had again 26 palettes or *.lif-files of the 3.0 version. In the 3.1 version there are only 19 palettes. I had made a backup of those 19 new ones, so I could replace 19 of 26 old palettes by the new ones. So now I could run LDD with the new palettes without loosing the 7 older palettes: 10183.lif CustomCars.lif Factory2007.lif Factory2008.lif MarketStreet.lif SpaceSkulls.lif StarJustice.lif LDD LEGO UNIVERSE: In C:\Documents And Settings\UserName\ApplicationData\Lego Company\Lego Digital Designer I also found a new file: UnplaceableBricksDump.lxfml This looked promising, so I opened it. There was one of my LDD-wips completely yellow! Apparentely unplaceable, so LDD created a file to dump it in! (A drawback of LDD 3.1: more bricks are disappearing because they couldn't be placed. Not in the LEGO Universe mode though.) And only red bricks to pick? Oh, wait, a "little" bit more than usual, in any colour! Really astounding. A palette called LEGO Universe! Now, if you want this palette, it becomes illegal: When you rename an *.lxf file in *.zip it can be unzipped in IMAGE100.LXFML and IMAGE100.PNG. With a text editor you can open IMAGE100.LXFML and have a look at the file. (I learned it in a post about custom angles in LDD at Classic-Space, unfortunately without pictures now, otherwise certainly something for the pinned LDD Index thread.) In a normal LDD-file you can see on the fifth line: <Brand name="Factory"/> In UnplaceableBricksDump.lxfml I saw: <Brand name="FreeBuild"/> When I saved UnplaceableBricksDump.lxfml in LDD in a new file I got: <Brand name="LEGOUniverse"/> This means when you replace "Factory" by "LEGOUniverse" in a normal LDD-file, LDD automatically opens in LEGO Universe mode. However, this only works with LDD 3.0, not with 3.1. But you've got off course this topic to let it work with 3.1. When you replace it by "Freebuild" it opens in Factory or LEGOUniverse mode depending on the brickpalettes used. And now I will have a closer look at preferences.ini.
  5. The first minifigs appeared in 1978, the first with printed torsos only in 1979. The stickered torsos apparently are from the first sets. I still have two (white) stickered torsos from 886-Space Buggy and 894-Mobile Tracking Station. Could be interesting to cut them out and create a -100% lego!- green or grey spaceman.
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