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About masterchief5611

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  1. I seen that at my local shoe shop. I got him.
  2. lol. Got any tips with the ISD?
  3. What pieces is the stand made of? and How many pieces is the stand made of? p.s.Deinoychus read my sig.
  4. masterchief5611


    Okay my cousins' b-day is comin up and he wanted the UCS Death Star 2, so I have 2 two questions: 1)How heavy is it when it is completed 2)Is it hard to make for a 11 year-old. Thank you. -darek p.s. His name is Tom. :-D
  5. 7) Here Charles, have a cookie *skull* -darek
  6. The item is the Batman Collection. case solved.
  7. The funny thing is we barly got pic of it and now it is avalible on S@H.
  8. Family Guy: Stewie the Untold Story if you call that a movie.
  9. I will. Hope we see Arkham. I am on the web all night and day not a second off. when I am off this website i am on FBTB forums or Vahkimetrus forum.
  10. oh ok when i get out of here I will buy a digital Cam. and show you all pics.
  11. I dont have pics because i am on a hosptials' comp(looooong story). Here is the instructions how to make it. you will need the following: 1xTIE bomber 2xTIE intercepator 1.take all the TIEs apart(take out the pins from the holes). 2.place the bomber cockpit on top of the bomber part. 3.take the intercepATORS and connect them to the side of the cockpit(use the parts that connect the cockpit to the wings of the Intercepators atached to the intercepators in step 3.). 4.attach TIE bomber wings. done. someone post pics.
  12. exactly...uhh. *wacko* what else to say. how bout an indepth review. now we take a look at the eyes look look look ooh la la...rrrrrrrrrrrrrr.lol. jk lol.
  13. I filled the avatars with white and drew on a white backround lol! :biggrin: (to bad this computer is soooooo c****y it really is good) delete the topic Yoda
  14. May I please come back to the Empire because it wasnt fare that Vader said that i was a traitor while I was gone. plus now I have almost all the Sith moves. Oh yea I also got my tonsles removed and broke A arm. so I might be on everyday now since I am in a Hospital. EDIT: DK I callenge you winner gets to leave jail and go back to their side. (for me it is the Empire) (Vader back me up) I should warn you I have kept lightsabers in my ship from the good old days before order 66 happened. I have at least five of every color. these are what I have: purple: 7 yellow: 10 green: 14 blue: 18 red: 15 EDIT:*puts 6 purple ones in bag* * goes to cell* prepare to DIE!
  15. This is a comic part 1 0f 3. it was made with PAINT and FBTB Avatars:
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