Everything posted by Dr Kilroy
Pictures at the Exhibition - part 2
Well, that should really be in Historical Themes forum, as this is rather Castle, but after all this is one of the pictures at the exhibition, so this is Town in fact. :) Best regards, Dr
Pictures at the Exhibition - part 2
Hello, Today there is another part of "Pictures at the Exhibition" series. This time the vignette depicts (as Stasov says) "a sketch depicting a little gnome, clumsily running with crooked legs." The Hartmann's picture that inspired Mussorgsky was a design sketch for a nutcracker with large teeth. You can listen to Ravel's transcription on "Gnomus" here: Music link Here are the pictures: Back of the work: As perhaps you can see, the fireplace in gnome's cave is iluminated using the same method as in the previous vignette. This time I decided to change the method of activating the light, however: Gnome's treasures: Gnome's pet/food: :P This scene is a bit worse than the previous one, but nevertheless I think it is worth publishing. ;) I wait for comments. Best regards, Dr
Pictures at the Exhibition
Thank you! I see I have done some progress since my first creations. ;) Best regards, Dr
Pictures at the Exhibition
Hello! I have not posted for a long time and at the same time I have not published any MOCs. Now I have built something worth publishing I think. The MOC I have built is a depiction of first movement - Promenade - of the famous suite "Pictures at the Exhibition" by Modest Mussorgsky. Comment by Russian critic Stasov goes as follows: In this piece Mussorgsky depicts himself "roving through the exhibition, now leisurely, now briskly in order to come close to a picture that had attracted his attention, and at times sadly, thinking of his departed friend." The departed friend is a Russian painter Viktor Hartmann, whose paintings inspired Mussorgsky to compose "Pictures". The piece was originally composed for piano, but the transcription (by Ravel) for orchestra is perhaps more pictorial, so it fits more here; you can listen to the piece here: Music link Here are the pictures: Note that the picture at the exhibition is Hartmann's "Paris Catacombs": Painting :) Here is Mussorgsky himself: Some random gentleman: A close-up on the front of the tenement: After building the whole vignette, I decided to put some electricity in it. :) So I have taken an old 9V battery box, a light brick and a wire and I illuminated the exhibition. :) (It really looks better in real - it is hard to take a picture in which you can clearly seen that the exhibition in illuminated.) The light is activated by pressing a big red button in the back: That is all. Please comment. ;) Best regards, Dr
Stand a chance to win a random Series 3 minifigures
Heh, I am lucky. I have won two Eurobricks raffles already. Best regards, Dr
Vote for your favourite Category B entries
12) Forestman, Witch & Elf Entry (Build by KristofBD) - 1 point 20) Nurse, Surfer & Space Villain Entry (Build by Darkblane) - 2 points Mad scientists' laboratories is my favourite building subject. :) Best regards, Dr
Vote for your favourite Category A entries
7) Pilot Entry (Build by Dan Church) - 2 points 11) Sumo Wrestler Entry (Build by CaJawn FC) - 1 point Best regards, Dr
Stand a chance to win a random Series 3 minifigures
Hello! I have not posted for a very long time, but this raffle has convinced me. :) Best regards, Dr
What did you buy today?
I have recently bought 6597 Century Skyway for Christmas. Best regards, Dr
REVIEW: 7327 Scorpion Pyramid
Oh, I miss old dr Kilroy - he at least had a bow tie. :( By the way - nice set, it reminds me somehow these old Adventurers sets. Best regards, Dr Kilroy
REVIEW: 4738 Hagrid's Hut
I like the look of new Hagrid's face - maybe a smile isn't very suitable for him, but it's hidden by a beard, and this face can be used for many more figs. Best regards, Dr
New Lego Exclusive 10217 Harry Potter Diagon Alley
Very nice and elegant set! Undoubtely the best Harry Potter set. Fred and George figs are really nice! I don't like Mr. Ollivander though – I don't remember how he looked alike in the film, but this one is too dingy for me. Best regards, Dr
Voting topic - LDD Only Class
2 points - Set Sprinter - 150 - White Star Bridge 1 point - Solid Bricks - 104 - Farm House Simple and stunning MOCs! :) Regards, Dr
What minifigs are we missing - post your detailed suggestions here
Are w limited to only one suggestion? Despite it, I'll post three. Gender: Male. Occupation/print on torso: Conductor/Black tailcoat with white waistcoat, white bowtie and golden watch chain. Type of headgear: Any hair, but I think the classic male hair would fit here the best. Type of facial expression: Angry/tired. Color on torso/legs: Nothing special here. Accessory: A wand. Gender: Male. Occupation/print on torso: Bridegroom/Dark gray morning coat with light gray waistcoat and dark gray ascot tie (if you know what I mean :) ). Type of headgear: Dark gray top hat and some short hair. Type of facial expression: Rather happy. :) Color on torso/legs: Striped trousers. Accessory: A cane and flowers. Gender: Male. Occupation/print on torso: Detective (Sherlock Holmes)/ Gray frock coat and a tie. Type of headgear: Matching deerstalker hat, that characteristic to Holmes. Type of facial expression: grave, one brow up. Color on torso/legs: Checked trousers. Accessory: A magnifying glass. That's all. :) Regards, Dr EDIT: I agree with The crazy one on famous figures. Cool avatar by the way. ;)
[Minifig review] Alien family is growing
Indeed, a purple fedora is very nice. I won't use it as Joker hat, though. :) Regards, Dr
REVIEW: 8683 LEGO Minifigures Series 1
Hello after a long break. :) I love the magician and his torso - beautiful tuxedo with a cummerbund. Regards, Dr
Ideas for new Adventurers Sets
I really appreciate Shangri La idea. I also would like to see some European Adventurers sets. But I truly want the return of Johnny Thunder and his companions/enemies (especially Dr Kilroy ). Regards, Dr ___________ My 200st post - yay!
Best Monorail
Hello! I voted 6399. It's really classic and it reminds me the '80's atmosphere (though it's from early '90's ). I'm trying to get them all, but first Fire Brigade, Grand Emporium, and maybe Century Skyline? Regards, Dr
Bricks in Suit - Reactivation!
First: this is not an advertisement. That's a reminder. ;) OK, english version of my blog was on the hiatus. Now it's back. I translated all posts and there will be more. Link is in my signature. If this topic is inappropriate, delete it Mods. ;) Regards, Dr
How do you browse Eurobricks?
I manly use "Active Topics" option, but when I search for paricular MOC, I prefer browsing fora. Regards, Dr
6597 or 10159?
Hey! I have got a dilemma - should I buy 6597 or rather 10159? I can get a MISB 10159 or used 6597 in good condition for the same price. I like old sets because of their age, but I like building MISB sets, too. These two sets are identical. Can you help me? Please! Regards, Dr
MOC: Villa Maison (modular building)
Lovely! I like this corner part and blind man with white staff and dog. The colour scheme is also nice. Regards, Dr
Parts you have an unaccountable fondness for?
I'm very fond of jumper plates and headlight bricks. :) Regards, Dr
Big Modular Sets?
Well, you have got a City town. Modular houses don't fit very well with City buildings. I really love MH's together, but I don't have a tabletown and these are the only buildings on my exposure. ;) Regards, Dr
Is your sig-fig similiar to you?
Well, mine newest is. :) I like wearing suits and bowties (additional question: can you tie bowties? My answer: yes), I have got brown, parted, sleek hair ( ), even this sort of crooked smile. :) Discuss your similarity to your sig-figs here! Oh, and also discuss bowtie tying methods. Regards, Dr
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