Everything posted by sologuy369
Toy Story discussion thread
Yes, I have. sorry I didn't tell you guys. I saw them on that Legoland.????.
Lego Rock Band...Confirmed!
Thank you. (3 months later) But now there is! Lego Rock Band is now in the Best Buy ad. On well I'll let you guys see for your self . Wii release date: 11/17/09* release date(everything else): 11/10/09 link Is the keychain a one-of-a-kind?(only with this game?) * wonder why? Edit: Wii release date
Power Miners 2010
I can't right click and copy it? Why? It's OK to print those pics, right?
What New Themes or Sets would you like TLG to make?
GHOSTBUSTERS! Ecto 1 & 1A, rise of vedo, ghostbusters office... Possibilites ...
Indiana Jones theme discussion & speculations
I thought Indy BP too! I'll add more details later. Just want to get my ideas out. Thugge v.s. soliders (british) Ugha v.s. Russian soliders Christ people(what are they called?) v.s. Nazis(Crusade) C&C
MOC: Mirror Universe
Read first post.
Try building this!
Where online . Very funny .
Castle sets 2008/2009
Can I have a link to the EXACT spot for the castle '10 news?
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Are the promos going to be avalible anywhere else( in US ) ?
Power Miners: New Sets for 2009
Opps . I thought that was just aded by you.
Battle Pack Contest Rules & Discussion
1. In the "Watto's Junkyard" thread. 2.I think... . I think it comes from mocing as in copying something(such as builing a park, your "copying" a real park . )
Power Miners: New Sets for 2009
Please translate. What does it say?
Orland Park Lego Store, Grand Opening!
Finnally! A reply. Thanks for posting. YOU too can help build yoda.
Power Miners:the moive!?!
I felt for it.
Battle Pack Contest Rules & Discussion
So the pieces HAVE to be from BPs, or just not big pieces?
Power Miners:the moive!?!
Fixed !
8028 Mini Tie Fighter review
BL? edit: Opps . BrickLink.
Power Miners:the moive!?!
Look at the link. I was surprised too! I can't find anything else more real. link
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Sorry. I wasn't targeting you. THEY know whom I'm taking about [cough][cough] .
Atlantis 2010
Transltion please.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Please, lets talk about lego again . I don't want 100 pictures on every page(on not Lego stuff) when looking at the news. Please .
Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! This is great news. I must share it to the world! This may be PART of their plan for ditching SW & Indy. SET IDEA: Tom's meet:the part were Dumbledore picks up Tom at the Orphange . Bench, fireplace...
lego Thomas
I wish I was there. I'm a great barginer! Yes. I saw a couple and the model trains and the problem sovling... good example to kids.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
We can't have that happen. Our inside man's inside man can't get fired!
lego Thomas
But then I plan to get firefighter Lego for my 3 year-old cousin . Yes, I was thinking of the Duplo fourm myself. Some people may not want the smaller blocks yet. M*** B**** LEGO 0-----------------3 LEGO WINS!!!!!!!!!!
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