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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. They shouldn't be Death Watch, 'cos Death Watch is concerned with starting a new Mandalorian War, not getting involved in an existing one. All the same, just pinning them as vile mercs who work for the highest bidder sheds no light on who they really are and why they do what they do. Ah well, I'm going to have to watch this with the expectation of seeing yet another vod get topped by a Jedi. Then again, beskar'gam neck plates are lightsaber-resistant. Oh well, I can't wait to see what happens to him. They ought to give him a good name, too, like Dred Priest, Mij Gilamar, or Wad'e Tay'haai. Though having him kill Cad Bane would be an interesting development, as I'm a bit tired of all the hype over a mere Duros.
  2. Roderick replied to def's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I really can't stand the voice actor voicing Padme. She gives her an awful lisp. And the idea of clones suddenly having independence makes absolutely no sense to me at all. It just seems a rip-off of another series of books, but it makes much, much less sense. As I recall the basic clone troopers had little to no independence, while the commandos were slightly more independent, and the ARC Troopers were plain raw Jango Fett genome. To say that suddenly the first tier becomes the third tier, and vice versa, is too confusing to take in at once. Otherwise, aside from the clear and present flaws (which you basically nailed down one at a time), it's a fairly good show if you just block out the load of dirty laundry that is Feloni tampering with canon to create an idea for a show. EDIT: @ Rob: Good point: he could've easily cut off something of Ahsoka's... something.
  3. Roderick replied to Faramir's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Everyone calls them 'helmets', when they're obviously 'hats'. I mean, if Leia says it it must be true.
  4. Roderick replied to Roderick's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    I guess that's a fault of the architectural formular I used for the roof.
  5. Or, it could just be that they're conveniently from the same planet, i.e. Coruscant, and the same area within Coruscant, i.e. the Galactic Senate(hence the symbol), and they're just off doing their own business protecting Senators and VIPs.
  6. Roderick replied to Roderick's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    The thing is, I copied the bulk of this post from another forum where I posted it, and I only posted three pictures there. Though there are several pictures from the battle in the photostream. Then again Flickr takes forever to load... So I'll get some more deeplinks for ya as soon as I can: right now I'm busied by another busiment(is that a word?).
  7. Roderick replied to Roderick's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Thanks: I agree about mixing it up around the road. I have to say I wasn't entirely pleased with the way the road turned out since it left so much of the bley baseplate exposed.
  8. Roderick posted a post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Vig. 84b Encouraged by people happy with my cannon caisson, I decided to build something else in the Pirates category. This is my latest MOC. It consists of a Jesuit Mission and a dusty road for the setting, and figure wise, a Jesuit missionary, a young friend of his, a patrol of redcoats, and a horde of pirates all clashing at once. Because of the many pictures I took of this MOC, I'll direct you to the Gallery, and present you here with several generic shots of the scene. I've made two sets on Flickr, one of the storyline in order of occurance, and one of the review of the mission chapel itself. So enjoy these pics and by all means check out the Gallery. (all 20 figures, both cannons, the dusty road, and the mission together) (I made him using a batman cape on the back, a regular black cape on the front with the sides tucked in for the cassock, the Shanghai black fedora, and the head of the conquistador who came with silver armor[red torso]) (don't play with dynamite) (another general shot with the entire redcoat patrol) Both sets are now viewable on my photostream. Thanks for reading. postscript: one small thing: I'm adding descriptions to the pictures in the review on Flickr right now, and will later fill in the storyline's quotes so the jumbled pics make sense. post postscript: anothing thing: the storyline pictures are only in order in the set titled The Mission at San Lucia. the other set titled Review of the Mission(etc.) is where I go into detail about the Mission church. So I'd direct you to the sets if you want to see the pics ordered: the gallery is jumbled... unfortunately the FlickrUploadr can do no better, but that's what sets are for right?
  9. After the release of the OT RBR I want to see a PT RBR with Yoda, Obi-wan, some sand-blue clad pilots, Bail, and Antilles in Republic dignitarian uniforms.
  10. I think I can explain what he was saying, though it doesn't seem to apply in this situation. Star Destroyer docking bays, when opened, are not opened on the side, but rather on the very bottom of the ship. These are not in fact docking bays: they are launch bays. When the 'floor-doors' are closed, it appears like a regular docking bay but with no visible exit. Tie fighters, because they lack any landing gear at all, are held up in the air by several metal girders. Walkways connect to these fighters which allow pilots to simply walk over to them(up in the air, now) when the bay is opened and get 'dropped' into space where the twin ion engines will kick in, enabling the fighter to fly. It's only really useful in Star Destroyers in my opinion, but perhaps Logan had something else in mind when he suggested this.
  11. No, I never did, and you can call me out on that one...
  12. You're missing the point perhaps entirely. It clearly has Vader's custom Tie, but it is strangely in grey rather than blue, and it has three additional figures NOT INCLUDED in the previous multi-set.
  13. Are you going to add anything constructive to the post instead of vainly trying to increase your post count? By the way, I told the world who I was in my welcoming thread, in case you missed that.
  14. I'm surprised nobody noticed this. When the camera zooms in on Jens, to the right of his head you can almost clearly see a box that says '3 in 1' and it appears to have Vader's custom tie, but strangely 3 minifigures with some sort of red hat, in it. Here's link to the screencap.
  15. EDIT: Oh, I see what you mean! I hadn't looked at the model in such a long time I forgot how I attached the brick! I thought I had attached it with the four prongs facing outwards, thus making it impossible to attach the brick. But yes, the top one is definitely the best choice.
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