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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by jojoguy10

  1. No no no. lol. I meant "My Parts" or "My Sets". I want to share those via Facebook, twitter, Email, etc. :-) jojoguy10 P.S. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused, lol!
  2. Well, I meant share via Facebook, or Email, or Twitter, etc. Okay (not ok-ey) doke. I can't wait for that improvement :-) jojoguy10
  3. So....I'm sorting my pieces and putting them into Rebrickable. How can I find sets that I can build using JUST "My Parts" list? When I go to "Build", it wants me to enter in sets I own, but I want it to look at JUST "My Parts" list. Thanks! jojoguy10
  4. True. I didn't know that :-) Also, technicmad, is it possible to share your inventory (sets or parts)? Thanks! jojoguy10
  5. This is the only one (HiTechnic). Other than that, nothing else is on BL. Can you link to HiTechnic's product page instead (give it a new product ID)? This applies to ALL NXT sensor manufacturers. Thanks! jojoguy10
  6. Are you going to add HiTechnic/Mindsensors/Dexter Ind./etc. to your parts library? jojoguy10
  7. Hello everybody! I have finished my upload of the 7th edition of my LEGO podcast! I interview Andy Milluzzi, look at the new Technic sets, and more! Check it out on my blog: http://techn-xt.blogspot.com/ Hope you all had a very merry Christmas! jojoguy10
  8. YAY! Can't wait! I have SOOO many loose parts :-P jojoguy10
  9. Well, this was when they were just getting started, but I just Emailed them asking if they needed a beta tester :-). It was pretty fun, but then I had to stop (because of a summer job). But I hope to start again. jojoguy10
  10. Yup. I beta tested a lot of those sensors, and they're pretty fun to play with! Especially for the advanced NXT user. jojoguy10
  11. Thanks you guys! I will try those ideas! jojoguy10
  12. Sorry about that. Here's the image. jojoguy10
  13. Hello fellow NXT'ers! I'm building a robot that makes you chocolate milk (YAY! ) I'm having trouble with the pump tfor the milk. You can see here in the picture: http://www.ge.tt/#!/8sMJAa7/v/0 I will try to explain the best I can. Here's what supposed to happen: There's a motor that runs the pump and the switch. The switch is meant as an on/off switch (and to switch between different types of milk). When I tell it which milk I want, it switches to that, runs the pump, and the milk comes flowing down into the glass (because the air is replacing the milk. The milk has to go somewhere ) Here's what's happening: When it switches to the right type of milk, and runs the pump, the milk flows fine, but at the switch, the OTHER type of milk (that's NOT being put into the glass) is flowing out of the other side of the switch. That's how the pneumatics switch is supposed to work. So, I guess what I need is help on making a design that still has 2 motors (1 NXT and 1 PF motor), but can still pour two different types of milk. Will the 2x4 distrabution block work? http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=4692 Thanks! jojoguy10
  14. So....do we make our own course then? jojoguy10
  15. Actually, it's chocolate milk :-) I tried hot coco, but it melted the plastic bottle (lol!) jojougy10
  16. Hello fellow FOL's! I made a new Mindstorms/PF MOC this past week, and I wanted some input! All I have is the physical structure and half of a program. I'm currently working on the program, and video will be after that. Here's a picture to wet your appetite :-) Go to my blog for he full details: http://techn-xt.blogspot.com/2011/08/new-moc-cocomilk-20-pt-1.html#more Thanks for the input! jojoguy10
  17. Here you go. You'll have to find it in the LONG list :-) http://www.hitechnic.com/downloadnew.php?category=13 You'll find the programming block here. To import it, simply go to: Tools>Import Export Wizard. Then find the folder where you saved the block (from the link), and choose where you want it in the Advanced Palette and click Import! There you go. Hope I helped! jojoguy10
  18. I have one suggestion. Personally, I have more spare parts then sets. Is there some way to create an inventory (sort of like "My Sets") of parts along with sets? It could be set up like a big menu: 1x15 Beam-------(textbox for quantity)(dropdown for color) +Add item What do you think? jojoguy10
  19. Maybe you could use a 12t/20t combo? jojoguy10
  20. Or, you could call LEGO Customer Support and ask for a replacement. I had what sounded like your same problem, and I called them. They said they would send me one...FREE OF CHARGE! jojoguy10
  21. Here's a site that sells a 1.0 > 2.0 "service pack". http://inanimatereason.com/shop/ It's $80 though :-/ Check it out! jojoguy10
  22. Well...there's a "NXTified" version that Ramacco made. You can see it on my website: http://lego-x.com/2010/02/22/nxtfied-crane-truck-woo-hoo/ I'm SURE there's a PF version SOMEWHERE, but I don't know where to find one. Hope this helps! jojoguy10
  23. Well...it's not JUST for AFOL's. I want ANYONE's opinion :) oh...ok, well...I looked it up in Google translate, and I used Detect language to English, and in the Detect Language box, it showed Romania (they pronounce it Tech-nick), but if you listen to the English side, they say Tech-NEEK. So, I'm not Romanian, so, I'm going to stick with Tech-NEKK. :) lol jojoguy10
  24. Hmmm...Yes, I have heard it both ways. I just think Technique sounds a bit better. Maybe that's just because I've been saying it my whole life. lol. I think neither of us are wrong, but now I'm curious how LEGO wanted it to be pronounced...hmmm. jojoguy10
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