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Eurobricks Citizen
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About Davor

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  1. 75170 phantom II - horrible set, overpriced x10, and so small... 75163 krennic shuttle micro fighter 5002122 TC-4 polybag 30004 Battle Droid on STAP polybag ++ 2x free R3-M2 polybag
  2. I really love the movie. Battles were awesome, epic. Love how they linked rebels cartoon to movie -ghost, sindulla, hamerhead corvette that played major role,y-wings from reclam station episode. Vader killing off rebels on raddus command ship was epic. And tantive 4 scene in the end was oh my good! That TFA is crap compaired to Rogue one.
  3. Prison transport is Clone Turbo Tank so....we got it 3 times already and last ep3one is still in shops.
  4. Just got 2017 rogue one y-wing, imperial and rebel battlepacks in Lego store Zagreb + since I spent more than 130euro on rouge one sets in lego store as a special gift I get 3x movie tickets for rouge one movie premier
  5. 75156 Krennic's Imperial Shuttle 75152 Imperial Assault Hovertank 2 x Rebels A-wing polybag - free with a purchase of above sets. Can`t wait to get other Rouge one sets.
  6. Bricklink 8018 AAT clone wars 7663 sith infiltrator
  7. There is NO COPILOT seat in at-te walkers. Copilot is legends materijal and NOT cannon. Both clone wars and rebels debunked the myth about copilot.
  8. Niceeeee!
  9. Nice! Great build! Btw. Tie defender is not expanded univers/legends anymore. It is official cannon now.
  10. Just saw new sets in Zagreb, Croatia lego mono brand store. 146 euro CTT 160 euro rex atte 107 euro x wing What the hell!?!?!?!?!? This is crazy.
  11. summer wave - lottttt of studs and cheese slopes, smallest ever builds/ vehicles, less than usual amount of minifigs(or mediocre ones) and ta-da HIGHHHHHHHHHHH price. BUT - summer wave is apsolutely GREAT if you are 1x1 studs/cheese collector.
  12. Blueray rips are already online, and official dvd/bluray relase is just days away...
  13. Markus ...again....kicking as..s... Perfect diorama, it looks star wars, it feels star wars. Nothing is over the top, proportions are perfect, details are perfect.
  14. 2100 bricks of nothing. This is best way to describe this set. - 15 minifigs and only 2 imperials...way to go.... - Missing key characters like leia...also clap clap.... - 2100 bricks used but it looks like 500 pcs...... - They didn't even menage to build proper power generator - ion cannon looks like microfighter build.... .......and the list could go on and on.......... This set is crap.
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