Everything posted by frontbeast
Ninja LEGO
Thankyou all. Thats what i needed
Ninja LEGO
Im sorry, what about the letters??? have you warned me before......
Is it too late to get into Pirates?
it is never tooooo late. no matter what. LEg GOdt........proud to be danish
Ninja LEGO
thx..... i tryed. couldent figure it out, on the manuals it seems everybody is hunting everybody. so i hope to hear from someone who played with it as it came out.... cause thats when i stoped playing with lego. but here i am again...colecting :)
Favourite castle set far, i miss it so much, remeber the xmas when i was6 and i got it. when i was ten so kid stole the whole thing... long story, but ive whanted it again ever since...
Ninja LEGO
hi got my self lego ninja nr 3052, 6045, 6088..... lucky me, but wundering, the story in this..... a<re allninjas working together. black, red, gray. and whos the old dude with the beard and hat, and are the samurais on the same helmets vs gray.
Pictorial Review - 6273 - Rock Island Refuge
awesome review, i love the set. oldies but goodies
2010 Community Build
dock area 2 '
2010 Community Build
INVALID ENTRY: IT SHOULD ONLY BE 16x32!!! dock area enjoy
2010 Community Build
great idea, a dock area for me please
congratulation. awesome moc´s
The old prison retires
thanks....endend up giving up, cause i thought i was a lost cause. thanks to the judges.
The old prison retires
i know, but i havent been able to post my moc. couldent find a site to help me i hope the judges are openminded a have a big heart
The old prison retires
the kids have found new ways to injoy the gallows.... the tormenting machines has now found use as kitchen accesories. and the before fortified roof top, has been changed to a greenhouse.
- Brickshelf up, down..who knows!
Rengade Runner v.s Cross Bone Clipper
i vote for the renegade runner
POTC or Classic pirates in 2011
both i hop, would to see the black pearl vs a huge british canon ship
Pillage the Village II: Prize Pool
the contest, the prizes thank you. its amazing. hope it will be the event of the year every year. its better than xmas.....
Vote for the Tournament BLUECOAT MVP
when does the poll end
If you owned every 2009 set and could have one more...?
i vote soldiers fort, pirates cant have enough to attack........still a big soldier ship missing aheeem
Pillage the Village II: Prize Pool
how do one figure out if its large or medium that he posts
Pillage the Village II: Coming soon...
cant wait to hear the theme. wanna get to it
Pillage the Village II: Coming soon...
im so ready, have been waiting like a little kid on christmas eve
Carolean army on march
cool idea svensken kommer !!!
Tournament of Retribution
or maybe not...i dont know anything
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