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About gerkenz

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    Stranger Things

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    Castle and ... Star Wars ;-)


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  1. Wow, that's a very funny story and very detailed cool build!
  2. Yes, very strange behavior but sure can't affect private prints, right? If you're printing all names of wedding guests on minifigures it should be allowed, right? Meanwhile LEGO do allow printing your own text on minifigures in the future if you're bying them from LEGO directly: Minifigure Factory
  3. Hi, I'm trying to get my LEGO account syncronized with the Super Mario app for several weeks now. No luck. Just getting the synchronizing indicator ( 3 white cycling dots ) forerver. I even tried several devices (android and ios) and created a new test account. Do you see your collected coins in your LEGO account in the app?
  4. Hi, i just tried the app on IOS and have "of course" the same issue. It's just the problem all old apps with online features have. They only live for a certain time. LEGO apps die after the theme is closed. It is only a matter of time. I assume they just shut down the corresponding Nexo Knight Server where you authenticate yourself on starting the app new. So everyone who have a working save state may be lucky. I assume the same will occure after Hidden Side will disapear in a few years to that app, too.
  5. That's awesome. I had a look at the different possibilities LEGO provides for the blind with this project based on Matthew Shifrin work. I'm going to build a mentioned set as a sighted person without peeking. I wonder if it's ok to publish the braille instrunctions if I translate it to German?
  6. very cool Idea and foto I love the tree design and the apple logo
  7. Hi there, I just finished the build If you want to make yours read this hints, please: missing parts in additional part list: - you'll need 8 white 30414 brick 1x4 with studs on side instead of 4 - you'll need 4 light bluish gray 32449 technic beam 4 x 0.5 liftarm instead of 2 ( but 2 will do, too ) - you'll need some more 4206482 blue technic pins, I think I've added 8 - not sure about it. small bugs in the instructions: - page 32, step 6: 4 1x1plates white should be used here instead of in step 7 - page 38, step 18: add 2 1x1 plates white - page 44, step 15: use 3x 6023806 instead of 6x 6034044 And yes! - you should definitly build it! It's very much fun to drive it on flat surface!
  8. That's a very cool and cute Optimus Prime! Do you have a part list on hand or do I have to check the vid for it? Thanks for sharing.
  9. Hi, I just build mine. It is an easy build and it is really fun to drive! I recommend to get it for your kids or yourself. 79€ for a very cool track vehicle with PF is very nice. Now it's time to add the S-Brick.... Edit: It seemed to be the V1 ir receiver, no V2 print.
  10. very cool!
  11. Thank you - I would love to see it as a set
  12. Please support it at LEGO Ideas: https://ideas.lego.c...rojects/126682 Thanks you.
  13. Benny got something new Rebuild with MECABRICKS, Stickers made with Corel Draw and Pixelmator, Render done with Blender. Thnx Scrubs for MECABRICKS with the great export function.
  14. If you are going to wear one, too. It should be no problem . Yes, go ahead and build a colourful version of it and post a picture here, please.
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