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Everything posted by Rufus

  1. Well I like it! You've caught the 'ram' look from the front; though the shot from the side with the flick-fires deployed makes it look vaguely insectile. Lovely colour scheme.
  2. Great review! I'm gonna have to get a set of those - my sigfig will be complete! Is that Peppermint_M on the bass?
  3. If you can find the time and the parts, I'd be delighted to join the party. My (new) sigfig has has Mon Mothma hair (same as CW Anakin); Imperial Officer face (new Hoth BP); IJ Jacket and sand blue legs (any legs will do!) Blaster not required
  4. Intriguing! What's (going to be) in the cave? Nice use of slopes and cheeses on the cave, though the cave top looks a little precarious. The overall impression is great!
  5. I like it, Rook! Very imaginitive use of the TIE windscreen. I presume that's the RC chassis. Yeah, best of look, Ruck!
  6. Welcome to Eurobricks, Red Fox! I see you've found the perfect use for loft space. Do you like any other themes besides town?
  7. Nice find . No confidential marker, and these look pretty final, going by Grievous' cockpit. I much prefer these boxes to the awful white ones from last year.
  8. Great review Ricecracker! I'm loving the ostriches. Yet another theme I'll have to dabble with... I can see a definite need for an Ostrich Farm for my town! But I'm looking forward to the camels more. Best. Typo. Ever!
  9. Awesome, smokey! How do you get them so sharp?? Love the dream shot
  10. It may be an old thread, but this is a timeless comedy sketch. Any excuse to watch it again - thanks!
  11. Lego have been marketing specifically at AFOLs for over 10 years. The entire SW UCS line is a testament to that. One of the sets that brought me out of my dark age - the 8448 Supercar - I saw advertised on a men-orientated TV channel (it's not what you think!) back in 1999. I think the 5% figure is probably realistic, though if I'd been asked to guess I'd have thought it would have been more like 10 to 20%. Shows what I know!
  12. The parts I hate separating are hinges from hinge-bricks . It's not that it's particularly difficult, just makes a really nasty 'don't break me!' noise when you do
  13. Thanks for the review, Dunjohn! Not bad for a cheap set, even if you do have to buy the Mirror. Normally I get these in the shop at work, where the dude behind the counter sometimes gives me 2 or 3 per day, but I think I'll pass on these - I don't have much use for these little cars. Plus I'm not at work.
  14. Great stuff, and what an original idea! Love it. Next you'll have to make a sand green kart that Jabba can drive!
  15. Rufus


    I agree with the above, this is a fantastic design: it looks totally authentic. I like the construction technique for the base of the rear turret - genius! Great pictures, too.
  16. Nice work; I don't have this set either yet, but I can see where you've changed it. Does the landing gear fold? If so, it'd be nice to see a picture!
  17. It was frontpaged a week ago! The discussion is here. Don't know about Tesco, but some WH Smiths will give you the set without the taking the token if you buy the paper in their shop. Means you can get two!
  18. Mmmmmm, shiny shiny! These have yet to hit the UK, but my magnet - interestingly - has one leg that is chromed on the inside and one that isn't. Great mini-review, Big Cam! Is that your reflection in the Stormie's helmet?
  19. Not much between despair and ecstacy?
  20. It's coming on leaps and bounds, LT! I love following your MOCing progress, you truly are on fire! Love the loo.
  21. Wow, then kudos for the photography skills!
  22. @def: Those are two amazing pictures - the colours have come out beautifully. Did you photoshop them? (It's ok, all the best photographers do! ) Stormie is going to stuggle getting along there without dropping his blaster!
  23. Great album. 'Sweet Disposition' was one of my favourite songs of last year, possibly second only to... ...'Rabbit Heart'. Beautiful song, though I prefer 'Time After Time'. Heard a great song on the radio last night - I thinks it's 'In Sleep' by Lissie. Not out yet, but I'll be sure to get it when it is.
  24. It looks very similar to the official Lego version. I think the roof is a different colour, and the exhaust piece is new; what else have you changed? Maybe a comparison shot to 7634 would help?
  25. Nice work, 'tiger! I love the bull bars. Edit: Or roo-bars!
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