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  1. Grand is not only something big, but can also be something ambitious, diginified or great (not only physically great). Titan is usually used to describe an object that has great strength or importance. If I recall correctly, titans were also half-gods (or something to that effect) in greek mythology. (And thus, also roman mythology. Heh.) With this in mind, the name makes a bit more sense, eh? :happy: Oh, and I love the fact that they use stickers in the exo-line. As some others, I only buy sets for parts, and unprinted parts are more versatile. And, as a few builders have proved, the stickers can look really good on something completely different. Example: This by Mike Yoder.
  2. Thanks everyone for the comments. I will consider your critisism and enjoy your positive comments. A second version might come sometime in the future - I've got some good feedback so far. xwingyoda: for more mocs, check my brickshelf or mocpage. There are links in the original post. As for comments on the hover technology, I'm afraid I won't be able to bring much to the discussion. I know how it works today, but find it difficult to discuss how it should work in the future and implementing it in MOCs. I'm afraid I'm all about the aesthetics. So, sorry suvie :unsure:. I'll follow the thread though.
  3. So yeah. I figured since I live in Sweden, I might just post this here. I usually hang around CS. Enjoy this little creation! Out to capture an ancient creature: razor-sharp claws, a beast of yore! Perhaps it has another odd feature? Whatever - they get to shoot some more! Whether it's a bumblebee, strangely red, or a colossus with bone-crushing fang! They don't care. They want it dead: it's Swamp Thing, and the Crazy Hunter Gang! MOCpages | Brickshelf
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