Lego Venom
Wow this Venom really captures a comic book feel! Good Work :)
MOC: Jump!
Very cool vig! It really gives that movie-esque action sequence feel! Good Work
Private Jackson
Awesome Custom Dude, I especially like that Rifle, Good Work!
Apoc Community Build Discussion Topic
Wow Black Rabbit, You've built practically what was in my head :O I love the crane/digger watch tower thing, it really shows off the whole recycling theme.
Apoc Community Build Discussion Topic
Would there be veichles. because i think an armored school bus would be great
Experiment #14
Wow, just wow. this comic is very good. I like the whole mysteriousness effect you have going. Can't wait for the next part ::
[MOC] Ground Zero: Hour 2.5
Wow this MOC is very well made, i like the design of the telephone poles, and the design of the pickup truck. i have one thing to say, keep the good work coming
Apoc Community Build Discussion Topic
Will there be some kind of uniform for the survivors? like the Vault Jumpsuit in Fallout? or will it be rough and ragged?
Hello, Newland here!
Thankyou for the warm welcome :)
Apoc Community Build Discussion Topic
We should be thanking you for starting this up
Newland started following Apoc Community Build Discussion Topic
Apoc Community Build Discussion Topic
Or we could say the event merged all of the continents together to create a super continent with no countrys? haha now that would be one big plot twist ;)
Hello, Newland here!
Heyy, im new to EuroBricks, as you can see :P I just want to say i would appreciate any advice or help and thankyou in advance :) I hope you'll accept me into your community Newland Out!
Apoc Community Build Discussion Topic
USA, is the most used country, so we could try and set it somewhere else? Britain would be a good choice as nobody has really shown what it would look like Post-Apoc? Or we could go for a less developed country like africa, as it is already barren, we could explore what it would look like after such a disaster?
Apoc Community Build Discussion Topic
I must thank you for using a Post Apoc setting, i was wondering, if the city would be sort of like Megaton on Fallout 3? it has a big recycled wall made from old plane wings and other veichles. Setting/year: Not too distant future, maybe about 50 years from the present, and about 20 years after the moon crashed to the earth. Cause: The Moon falls to earth, causing widespread destruction, survivors hid underground to escape it's wrath, and when the resurface they find that the whole planet is left in ruin. Area: A small town in a rural area. Buildings: Elementary school, turned into a town hall/Public Residence, A few destroyed buildings, A large barn thats used as an armory for the townsfolke, and a country manor located on the outskirts of the town but still inside the town wall. Features (could take up baseplates, or just be small things you'd like to see) : A large radio mast that is used to call out for other survivors and traders. A shard of whats left of the moon located in the town square untouched as a rememberance to the event. People: Rag & Tag band of survivors, traders moving in and out of town, An authority figure (Mayor, Sherrif etc.) Enemies include Mercenaries hired by other towns, and a Cannibilistic Tribe. Scenes (interesting scenes you think could be put in somewhere) : Mayor/Sherrif dictating at town hall, Mercenaries trying to climb the wall, Cannibals Devouring a citizen outside of wall. ;)
Apocalyptic Community Build?
I'm New to EB, but i'm interested in this, and i would like to help out, big or small, im down for it :)
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