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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Joeyfalcone

  1. Joeyfalcone replied to Joeyfalcone's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    I almost forgot i started this topic anyway, i've been quite busy lately and haven't had much time to look at buying the parts i need from the sites you guys have told me to check out (big big BIG thank you ) anyway i thought to give you guys an idea of what my black sea's barracuda looks like some twenty years on..i wish i could say i was building some fantastic new ship but sadly no.. the top view... left hand side. right hand side...it's breaking my heart and what is left of the captain's cabin and rigging. it shouldn't be too much of a big deal to re build it, i think the main trouble would be the masts from what i have read here as well as the sails, but i'm thinking of doing some custom sails and maybe improvising with the masts...i have a great idea for a brick film hence why i am re-building the barracuda cause lets face it brick breads bounty has no chance of standing up against the new imperial ship..the pirates need all the help they can get
  2. Wow! it completely rips brickbeards bounty to pieces, might have to put my epic brick film on hold till i can manage to get my hands on the flagship and re build the BSB for a large scale sea battle :):)
  3. I'd prefer classic pirates, but if we get POTC lego i'd get a few small sets just for the parts...i guess these movie franchises are the way lego is going now days you have indiana jones which replaced the adventures, guess they just want to make more money.
  4. Signed. anyone heard of the tv series Jericho? it got cancelled after the first season, the fans were so outraged that they sent thousands of Nuts to NBC (i think) and they ended up giving the show a second season even if it was a very small season, so don't loose hope on the big fat cats in their leather chairs not listening to the fans.
  5. This thread makes me sad, we all had such high hopes, i feel like someones that has just been hanged...its not the waiting its the sudden unexpected drop that kills ya.
  6. if they are going to discontinue castle as well, then i won't be buying lego for my kids (if i ever have any) what happen to originality?, when i was a kid there wasn't any license themes now there bringing in prince of persia and toy story that's all well and good, now its all bloody star wars..sad day for kids imaginations. target better re stock pirate sets before the end of the year.
  7. From what i've heard about the fourth pirates movie..it's probably all BS but i think the fourth one is meant to center around jack and barbossa...If you remember at the end of the third one barbossa took the pearl, then we sore Barbossa taking out the Chinese map only to see the center of the map was missing. Cut to Sparrow in his rowboat with that cut out section point his way to the fountain of youth, i think that's what the fourth movie could be about they have the set up already there waiting for it to continue on. To the people that think Hollywood should of stopped at the third movie, Hollywood will never stop while they can still make money out of a franchise (E.G high school muscial)
  8. I thought it went downhill at number 3 they had way to many things going on too many story lines, the first one was fantastic, the fourth one seems like its going to be in the same vain as the first one but with no mr bloom or miss knightly (thank you god!). i think its a bit harsh calling 4,5 and 6 rubbish when four has only just been announced.
  9. lol lucky! bah i might just buy them on line then.
  10. hmmm i might have to make a trip to Sydney then, if there exclusive to target you would think target would at least try to keep them stocked..oh well...it seems to me the stores here have everything but pirates and castle.
  11. nah, i'm not..i hardly ever go out there man, i was trying to work out which target had all the pirate sets.
  12. haha i'm in Newcastle as well! its rather annoying, a few months ago i went out to target in glendale and they had a whole row filled with pirate sets..now nothing... i hope it does mean they are selling like hot cakes..cause we all know that could mean new pirate sets.
  13. Hello So i have been trying to collect all of the 2009 pirate sets i have got all expect for Loot Island and Shipwreck Hideout..these two i can not find anywhere! i heard shipwreck hideout is only available on the lego site here in Australia...and here they only sell the pirate sets at target! now the town i live in has about three targets...but none of them have the sets anymore...which i find bs..they have every other lego range but pirates...well they do have soilders fort and brickbeards bounty but none of the smaller sets...i hate the fact that i can only by the pirate sets from one store, i know the mid year sales have just ended so maybe they are getting some more sets in..but its taking a while..the mid year sales ended about three-four weeks ago here. so what about my fellow Aussies are you having this problem as well in your town/city? also does anyone know where i might find the last two pirate sets i need in Sydney? any help would be great.
  14. does anyone know where i can get this set in australia? i hear target is the only place?
  15. this is another set that ended my dark ages..i hope i can buy it before they stop making it..
  16. Joeyfalcone replied to Adam's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    While this is all good and all... i want to see some new sets!
  17. Joeyfalcone posted a post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Hey Guys and Gals So back when i was a small child my family got me the Black sea barracuda for Christmas or a birthday..since the new release of the pirate lego i have been searching my room for all my old lego...but sadly it is all scattered in many different boxes in my room...what amazes me the most is out of all the lego i had as a child the Black Sea Barracuda still stands...well more like the hull and the deck..the rest of it...masts, sails, cabin, cannons and the part at the front of boat has sadly been lost in the mess that is my room...this breaks my heart...what even breaks it more is that it was re-released in 2002 AND I MISSED IT!!! AHHHHHHHH! (i only found that out TODAY!)..after looking on ebay and seeing the chances of me getting a new BSB are slime thanks to having no job and putting most of my money into a TV show pilot..i have come to the conclusion that i will REBUILD the black sea barracuda! so i'm going to be getting on of those brick buckets that you can get from lego..you know the ones where you get a tone of different colour bricks? and thanks to the digital age we live in i am sure i can find the instruction manual for the BSB somewhere. so i'm just wondering if anyone else has tried to do the same? is it possible? i'm sure it is, after all anything is possible. also i'm from Australia and what sucks is in the town i live in Target is the only place that sells pirate lego (lame!) so does any fellow Aussies know any place they sell the brick buckets? Any help would be great!
  18. I really hope they do continue pirates, if i had kids i would want them to play with pirate lego (hence why i am buying all the sets now so one day when i have kids they will be able to play with them) i just think pirates add alot more to the imagination then say power miners and star wars :P also i hope they do release an imperial ship so i can make a sequel to my brick film :)
  19. Joeyfalcone replied to Moose's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Does anyone know if this set is out in Australia? i can't find it anywhere..there again i can hardly find any pirate lego where i live i just need this, the ship and loot island and i will have all the sets, i know its limited edition...man i hope i haven't missed out :(
  20. Thanks for the welcome guys, sorry for posting this in the wrong section Captain Zuloo i LOVE classic pirates! i'm always looking at it daily. as for my project it's called "The return of Redbeard" still writing it at the moment it's gonna be an epic brickfilm (hopefully), i have no idea when it will be finished as anyone who has ever tried stop motion it takes time, over the weekend i have been searching for all my old lego i'm hoping to find all the pieces i need to re-build the barracuda..i know i have all the pieces somewhere...just a matter of where!
  21. Hello, First of I’d like to say if this post is in the wrong forum I would like to apologise. I only discovered this site last week, so forgive me I am still trying to find my sea legs (haha). I’m 22 and I have memories of from my childhood playing with Lego…pirate Lego to be specific, I can’t remember how old I was but I can still remember getting my first pirate Lego…I think it was just a lone pirate (not sure what the set was called) then for one Christmas I got the black sea barracuda…oh man that ship was amazing! But sadly of the past 18 years the ship has fallen apart and all that remains of it is the hull and the two walls of the captains cabin. So recently I have been riding a wave of nostalgia, I was also a fan of the ninja turtles when I was a child and seeing as how they released the original toys I had to get a few and while I was looking for them at target my jaw dropped when I sore the new pirate Lego, I’ve always said “pirate Lego was the best” soon after I found this site and the wave of nostalgia I was surfing with the ninja turtle toys turned into a full blown Lego tidal wave. So I brought cannon battle and kraken attacking (part of me still feels bad that I let the black sea barracuda fall to pieces once I hit my teens, I guess I’m trying to make up for it). Looking at the reviews of all the old pirate Lego I found myself saying, “I remember that one, I had that one, dam I always wanted that one” it brings back so many great memories…. I would like to say a big THANK YOU! To whoever runs this site and also THANK YOU to those people that reviewed the old sets! So I’m thinking of buying all the sets of the new pirate Lego (I have no idea how I will explain it to my parents!!) with the intention of making a full lego stop motion movie based on the new lego sets (and being a film maker who wants to make huge epic movies but can’t at the moment lego is the perfect way to get all of that Michael bayism out of me: p)…so is it too childish for a 22 year old to be buying lego? I’m sure there are other people in the same boat as me…I guess if I buy them now 20 years from now when I have my own kids I can give them this new lego and say “well this is kinda like something I used to play with when I was your age” who knows in 20 years time if they will still make pirate lego. I’ve seen a few stop motion lego movies on youtube, some good some bad…one thing I really want to do with my stop motion is make it so use older fans who remember the old lego can enjoy it as well and I have the perfect idea for that…but working on how to tie it all together. Anyway thank you again to the guys (or gals) that run this site, you guy’s rock! Hopefully they won’t release the original power ranger toys because then I will have to declare bankruptcy.
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