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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Lupus74

  1. I have check the building instructions available for download from lego.com. Two books with full instructions for the gullwing and the convertible. Are the instructions for the other alternatives available in the www somewhere?
  2. Good evening! @Blakbird: I have never seen 9754 before. And I have no clue how it looks in motion. But 10178 looks a lot more movie accurate. As far as I know your interest are technic and Star Wars as well. I recommend 10178 to you. It is a good combination of both worlds.
  3. Good afternoon! This is so much discworldish! I am a huge fan of the books an your MOC brings them to life - especially your comments! Great poetic work! What I like best: Harry Potter in the prison! I guess it was a big surprise for him not to arrive in Hogwarts...
  4. Good afternoon! This set is outstanding! My wife bought it a month or so ago and it has so many details with all the minifigs, the animals and the architecture that it convinced me to open my narrowed StarWars and technic-mind to other themes. Afterwards we ordered 10190, 10182 and 10185. All thanks to this magnificent set! (I am sure my bank account hates it now... )
  5. Good afternoon! A review? Maybe - after finidhing the still unbuild sets - and taking 8466 apart... if I am brave enough to do so. I wasn't in hous building either. But then my wife bought 10193 and after we finished it we were totally convinced. We ordered 10190,10182 and 10185 the same day... and we are looking forward to september when 10197 will be released!
  6. Good afternoon! Sorry Blakbird! I just misspelled the number. The set I mean is 10178. The walking AT-AT with PF. It is (as far as I know) the only technic set that can walk. And the mechanism is just wonderful. It recreates the stop motion look of the movie in a perfect way. Oh, and 7674 would fit in the technic section too. The way the wings move is great!
  7. Good evening! We received our 8880 yesterday. We bought it on ebay and it was the cheapest one of our 3 recently bought super cars. (We managed to buy 8880, 8466 and 8448 within 3 days - after looking for them for a long time on ebay...). It arrived in a plastic bag but the parts seem to be in perfect condition and even the instruction booklet does not look as if it is 15 years old. But we have a building queue at the moment. We finished 8466 today - we took a break from building 10185 especially for it - and we have 8 other technic set before we can start with this beautiful studded super car. Maybe I can convince my wife to give this oldtimer an extra permission to be build sooner...
  8. Good evening! What a great homepage! I really enjoy it and I am looking forward for the next years. Especially waiting for 8880 - and 8448 - and 8466 - and and and... Maybe you could include the sets that use technic features but are not labeled as "technic" - e.g. 10174 from the StarWars theme?
  9. Good evening from germany! Great Job! Your recreation looks beautiful! I always had an eye on 8466 and - lucky me - I was able to buy it on ebay for a good price in nearly perfect condition - only the studded beams were a little dusty. We finished building it two hours ago and it was a great relief that no parts were missing. This is of course a monster of a machine! But it seems to me that the red colour and the smaller tires give it a more sporty look. I don't have the guts to tear so many sets apart for building a recreation! So again: cudos to you! Greetings from Lupus
  10. Good evening to you! I really love this set. This one (and of course 8421) brought my wife and me back from our dark age. It is actually sleeping dismantled in its box in our basement. We are thinking about waking this little baby up soon - after we finished building Green Grocer (10185) and the 8 unbild 2009 technic sets which are still sealed. Greetings from Lupus
  11. Good evening to you all! Looks like a poor set. I assume many people will be disapointed when they buy it. Seems to make more sense to look for 8284 indeed. Oh - is it possible to build the dune buggy (B-model of 8284) from the parts of 8063? By the way: great review (as usual). Greetings from Lupus
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