Everything posted by Captain Genaro
The Second Terraversan War - Submissions Thread
Hi Greg. The best place to start is by reading the Quick Start Guide and determining which faction you would like to join. This game takes place during the age of exploration/sail (around 1500-1820 ish), and focuses on trade, exploration/colonization, and warfare. Stories and events are largely player driven with some competitive challenges set forth by the mods. If this seems like something that interests you I would encourage you to design a sigfig and post your introduction in you chosen faction's topic. The rules can be daunting at first, but all factions have great members who would be happy to assist you.
[BTV1-OL] Preparing the Cannons
Nice build, Kotz. I like the original cannon design, and the slight protrusion on the stone wall is a great addition, too. I think the terrain could have used a bit more work since right now the front half seems like a largely empty baseplate.
[BTV1-OL] Kingsport Peekaboo
Yes, we are committing all troops (including any reinforcements we get from the free builds).
Troop rules and land combat
Here is the topic for Oleon's strategy in the ongoing battle for Kings Port: @Bregir @Capt Wolf @Professor Thaum
[OKT-Artisan] Inside the Fest Tent
So many great things about this build. The use of the sail as a tent, the lively crowd, and the cloth you placed the build on works really well to enhance the overall atmosphere of the build. A very strong entry, and well done.
[OL-FB] The Sloop "Draco"
Lovely ship with a great presentation (I bet you didn't build the harbor just for this ship, but it's still a lovely way to present your vessel). As for the ship, the colors are very appropriate for Oleon, and the 4th picture from the bowsprit really captures the shape of a sailing ship. As for a criticism, I am not a fan of the brown plate overhanging the edge of the vessel. It almost looks like a wing of sort, and the aerial view makes it seem out of place. Still, it's a great boat that captures the Lego classic pirate style.
[BTV1-OL] Infiltration for Tomorrow's Ambush
I like this build. You really captured the feeling of an isolated jungle river with the vegetation and various animals. I might recommend raising the banks by a few plates or so, but perhaps that's just a stylistic difference. Regardless, well done.
[BTV1-OL] The bridge on the King's River
I really enjoyed this build and the accompanying story. That you made three builds to illustrate the evolution of the bridge is very impressive, too. The placing of the various transparent elements in the water to show the disturbance caused by the building is a simple technique, but one you put to excellent use. And finally I would add I appreciate how you used established geography to define this build.
- [COR Intro] Recalled South to Belson
[BTV1-OL] The Best Kind of Intelligence
Nice first build, Cap. The foliage around the edge of the road is well done as it captures the look of the jungle trying to reclaim the narrow path. Another piece of advice for the pictures is to use some poster board or butchers paper for the background. This is a cheap and readily available solution to help improve the presentation.
[BTV1 - OL] The last line of defence
Those Knights Treasurer are a really nice looking force. The crumbling/damaged stonework is nice, too. Especially the flagstones at the base of the stairs.
[BTV1-OL] A brief pause time
Bodi, this is fantastic. You really captured the atmosphere of heavy urban combat. The ruins are just perfect, and you did a wonderful job capturing the feel of a lull in the fighting. Nothing but praise from me.
Oleon: Sign-up and Discussion, Era II
@CapOnBOBS Welcome to Oleon. Nice introduction and an intriguing character (and just in time to join the fighting in Terraversa). I will add you to Oleon's PM where happenings in the empire can be discussed away from prying ears. Feel free to reach out with any help in getting started.
Olean Letters of Marque - The Second Terraversan War
Not quite. Oleon will give 25 DBs per ship level plus a bounty for her crew. For example a Class 4 with a crew of 150 is worth 250 DBs (100 DBs for the ship class plus 150 for the crew).
Olean Letters of Marque - The Second Terraversan War
By His Most Sacred Majesty. A Proclamation. To all honorable men who seek riches, glory, and adventure. By Order of His Most Sacred Majesty, King Philip the First, by the Grace of the Gods, King of Oleon and Guelph, Protector of New Terra, the True Defender of the Faith and so forth, La Royal is hereby directed to issue Letters of Marque permitting the seizure of any vessels flying the colors of and otherwise supporting the tyrant despot Miro Olids and the self-proclaimed "grand admiral" L'Olius . This letter shall grant upon the bearer all rights, privileges, and duties normally and historically afforded to privateers. In adherence to the longstanding customs of nations and laws which govern the seas, any prize and her surviving crew must sail to an Olean port at the earliest moment possible at which point the admiralty shall declare the prize legitimate and take possession of the surviving crew as prisoners of war. Failure to abide by this order shall result in immediate termination of any privileges granted by the Letter of Marque, and shall result in the prize being considered a victim of piracy. In recognition of your valiant efforts, all privateers successfully capturing a condemned prize shall be afforded, in addition to the prize and all her cargo, a total of 25 doubloons per ship rank plus 1 doubloon per surviving prisoner. All who seek riches, glory, and adventure, need only apply with any port admiral of Oleon who are hereby directed to take all necessary action to comply with this order. Be it done on the Second Day of the Sixth Month of the Fourth Year of His Divine Reign. Vive le Roi! OOC: Fancy wording out of the way, if you want an Olean Letter of Marque to legally capture Terraversan ships (and any Terraversan privateers) simply say so below. If you capture a prize during a MCRA, in the subsequent MCRA it must sail for an Olean port where it can be condemned by our officials. You will keep the prize, and you will get 25 DBs per ship rank plus 1 DB per prisoner. For example a Class 4 with a crew of 150 is worth 250 DBs (100 DBs for the ship class plus 150 for the crew). If your prize is not condemned within a reasonable amount of time (allowing for unavoidable delays due to limited range or being diverted), your actions will be considered piracy and not legitimate privateering.
[COR-FB2] A Fine day in Port Raleigh
I really like this build, Mesabi. The building itself is nice and neat (maybe too neat for the Count, but perfect for us civilized folk), and you did a good job capturing a colonial-style building. I'm a big fan of the interior, especially the ceiling. Such an overlooked element, and it's great to see you put effort into it, particularly focusing on the light feature.
- [BTV1-OL] Watchful Eyes in Westface
[OL Troop Raising] Letter from Breshaun
I'm glad you like it, and thank you for the kind words. Thank you very much. The decay was harder to get right than I initially expected, and I am glad it worked out in the end. Yes, the hats are hand painted. Thank you, Bodi. Deciding what background activity and details to add is fun for me, and I am glad it is appreciated. I'm glad you appreciate a good column of troops as much as I do. I have a lot of fun putting them together and making sure each solider is unique. I use epaulettes as a substitute for jacket facings to denote which regiment the troops belong to. Not the most historically accurate approach, but the best I can do with the medium at hand. The hats are hand painted. Doesn't take too long, and the results are just fantastic. That is some high praise, BD. I'm glad you like it so much. Very kind words, thank you Mesabi. I am glad the extra effort is appreciated. You are right there are official Lego printed tricorns, but mine are hand painted. It's a much cheaper option, and personally I believe the hand painted ones are of a better quality (the printing on those is not always very good).
[SR - FB] Jim's Tree Shack
What a fun build. Sometimes it's nice to include a little fantasy into our builds, and the tree house with bright green grass really adds a fantasy element without being ridiculous to the point of becoming unbelievable. Nicely done.
- [OL-MRCA] The guns of Terraversa
[BTV1-TER] Terraversan Militia - Marching towards the coast
I am not sure if it is appreciate for me to praise a build against Oleon's interests, but I won't tell the Order if you don't. Kidding aside, this build is deceptively simple at first glance, but upon a closer look I am impressed. The angled plate approach is rather unique, and perfectly captures a small mound. I appreciate how irregular the local militia is and the array of weapons they are armed with.
[OL-MRCA] Supply Lines are Essential
Nice build, Kotz. It is great to see Oleon's troops in action, and it's a nice change to see a build over the logistics instead of the battle. The transition between water to jungle is nicely done, and the watch tower has a nice design while still looking like a quick and simple structure. As far as improvement, I think the foliage in the jungle looks a little sparse. Maybe try using some different shades of green or adding small patches of dirt around the base of the tower to represent ground trampled by the constant activity.
[OL - MRCA] - Blessings of Poseidon
Great builds. Beaches and the surf can be difficult to capture, and the technique you used works well. But I think the second build is my favorite. Sure, we have seen a few beach builds before, but your execution is perfect. The editing in the last 2 pictures is a fantastic addition, and adds to the post-battle atmosphere you captured. Well done.
[OL-MRCA] Crossing the bridge
That's a very nice bridge, Bodi. The use of the rigging works really well for an iron bridge, and is a very clever use of the part. I think some additional beams connecting the arch and the road surface would help make the bridge look sturdier.
[OL Troop Raising] Letter from Breshaun
Régiment des 5e Vele by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Dearest Madeline, Oh, what joy it is to finally be able to write from dry land. Weeks of sea, those damp, cramped quarters (I word I use most loosely, my dear, as the canvas walls offer no more privacy than a thin veil might) have taken a toll on me. To finally be able to walk without the ground rolling with my every step, and to finally sleep on a solid surface without having to be lashed into my cot. Not that our new lodging is much of an improvement, for you see the local garrison simply doesn't have enough room for the influx of troops flooding Breshaun as of late. The wealthier officers have rented rooms in the hotels or private residences, but myself and the other junior officers (or at least those too poor to afford better) have resigned ourselves to a crumbling warehouse previously occupied by one of the Guelph regiments. Still, I suppose it is better than the tents and hard earth the men must endure, but Captain Dupleix assures us we shall not endure it for long as our orders are to proceed to Terraversa as soon as the rest of the reinforcements arrive. Fear not, my love, for my safety. Daily it seems there is news of yet another victory from the island. Already we have secured most of the smaller settlements with thousands, maybe tens of thousands of the wicked foe dead or captured. We have nearly captured all of Kings Port, and have driven the coward Oldis to hide behind the skirts of women and children. I assure you it is true, every word of it. Apparently our fleet quickly destroyed the fortifications, and as our soldiers landed Oldis ordered his men to hide with the civilians. Instead of facing us on an honorable field of battle he ordered his forces to cower behind those poor people he has spent his lifetime exploiting. A true, blackguard, as any honorable man would attest. I fear this must be the end of this letter for now. Perhaps I will have a moment to pick up the quill again before we depart, but if not know that I think of you with my every waking moment. With all my love, Henri Debussy Lieutenant, Régiment des 5e Vele 2e Batallion Ire Compagnie Régiment des 5e Vele by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Régiment des 5e Vele by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr I decided to go with an epistolary method to tell the story behind this build. I am still on the fence if it worked out, but it was fun for a challenge. As always comments and criticism are welcome.
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