Everything posted by Captain Genaro
Lavalette Bakery
Previously: New Arrivals and Old Rivalries Just a small bakery in Lavalette. Comments and criticism are welcome. The one nice thing about working at six-thirty in the morning, the dockhand thought to himself, was that you didn't have to deal with the full heat of the sun. That and there weren't any ladies around to hear you curse every time a chest fell on your foot, an experience this particular dockhand could tell you from quite a bit of experience wasn't pleasant. P1110216 (2) by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Fortunately that experience did not repeat itself this morning, as the dockhand successfully carried the black sack of flour several blocks from the bustling quay to the new bakery. After briefly pausing to enjoy the smell of bread baking in the warm, humid tropical air, he continued to the bakery. Arriving at the door, he gently maneuvered his arm against the latch until he felt it give way. With a gentle push, he opened the door and upon entering announced "flour from the docks, sir." P1110218 by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr "Just a moment, one moment now" cried the baker. "I'll be with you in a moment;." Seeing that the baker was busy attending to something baking in the oven, the dockhand set the sack down and looked around. It was a simple shop with a few loaves of bread resting on crates, several sacks in the corner, and the baker's son helping to kneed the dough. "Now then, how may I assist you fine sir?" asked the baker. "But of course, you must be from the docks" continued the baker, answering his own question before the dockhand could even open his mouth. "The usual amount then" continued the baker as he took out a small purse and began counting coins. "And there you, are five-twelfths doubloons" said the baker as the dockhand put four of the coins into a small bag he would return to the ship's master while sliding the fifth into his pocket. P1110220 by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr "Thank you kindly" said the dockhand tipping his hat. "And before I go, how much for a croissant" he said, pointing to the delicious food that, only a moment before was sitting in the oven. "This is embarrassing, but I'm afraid those aren't for sale" relied the baker in an apologetic tone. "Those are for the funeral." A puzzled look came over the dockhand's face as he asked "funeral?" "Yes, Father Leon's funeral, oh and to think his leg was just starting to get better. What terrible luck. But I digress. Apparently," the baker went on. "Apparently Charon's obol isn't enough for this fellow. Heck, I've never heard of giving the dead food for their voyage, but if the Company wants to pay for the dead to eat, so be it." "Surely the living need to eat more than the dead," replied the dockhand. The baker apologetically shrugged his shoulders before saying "the best I can do is to offer you a baguette. But now, you must excuse me. I fear my son is not properly kneading the dough." Two overview shots. P1110215 by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr P1110212 by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Introduction and Starting Thread
I get the feeling you're not the only one. If you are interested in joining, I suggest you concentrate your efforts on a brief overview (no need to memorize everything, just get the gist) of the Main Index and ignore this thread for now. Your faction's leadership should be able to help you get started, and many of the issues addressed here and elsewhere are unlikely to be relevant to you. The ones that are will be brought to your attention by your faction's leadership. And even then, you can build without participating in the larger economic and military game. Basically, starting shouldn't be too hard. Just make a few builds, which your faction's leaders can help you license and choose locations for, and before long you should be able to handle all the basics. I do agree that a newcomer can easily be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information and rules. The Court is aware of this and is working on ideas and suggestions to improve the game's image to new players.
- Royal New Terra Company (RNTC) - General Discussion
- Shipwrights Guild Hall (WIPs, feedback, and advice)
- [Fontonajo-8] The Launching
Uncle's Disenchantment
Uncle never disappoints, and this story is no exception. Can't wait to see what his reaction will be. The build is also nice. Small, but not lacking in detail. The fence posts at the corners are especially worth noting, and I always enjoy seeing different designs for microscale ships. The table and chair appear to be a little too modern in my opinion, but they're still very well built.
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Introduction and Starting Thread
Subjects of the Brick Seas, The Royal New Terra Company is pleased to present another opportunity to purchase Shares of Preferred Stock. In exchange for a vessel of at least Class 5HA or 5T, you may purchase a single share of Preferred Stock at a discount of 75%. Furthermore, builders who build and license seven properties in Lavalette will be given the chance to purchase a share of Preferred Stock. Pierre Lavalette Genaro Duc de Vele, Pair d'Oleon, Intendant General des Finances d' Oleon, et Directeur d' RNTC Granoleon, Dec. 28th, 616AE
Royal New Terra Company (RNTC) - General Discussion
Subjects of the Brick Seas, The Royal New Terra Company is pleased to present another opportunity to purchase Shares of Preferred Stock. In exchange for a vessel of at least Class 5HA or 5T, you may purchase a single share of Preferred Stock at a discount of 75%. Furthermore, builders who build and license seven properties in Lavalette will be given the chance to purchase a share of Preferred Stock. Pierre Lavalette Genaro Duc de Vele, Pair d'Oleon, Intendant General des Finances d' Oleon, et Directeur d' RNTC Granoleon, Dec. 28th, 616AE
Settlement: Lavalette, Stéphanique, Oleon
This thread encompasses all builds within Lavalette on the island of Stéphanique. Name: Lavalette Ownership: The Royal New Terra Company (RNTC) Location: Stéphanique Mayor: Henri Hollande (Captain Genaro) Who can own property in Lavalette: Holders of Preferred Stock of the RNTC, holders of a Royal Charter or a decree from the Directeur. Violators may see their property seized. Who can freebuild in Lavalette: Anyone Who can dock a vessel in Lavalette: Holders of Preferred Stock of the RNTC, all royal ships of Oleon, any ships with a Royal Charter or a decree from the Directeur. Violators may see their ships seized. Coat-of-Arms: Maps: Map of Stéphanique Current Lavalette Development Plan Background: Safely nestled in a natural harbor, Lavalette is the first settlement built by the Royal New Terra Company (RNTC). Situated with an enclosed harbor to the north, steep mountains to the east, and a large lake to the south, Lavalette is surrounded by natural defenses. Lavalette is named after the Intendant General des Finances d'Oleon, Pierre Lavalette Genaro, Duc de Vele. Most of the population is Oleanders, but foreigners are not uncommon. Relatively undeveloped, many experts believe the settlement can boast large shipyards as well as huge plantations for the recently discovered peppercorn plant. Despite the rumors, the RNTC has remained relatively quiet regarding the settlement's potential and long-term plans. Current Plans: As of now, only the plans to make Lavalette a town have been released to the public. The town is small, mostly divided into a grid pattern, and surrounded by basic fortifications. On a small peninsula overlooking the bay, a fort is planned. Most of the initial buildings are expected to be very simple. Nothing too ornate, with many buildings built out of local materials in a quick manner. Most initial structures will be residences and commerce and artisan properties designed to help support initial settlers as well as pave the way for large expansion in the future. Examples would likely include lumber yards, quarries and stone masons, brick factories, stucco and plaster producers, to support construction as well as bakers, blacksmiths, and merchants selling basic necessities to keep the settlement well fed and functioning. Incentive Programs: All tax revenue for licensed builds in Lavalette will be refunded in full. Please PM Captain Genaro at the end of each quarter to receive a refund for said quarter. All licensed artisan, commerce, and factory builds will be reimbursed 50% of their license cost until further notice. Any build prominently featuring peppercorn will be reimbursed 50% of its license cost until further notice. The RNTC will purchase any build in Lavalette for 200% of the license cost. Builders who build and license 7 properties in Lavalette will get the chance to purchase a share of Preferred Stock in the RNTC. Of the 7 builds, at least 3 must be medium or 1 large and 1 medium. All incentives are cumulative. Properties:
[OL FB3] New Arrivals and Old Rivalries
Just a quick build to introduce Oleon's latest settlement, Lavalette. Comments and criticism are welcome. New Arrivals and Old Rivalries "And that is where we'll put the palisade, Monsieur Hollande," said the major as he pointed to the map. "How exciting, only twenty-three and already supervising our new settlement," replied Henri Hollande, his voice lacking even a trace of excitement. Pausing, the major stared at Henri as the young man furiously mopped his brow with a handkerchief. Clearly Henri came from some wealthy or well-connected family, the major thought, because no one in their right mind would let this young dandy supervise the cutting of a tree, much less the construction of the Jewel of New Terra. And jumping in terror at the first crab to cross his path certainly did not win Henri any favors with the men. Oh well, sighed the major, hopefully the RNTC would send along a competent lieutenant to take charge. New Beginnings by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr After taking a sip of his wine, Henri interrupted the major's thoughts. "But what I still don't get is why you need to build this wall with all these curvy and bendy lines." Seeing where Henri was pointing, the major paused and turned his gaze to mildly intoxicated Henri. "That would be the river, as I've said numerous times. The initial fortifications will be here and here, just south of the town" stated the major. "Now, if you'll follow my finger, I can show you," but before the major could complete his thought, he was interrupted. "What is the meaning of this!" shouted the priest of Poseidon as he limped towards the two men. Using his trident to support his leg, the priest bawled "need I remind you that I represent the Order, with my authority coming from the Lord Chancellor himself who's authority is derived from the King who was appointed over us by Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades! How dare you start construction without consulting me, without even the obligatory sacred mass!" "Profit waits for no man" replied Henri, as stupid in diplomacy as in construction. "What!" roared the priest. Unintelligibly mumbling, Henri disappeared into his nearly empty glass of wine leaving the major to deal with the priest. "Now, father, we have the upmost respect for the Faith, and I can remember no act of disrespect towards you during the whole trip." "No act of disrespect," the priest began before the major interrupted. "No disrespect whatsoever, and I'm sorry that we had to start without you, but we simply cannot afford to keep the men cooped up while we wait for your leg to heal." New Beginnings by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr "Hmmph," grunted the priest, as fatigue from the heat began to take its toll on him. "Well, I'm glad you see things my way. Had it not been for that freak accident, I'm glad to hear you would have stuck with tradition." "Yes, yes" replied the major, "now allow me to help you to the boat and we'll be sure to hold a proper mass once you're up to it." Bracing himself on the major's arm, the priest muttered "most unlucky, who would have though a block would fall from such heights." "Most unlucky indeed," the major agreed, but for different reasons. Still, the major silently consoled himself, Tyche couldn't constantly be with the priest. And if the poison in the major's footlocker was as deadly as the natives claimed it to be, construction of Lavalette could continue without the Order interfering. New Beginnings by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Overview: New Beginnings by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Two RNTC soldiers rest near the incomplete crane while a jealous comrade oversees work. New Beginnings by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Settlers unload a rowboat. New Beginnings by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr
[OL FB2] Breshaun Wine Merchant
Thank you. I thought the bell would do a better job of covering the pins, but I guess not. Glad you like it. I agree, little details often make a good MOC great (or in my case, less terrible ), and I'm glad that you enjoy them. Alright, but don't expect him to break out the reserve for an Eslandolander. That's very kind of you to say. As for the commission, his uncle is the King's barber, and a commission from the King is bound to result in rapid advancement (even if you can't get your men to look sharp while marching). Nah, just some priest heading about his daily business (which happens to be keeping tabs on people for the Order). I'm very glad that you like it. Yes, that is the cellar door (primarily used to cover for my lack of masonry bricks). Dark and full-bodied. The vintage isn't the best (far too dry, 609 would be better), but the merchant isn't going to waste his best inventory on free samples (especially when his primary goal is simply to get the customer a little tipsy before they discuss prices).
Shipwrights Guild Hall (WIPs, feedback, and advice)
Here's an updated hull overview. She's still slightly wider than the plans call for, but if I make her any narrower there won't be room for the guns. Brig WIP by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr It's just below the deck if that helps. I completely agree (you should see how marked up my plans have become). I'm also using my computer to manipulate the original plans and superimpose them over my design. This makes it very easy to see where adjustments need to be made. I wanted to do an earlier period brig (ideally a quarterdeck brig like the Vincejo, but I couldn't find good plans), but I don't think the time period should be too much of an issue. As for the bow, I think I'll reduce the brick from two studs wide to one stud wide. Thank you, I'll keep this in mind. That's just cruddy photography coupled with not enough work on the starboard hull. Only the larboard hull has bricks in place, so when I set the WIP down, it leans. She'll be slab-sided once I'm done with her (no tumblehome). I did it with my pervious vessel, Pride of Poseidon, and I think it holds up alright. The hinges have enough friction so they don't swing freely, but you have to be very careful when transporting her (and even then minor adjustments are guaranteed). I was admiring those on your Flickr the other day. A really nice collection of ships with unique color schemes. I'm very fond of the schooner, and would love to see more pictures of her once she's completed.
Shipwrights Guild Hall (WIPs, feedback, and advice)
I'm basing her off plans for the La-Gazelle class (#0093). She is a little later than I would It's the first time I've tried to do something like this, and I'm sure it'll take me quite a while to get the shape down. I'll trim her beam a bit and see how that looks (I really don't want to make her any longer). I know kurigan (I think Legostone uses hinges for the bow) creates some fantastic hulls with the curved bricks, but I just can't bring myself to do it.
- Shipwrights Guild Hall (WIPs, feedback, and advice)
[MOC] City apartment block
It's great to see the apartments completed. Very nice job of capturing all the details, including basic and often overlooked details, that make the building appear functional and lively. The park is a great addition. Hopefully one day we can see how this fits into the rest of Davidium.
- 33 replies
- architecture
- apartments
- flat
- city
+3 more
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[OL-6] Year's end
A nice conclusion to the first part of Erwin's adventures. The first picture is really fun, and I like the lighting in the last picture. It fits in perfectly with the story and is excellent at setting the mood. Here's to a successful 617!
[COR-FB] King's Harbour Dockside
A very nice seaside build. I think you did an excellent job capturing the bustle of a colonial quay and the various people as they go about Quinnsville. I like that each building is unique with different details and architecture yet they all fit together nicely. The drawbridge is a great touch as well. You might consider using some different pieces for the streets. Perhaps adding some light and dark bluish gray tiles and smaller plates would make the streets look a little less uniform. Also, I think some additional details for the water would be a nice touch. Some gentle waves, seaweed or trash could make it look more realistic (in my opinion).
[OL - FB] The Brazzi Brothers' Brickyard in Breshaun
A great build all around. Unique idea, and well executed. The arched roof is very clever and fits in nicely with the rest of the building. It certainly has an industrial feel to it, with the dark tan buildings possibly representing the factory while the white addition could be used as living quarters or offices. In case you're interested in showing the rest of the process (at least, that's how it's done today, and I don't think it would have changed too much in the past 200 years). 1) Mix materials 2) Mold into proper shape 3) Dry bricks 4) Bake bricks
- Royal New Terra Company (RNTC) - General Discussion
[OL - FB] RNTC - The School of Business in Breshaun
Oh boy, looks like the RNTC will be staffed with experts (well, book experts) on economics, trade, administration, accounting, you name it, we've got it. Still, not sure I'd want to go there. That headmaster looks pretty stern. The build is also very nice. I'm particularly fond of the windows. The white trim is lovely as well as the small white semicircle above the window. It's great that you included the RNTC's seal on the building's façade (though I'm a little surprised you used Oleon's flag instead of the RNTCs). For improvement, I think the road could be done a little better. Perhaps some grooves from the carriage's wheels would help. Still, it's a minor point compared to the rest of the build.
[OL FB2] Breshaun Wine Merchant
"Left, right, left, right, left" cried the Major as the soldiers marched along the street in the early morning. Following the company, Captain Anthony Genaro couldn't help but think that marines had it much better. Sure, you had to deal with all the perils of the sea, but you never had to drill, much less go on long marches, at such an ungodly hour. After all, no marine officer would dare risk disturbing the captain's sleep. But these thoughts were soon replaced with others as Anthony arrived under the black sign for one of Breshaun's most reputable wine merchants. Breshaun Wine Merchant by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr A bell over the door rang as Anthony stepped in. A lone assistant stood there brushing fictitious dust off an immaculate display of bottles while barrels, probably just arrived with the merchant convoy, were stacked along the windows. Before Anthony could move, a voice cried from the cellar. "I'll be right with you, sir," the voice cried as hurried footsteps came up the ladder. Breshaun Wine Merchant by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr The shopkeeper quickly appeared, closed the hatch, and after briefly adjusting his jacket he turned and exclaimed "my dear Captain, welcome, a thousand welcomes to you!" as he gratefully shook Anthony's hand. "We've heard of your heroic successes at keeping those pirates at bay, keeping them away from our merchant fleets," continued the shopkeeper, shaking Anthony's hand with increasing vigor. "But, oh, how rude of me, where are my manners. Davis, Davis there," called the shopkeeper to the assistant. "Bring the Captain a Bleaunote Royal, 614." "Which I'm doing, isn't I." replied Davis in his nasally whine. "Please, sir, how may I be of service" continued the shopkeeper, his attention returning to Anthony. Breshaun Wine Merchant by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr "I'm in need of several crates of wine," replied Anthony. "One of the highest quality and several others of good quality, but nothing too expensive" Anthony went on, briefly giving Davis a polite nod as he took the glass of Bleaunote Royal. "Certainly, sir" said the shopkeeper. "Now, what exactly did you have in mind?" Breshaun Wine Merchant by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Breshaun Wine Merchant by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr
- Royal New Terra Company (RNTC) - General Discussion
Royal New Terra Company (RNTC) - General Discussion
Dear Sirs, The following individuals shall be granted Shares of Preferred Stock. Please transfer the required amount of doubloons at your earliest convenience. 2 Shares (420 DBs): Kolonialbeamter, robinnilsson403, Captain Genaro, Legostone, Kai NRG, anonymous, Sir Stig, Elostirion 1 Share (210 DBs): Maxim I, Capt Wolf, Umbra-Manis, blackdeathgr Shares of Common Stock are currently not available to members of other trade companies. I apologize that this was not made clear in the Charter and for any disappointment this oversight caused. As a result, all twenty shares of Preferred Stock are accounted for. There are no plans to sell additional shares, but the RNTC is interested in purchasing licenses for properties within its Region of Trade as well as licenses for ships. Vive le Roi! Pierre Lavalette Genaro Duc de Vele, Pair d'Oleon, et Intendant General des Finances d' Oleon
Royal New Terra Company (RNTC) - General Discussion
They are, and Lord Vele is perfectly willing to let their letters pile up before he bothers to read them. For about 30 more hours, all stock sales shall be limited to Subjects of Oleon. After that, we'll begin issuing them to foreigners. Given the high levels of interest, we might be unable to supply everyone with 2 shares, but we will do our best. That's a very generous offer, and I wouldn't be surprised if the company began offering shares in exchange for properties and ships.
Royal New Terra Company (RNTC) - General Discussion
They are, and Lord Vele is perfectly willing to let their letters pile up before he bothers to read them. For about 30 more hours, all stock sales shall be limited to Subjects of Oleon. After that, we'll begin issuing them to foreigners. Given the high levels of interest, we might be unable to supply everyone with 2 shares, but we will do our best. That's a very generous offer, and I wouldn't be surprised if the company began offering shares in exchange for properties and ships.
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