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Captain Genaro

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Everything posted by Captain Genaro

  1. Really nice build. You really captured the lines of a two-decker, and I really like the inclusion of the other ships (though I am disappointed not to see the Poseidon). Not only do the additional ships add to the notion of a busy harbor, but they also empathize the sheer size of your two-decker. As for your ship, it looks good. The head rails are nicely done, and I love the stern cabins and their balcony. Very Oleandish. In the future, I recommend placing four studs between the gunports. It looks more realistic and, especially for physical models, it makes it easier to display cannon crews. Also, most multi-decked ships would have offset rows of cannons. Otherwise, the beams would break under the strain of all the guns placed directly above each other, especially if a full-broadside was fired.
  2. A very nice ship you've built for one of my favorite duos, err, I mean a completely unique duo that some might say happens to represent another famous Napoleonic-era duo (you mentioned it in my topics, I'm just returning the favor). In all seriousness, this is a very nice vessel you've built. A very clean build with some nice lines and I really like that you've incorporated a tumblehome. Furthermore, you did an excellent job with the great cabin's profile. Oftentimes prefab hulls lead to the cabin towering above the deck, and I'm glad you were able to avoid that. If possible, I recommend using some more hinge pieces to smooth the bow. It looks fine right now, but I think you could make it look even better by creating a smoother transition. I can't wait to see what problems Don Maturin Montoya causes on his new ship.
  3. Wasn't sure what to expect from the title, and I was pleasantly surprised to see a pig farm. A very nice job with the landscaping, and I like the random junk and equipment you've placed throughout the scene. Details like that make the scene very convincing. Interesting use of the technique bricks for the wall. Assuming you're using them for weathering, it looks too uniform. If you're using them to add decor to the facade, then it looks fine (though a little too ornate for a farmer's house). Nonetheless, I think it's a really clever idea, and one I'll consider using in the future.
  4. To address a common question, it is a silver mine. It is the result of a prospecting build from February (better late than never). I tried to represent the silver ore with pearl-silver 1x1 round tiles throughout the shaft and in the cart, but my photography skills (or lack thereof) make it hard to discern the DBG and pearl-silver. The underground scene is a little taller than I would like, but I'm glad it still looks cramped. I was concerned about the transition between the mine and the surface, so I'm glad that you feel it works well together. Haha, I'll be sure to warn the foreman As strange as it may sound, the crane was one of the hardest parts. It's a rather flimsy build, and preventing the basket from tipping over was harder than I expected. Hopefully this is just the first of many successful Oleon mining adventures! Thank you. My story telling is not the best, but I assure you I'm working on it. Thank you all very much. Looks like one person guessed right. As simple as it may seem, the posing of figs can really help a scene look alive. I'm glad you like it so much. Perhaps your blood will convince you to MOC up a mine sometime soon.
  5. @Col. Brik: Welcome aboard! Very glad Phred managed to clean you up. I've seen one sailing ship of yours, and I'll be interested to see what else you come up with. *the cheering crowd is easily recognizable as Eslandolan merchants* Calm down, good sirs, you're behavior betrays you as Eslandolanders. Any true Oleander knows that a proper period of mourning is required, and only after said period has passed shall we celebrate the coordination of our one true king. We won't betray customs steeped in tradition simply to appease impatient merchants.
  6. "Whoa, steady girl," said Captain Anthony Genaro as he navigated his horse around workmen doing their part to ensure an uninterrupted flow of ore reached the surface and ultimately the smelters in Breshaun. Taking the utmost care not to disrupt anything, Genaro lead his horse towards Harold Kimber, whose black suit made him easily identifiable among a sea of workmen. As Genaro approached, Mr. Kimber turned around and cried out a traditional Oleander greeting. "Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades be with you Captain. I trust you had no difficulty in finding this place." "And may the gods stand by you, Mr. Kimber" replied Genaro. "And I'm not sure how anyone could possibly get lost. I must have passed five different carts hauling ore into town, not to mention the ruts in the road must be five inches deep from all the traffic." Genaro paused for a moment to dismount and managed to get his sword stuck in the stirrups in the process. After a few oaths and some assistance from Mr. Kimber, Genaro continued. "I've never been so pleased in my life, well, never so pleased by land, that is." "You're too kind," replied Mr. Kimber with a small bow. "And I'm sure you'll continue to be pleased once I show you last month's records. Come, they're in the stone structure behind you." Mr. Kimber continued to talk about the operations as they walked, mentioning "pumps constantly jammed with rock" and "veins that go on for miles," and though Genaro smiled and nodded at appropriate times, he was barely paying attention. But who could blame him? After all, his risky investment had paid off, he was just beginning to learn of the extent of his new wealth, and in a few months time, he would have enough doubloons to invest in new ventures. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As always, comments and criticism are welcome . More photos are available on my Flickr. Overview Captain Genaro and the honorable Mr. Kimber Workmen extracting ore from a valuable vein. Workmen fill barrels with ore and rock to be transported to the surface.
  7. Excellent job. I would prefer a purist solution to connect the pods to the tree, but your results looks really good. The ground is especially nice with the various shades of green. It is also nice to see the whole process represented.
  8. Neat build. Many whaling ships would actually carry out this process at sea, but it makes sense for smaller boats near the shore to simply haul their catch to a seaside factory such as this. Good details with the pile of bones and the various colors with the whale's blubber. How does the carriage driver plan to control the horse? Shouting commands or telekinesis?
  9. Although others have said this, it bears repeating. Really good parts usage for the sails. Personally, I would prefer to see them in white, but nonetheless it's cleverly done. You must have put a lot of effort into this ship, nice job. It looks like you've included a lot of the details that one would expect to see on a sailing ship. Two areas that you might consider addressing are the great cabin and the color scheme. The great cabin is far too tall in comparison to the rest of the ship. I understand there are certain limitations when working with the prefab hulls, but I think that reducing its height would make the ship look much better. Also, (especially in LDD), an easy improvement would be the colors. Many ships were brightly colored and had various patterns and worked into the design.
  10. Looks like we've found the original hoarder. Now all that's left is for him to have his own TV show. The build is really nice. The style is instantly recognizable as classic pirates. I recommend making the gun ports somewhat larger. Right now, it looks fairly hard to aim the guns anywhere other than directly ahead (which doesn't do too much good if the enemy attacks from any other side).
  11. The expressions on the minifigs made me laugh. The build is also very nice and clean. I particularly like the use of trans-clear plates for the Stubborn Stern's wake. It really adds to the appearance that it's sailing significantly faster than the pirate.
  12. At least everyone survived. Nice job with the story, and the wreck looks very nice as well. The other smaller pieces of wreckage are nice as well, though I think there should be some crates and barrels from the ship's cargo scattered about.
  13. Very nicely done. Can't say I'm familiar with that version, but based on the picture you did an excellent job portraying the Pirate King. The moss covered rockwork looks fantastic, and the sword hilt has some great parts usage. Of course, now I want to see you make a very model of a modern major general.
  14. Lovely build. It's great to see you incorporate your other build with this one (will we eventually see a whole village). The warehouse is nicely done as well. I'm surprised the don't have a door to prevent theft or weather damage, but other than that, you've build a really nice structure. The pile of wood in front and the worker using a hand truck are great additions.
  15. Glad to see your dockyards are turning out ships for Oleon. You built a nice little ship here. The colors are very Oleandish, and you have some great stern lanterns.
  16. Welcome aboard and nicely done. The pipe in particular is very clever, and many small details such as the floor's texturing and the single poorly-shelved book add a level of realism to the scene. Can't wait to see what you'll come up with next.
  17. That's a very clever idea and a nice history lesson. I just hope the recoil doesn't cause any damage to the carriage. You did a very nice job with the forced perspective. It really captures the appearance of an elevated battery overlooking a bay. One question, where did you get those cannon balls?
  18. Oh man, those trees are perfect . Wonderful parts usage to create some unique trees that would fit in with any jungle scene. The rest of the vegetation is nicely done, too, and it's nice to read a story where Oleon isn't the one having trouble with the natives.
  19. Very nice build. It's nice to see buildings at odd angles, and I like how you used various shades of grey and white. It helps the building appear to have a stone foundation that has been plastered over in a few places. The explorer seems a little unsure if his "contribution" will be enough.
  20. Welcome aboard! It's always nice to see another talented builder join Oleon, and I can't wait to see some of your builds (especially the ships).
  21. Great build and a really entertaining story. You did an excellent job with irregular angles and edges along the base, and I like the way you layered the dirt with tan, brown, and ultimately black for the charred ruins. The jungle is thick and lush, which is not only realistic, but it also creates a nice contrast with the clearing all the minifigs are in.
  22. A stunning build all around. You did an excellent job of working around the prefab hull's constraints to create a masterpiece. The stern is very ornate (though I'm surprised an Eslandolier would put gold on a ship instead of a bank). The rigging is a nice addition as well. Only suggestion would be to offset the gunports a bit more. On most ships of the line, gunports are not directly above one another. It looks like you've already offset them one stud, but I think it would look even better if you were able to offset them two studs. Have fun paying for the license and upkeep .
  23. Beautiful job all around. The rockwork and vegetation are nicely done, but what really makes this build stand out are the details such as random vines and small pockets of foliage growing throughout the rocks, the seaweed (very convincing), and the turtle. The use of new and old grey for the rockwork is very nice and helps to make the rocks look weathered.
  24. Another stunning job . Apart from the studding sails (which I've always disliked, not a reflection on your design), I love every part of it. The great cabin in particular is really well done with some lovely details around the windows and the fleur is a great Oleandish addition to the ship. Does she have a tumblehome? I can't quite tell from the pictures.
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