Everything posted by Captain Genaro
- [ESL-MCRA] There's Gold In These Waters!
- [Esl - Ch II B] Sending Oleon soldiers back to the mother country
[OL - MarFB1] The Outrigger "Dove"
Considering I use those for my bayonets, I should have known . Thank you.
[OL - FB1] The 'Royal Shipyards' in Breshaun
I'm running out of ways to praise your builds. Another astonishing job. You made a wonderful building that really captures the style of French architecture from that period (though the interior looks a little too ornate for being so close to the shipyard, can't imagine Oleon's elite would enjoy all the noise). The gate and fence are really well done, too. You really combined functionality with ornate which is an excellent representation of Oleon's style (at least in my opinion).
Fishing and trade post at Zeus' island [OL - FB1]
Excellent job capturing the look of a barren rock. The transition from sand to rock is really nice, irregular in places with plenty of rocks strewn throughout the beach to make a convincing scene. The dock and the various activity and minifigs really make the scene come to life. It looks just like an active fishing post with minimal structures, simple boats, and only a few basic necessities.
[OL - CH2A] Shields and Daggers
An excellent entry. The water is simply beyond words. It has to be among the best Lego-built water I have ever seen. Of course the rest of the build is fantastic as well. The boat is sleek and looks like a perfect little craft for patrolling Oleon's dominion. And the beach and vegetation is excellent as well. I love the transition from sand to plants and ultimately trees. The rockwork caused you to curse? I would have guessed the water would have proven more difficult.
[ESL-CH2A] The Gun(s) of Ferro Azure
I really like fortifications and earthworks with irregular angles, and this build is no exception. Excellent transitions between the jungle and the fortifications, especially with the green slopes. I also really like the technique you used for cut down palm trees. Simple, yet very effective. All around, a lovely job.
[OL - MarFB1] The Outrigger "Dove"
A simple design, and one that takes advantage of a variety of parts. The overall shape looks right, and I like the custom sail. What is the white part connecting the brown bars?
[CH2A - SR] Hidden Battery
That is a neat entry. I like the stove to heat the cannonballs (great historical detail), and the gun crew's defenses. The foliage is nice and I like that it thick around the edges while leaving a well-worn path through the center. If possible, you might consider adding some flowers, birds, or water to add some color to the green landscape.
HMS Enterprize (1774)
Absolutely stunning . What you created is nothing short of sublime. The sheer scale is enough to inspire awe in fellow shipbuilders, and the details and accuracy take this build to the next level. My only suggestion for improvement would be the sails. With everything else done so nicely, the sails look a little awkward without any of the lines or ropes you would normally see on sails. This tutorial has some simple techniques to help make sails look very realistic. The last picture is nothing short of a piece of art. Once again, well done a hundred times over.
Glassworks and Stone Quarry, Port Raleigh
Excellent job. Great use of the prefab base as a quarry, and the glassworks are nicely done as well. I love how you showed the settlement expanding right next to the untamed jungle; that adds a good deal of realism. Fantastic job with the water. It looks absolutely wonderful in the last picture.
Science or Nonsense?
Excellent job, a fantastic build all around and a great story to go with it. The desk and shelf are fantastic, but what really impresses me are the crates of animals. Not exactly Lego purist perhaps, but they look amazing nonetheless. Great job with the floor and staircase as well. The various patterns add some nice detail, and the circular staircase is really well done.
[SR Mar FB 3] – Athena’s Grace
That is a nice little ship. Hopefully she has better luck than her predecessor. I like the use of the slopes for the stern as well as the lion gargoyle for a figurehead. The multiple levels of stern windows are unique to a ship this size, but it helps to add to her identity. The sails look good as well. I would suggest making the jib larger and connecting it to the mast above the topsail, not between the topsail and mainsail as you have currently done. Also, to avoid the fabric fraying along the edges, try pasting a glue and water mixture along the edge of the cloth before cutting it out. That's how I make sails, and it has not failed me yet! Oleon approves .
- 4Profit, Part Two - Pirate Attack! [ESL, MRCA]
4Profit, Part One - Leaving Terelli [ESL, MRCA]
That's a nice little build. I like that each of the ships is unique and built in a different style. The town is nice as well, and I like the technique you used for the smoke. I would suggest adding some more colors and variations to the buildings, as it looks a bland right now.
[OL-FB] Ritual and Residence
That's not much of a roof over his head, but I guess it's better than nothing . Both of those builds are quite nice. The path in the first one is really nice with the dark tan, tan, and grey strewn throughout, and the 1x1 round plates make the idol look weathered. As for the house, you created some nice styling with a limited number of bricks. I recommend adding something to fill the gap along the top of the roof (I've seen some people lay 1x1 round bricks along it).
[OL- FB1] The Temple Courtyard
Thank you for your comment and the advice. I'll have to pick some up this week. I'm sure there will be more religious builds in the future (of course, we can't reveal everything to you foreigners, but it should give you some insight). I'll try to take some better overview pictures later this week. Thank you. The roof was inspired by numerous other builds on this forum, and I think the style works great. That's the goal; show the pleasant side of Oleon's misunderstood religion. Thank you. That would be the head priest followed by two subordinates, not bodyguards. There are two temple guards on the arcade along with another priest. As for the staff, well, just be glad he's not carrying a .Temple guards and a priest. At the Temple by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Thank you. Religion is an underdeveloped part of Oleon, and I hope some other builders also take a stab at developing it. Very kind, thank you. That's what I was going for. Glad you like it. I enjoy making busy scenes, and I'm glad that you enjoy them as well. Exactly, people need to learn that Oleon's religion is more than just burning people at the stake or threatening them with comfy chairs.
[ESL-CH2A] Fortify the Fortifications of the Fort
That came out really nicely, well done. I'm always a fan of custom cannons, and the curved fortifications are really neat. As for the ruts, I think they're a great addition, but they might be improved by making them a plate lower than the surrounding grass. Considering the gun-crews are lacking even basic supplies, how do they plan to fire the cannons?
Monthly Free Build Registration Thread (Period Ends April 1st)
The Temple Courtyard l Captain Genaro l Oleon
[Cor - Ch2 CatA] Defending Horses against Pirates
Neat little build. I love the terrain, you did an excellent job using plates to add variation, and I really like the foliage throughout the scene. The tower is simple, but it gets the job done, and the rock work is very well done. One thing that strikes me as a little odd is the placement of the cannons. They seem to be very exposed with nothing to protect the gunners. Perhaps they could have some basic earthworks or a wooden wall surrounding them.
[SR-FB3] Whale of a Tale
I've been waiting for someone to make a good whaling MOC, and you've done a nice job. Both the tale and the tail are nicely done and make for an enjoyable scene. I would suggest adding a rope of some kind to the end of the spear, otherwise they'll have an awfully hard time catching the whale. OL approves .
[OL- FB1] The Temple Courtyard
Most foreigners think of Oleon's temples as dark, mysterious places built for solemn ceremonies and ancient rituals. Nothing could be further from the truth. Almost every joyous occasion in an Oleander's life, from birth to coming of age and marriage is celebrated within these sacred halls. Even minor successes, such as a recovery from illness or safe arrival following a long voyage brings Oleanders to temples, which makes the temples more than just a place of worship. They are a focal point in many cities, places where friends and acquaintances meet, either by appointment or chance. As such, Captain Anthony Genaro was not overly surprised when, while walking through the courtyard of Breshaun's main temple, he heard a voice cry out "Captain, Captain Genaro!" Turning, Genaro saw what most landsmen would call a landshark, a fellow who preys on the ignorant sailor, but to Genaro he was simply Mister Harold Kimber, a bright entrepreneur with a mining method that could extract silver seemingly out of thin air. "Give you joy on a successful voyage" exclaimed Harold Kimber, "and give you even greater joy on your mine." "Thank you Mr. Kimber," replied Genaro "but what is this about the mine? I thought I departed without signing all the necessary papers?" Kimber looked startled "did you not get my message, no, of course not, the hurricane must have blown the mail ships off course. No, well, what I wrote in the letter is that your friend, Captain Leon, put up your portion of the investment. He was thoroughly convinced that you'll pay him back, and when he heard the we struck silver, he insisted that we not forget you." At this, Genaro gave a hearty laugh and silently reminded himself to buy a good brandy, Leon's favorite drink. After a moment of silent reflection on his new found luck, Genaro turned to Kimber and asked "and how much have you extracted so far?" At this, Kimber became uneasy. "All the equipment, the tunnels, and the buildings are in place, but we can't actually sell the ore just yet. You see, we've had some trouble obtaining a license, someone in the administration is convinced I'm a thieving rake, a landshark even, while Captain Leon would hardly do, given the incident between him and the assistant governor in Breshaun." Of course, thought Genaro to himself, smiling as he remembered the event. "But we were hoping a man of your influence could succeed in getting the license in no time." "Certainly," cried Genaro "there isn't a moment to loose, I'll go to the offices directly and demand the license, after all, we have paid for it, and I'll be darned if some blasted civilian, some administrator is going to stand between me and my fortune!" Overview At the Temple by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Captain Genaro conversing with Harold Kimber as several temple priests walk in front of them. At the Temple by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Several gentlemen discuss important matters while a gardener and two sailors can be seen in the background. At the Temple by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Clearly this young lad has more pressing matters to attend to. At the Temple by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I do apologize for the poor quality of the overview photo. I was in a rush and did not notice how poorly it turned out until I was uploading it. As always, comments and criticism are welcome .
[ESL - FB2] Meanwhile, in the de la Calle estate, Terelli.
That's an exciting story. Looks like the Don is out to make a reputation for himself (I certainly don't want to cross him). Overall, that's a very nice build as well. I like the design for the liquor shelf and the texturing of the walls. If possible, I might recommend making the room a bit more messy, as it simply looks like someone opened the chests as opposed to ransacking it. Perhaps some papers strewn about could help?
- [SR - FB2] - March '16 - Dugay's Hut
- [OL-CH2-CatA] Patrol boat
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