Everything posted by Captain Genaro
[Ch 1B - ESL] Landing on Berelli
Great job, the native is well hidden (I completely missed his at first), and I like the vines/foliage growing along the rocks. As previously mentioned, the white and brown plates look a little odd, but I'm assuming those are supposed to be seashells.
[OL-INTRO] In All His Glory
Thank you all for taking the time to comment on my build. To address one common point, I completely agree that the ship is far too low in the water. I'll have to remember that for future builds. All that I have. Not sure about the actual number, but it does fill half a PAB cup. Thank you. It might be a while before I get the chance to build a proper frigate, but I'm glad you think it would work.
[OL - INTRO] The letter
Those are some nice looking cannons. Can't wait to see them defending Oleon's rightful claims. I also like the masonry bricks to add some texture, but feel that it could be included a bit more. Also, I recommend adding some spare parts in the workshop, just to add some more detail.
[CH 1a] And so they first met...
The trees are particularly good, certainly something you would find in a lush jungle, and the attention to detail, especially the little stream, makes the MOC all the more realistic.
[OL-INTRO] In All His Glory
“He will surly jeopardize his life and his career in the navy if he insists on behaving in the most haphazardly fashion in battle,” an admiral wrote of Captain Anthony Genaro. Nonetheless, where some see haphazard peril, Genaro’s men see undaunted strength. For when the battle seems lost, when a superior foe bears down, intending to board, the men look up and see their captain. Standing on the rail, one hand grasping the rigging, the other a sword, Captain Genaro is a sight to rally even the most dismayed crew. Hearts fill with hope and men stand unwavering, refusing to yield an inch, when they see their captain in all his glory. For my character introduction, I wanted to have a small showing Captain Genaro and his men preparing to repel boarders. It did not turn out quite as I had hoped, but, minus the backdrop, I'm fairly pleased with the results. Comments and criticism are most welcome. Captain Genaro Introduction by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Captain Genaro Introduction by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Captain Genaro Introduction by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr
[ESL-FB] Cotton Plantation in Nova Terreli
I love it. The side of the shack is fantastic with the gaps between planks. Cotton can be a difficult crop to replicate in Lego, but I think the flowers do a fairly good job of it. The only part I might change is the telescopes with the gold tile on top. I'm assuming the represent a fence, but it looks odd to me.
The Empire of Oleon: Sign-up and Discussion
Nice town and characters (though it might take me a while to remember all them). I'm looking forward to its evolution over time.
The Empire of Oleon: Sign-up and Discussion
Allow me to introduce Captain Anthony Genaro, a loyal officer in the Oleon Navy. Captain Antony Genaro by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr The second son of a middle class merchant, Genaro spent most of his childhood at his father's shop where he would help his older brother and occasionally sneak away to watch ships in the city's bustling harbor. Since the eldest son stood to inherit the family's business, Genaro had no future in the family business. Thus, at the age of eight, Genaro's father placed him under the care of Captain Juan de San Martin of the Oleon Navy. Under Captain San Martin, Genaro was placed in a berth with fellow young gentlemen and began his career at sea. Genaro was rated Lieutenant at the age of 18 and served on several ships of the line. During Juniper War, then Lieutenant Genaro spent most of his time on ships of the line as they blockaded and besieged Corrington's ports. During one such siege, Genaro's ship strayed near a coastal battery which quickly open fired, causing massive damage and multiple fires to break out. With the ship's captain dead, Genaro took command and succeeded in saving the ship. His heroic action (plus intercession by San Martin, an admiral by this time) lead to Genaro's quick promotion to Captain. Being a junior Captain, Genaro was put ashore when peace broke out. During his time ashore, he served as an aid to several officers in the admiralty, eventually gaining enough favor to be offered a ship. Young, bold, and adventurous, Genaro's future is as limitless as the horizon.
WIP Brig of War
Aww, you don't like the random studs in the galleries? In all seriousness, the port side is done, but I need some pieces to finish the starboard galleries. I also need to add some headrails and work on the stern a bit. I'm nowhere near being finished. There's still a ton of work with the rigging and sails plus some minor details that need to be done. As for the pics, they are terrible. I was in a bit of a rush to take them, so I do apologize. Wait until the next update before your final judgement on my photography .
Brethren of the Brick Seas Poll
Corrington for me. Hopefully those descriptions don't prevent Corrington from having heavier ships/fortresses. Otherwise, I'll have to go with the "I hope it doesn't go through" option.
WIP Brig of War
Sorry for the lack of updates. Between work and the university, I've only had limited time to actually work on my ship. I have several ideas about the crosstrees, so hopefully I'll be able to test them out soon. In the mean time, here's a picture showing some progress to the rigging. I also have the foremast upper shrouds' blocks done. Apologies for the poor quality. P1090330 by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr I've tried to keep it fairly historically accurate, but I'm mostly working off books or models I've found online, so some aspects might be off. Thank you very much. Hopefully I'll get to see a ship of yours one day soon. Here's another picture of it with the proper color scheme. P1090333 by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr
WIP Brig of War
I’m back from the university on winter break now, so hopefully I’ll be able to make some progress in the following weeks. I’ve already finished the lower shrouds and have started work on the upper shrouds. Unfortunately, I feel that the upper shrouds are going to have to be redesigned as they are far too vertical and don’t angle inwards enough. Enough talking, time for some pics. HMS Valkyrie Rigging by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr HMS Valkyrie Rigging by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr HMS Valkyrie Rigging by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr HMS Valkyrie Rigging by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr
- PAB Cups: What Did You Get?
Mysterious Treasure Map
I like it. A unique take on the traditional 2D treasure map. And you even managed to work in Duplo. For this, I'm not sure if praise or shame is called for. I can't say I would have expected sirens quite like those your map features. Best of luck in the contest.
The Parrot - 14 Gun Brig of War
What a fine little vessel. I particularly like the fact that you chose to use custom cannons, and that's a clever design for the stern lantern. My favorite picture by far is the shot from her bow showing all her sails. She really looks like a fine brig in that shot. My only complaint is that she does not appear to have a crew. Oh well, all in good time I suppose.
[MOC] My Black Pearl
Excellent job on making an instantly recognizable ship. Although I don't believe the movie version of the ship had any grey on the hull, I like the fact that you added it. Beyond making it a little unique, I think that it also makes the hull look a little more detailed. In my opinion, your rigging and sails are simply superb. You did an excellent job making them look realistic, and I can only imagine how long it took. I too am interested in the material you used on the sails. If this is your first creation post dark-ages, then I can't wait to see your next project!
WIP Brig of War
Time for an update! As you can see, I've started to move on to the rigging for the foremast. As of now, I only have the blocks and chains done for the larboard/port shrouds. Hopefully these pictures will give you a better understanding of how everything fits together. Although I've never seen a picture of a brig, even a quarterdeck brig with side galleys, they just look too good to pass up. You may notice a resemblance to the stern galleys on Mr. Townsend's Pinnacle, as they were a huge inspiration. Sorry for the blurry shot. An shot of the stern. Not sold on anything quite yet. This will probably undergo several redesigns, mostly focusing on adding ornate details. And one last shot showing the chains and blocks.
WIP Brig of War
Just placed a BL order the other day, so hopefully I can get some pieces for the rigging pretty soon and show you all some new pictures. Oh dear, looks like I need to break out my nautical dictionary again . But please, keep using the terminology. I've got to learn somehow. I do plan on simulating chains. Currently I plan on using some black string to simulate the chains, but I'll expand more on that when my next BL order arrives. If I'm correct in assuming that gunnel flaps are the gun ports' covers that swing open to allow firing of the cannons, then no, I do not intend to use any. Although it appears as if most if not all rated ships would have them, almost all the brigs/sloops that I looked at do not (Lexington, Niagara, Cruizer class brigs, etc). The only one that I can think of that did include gunnel flaps is the Lady Washington. Make no mistake. I'm only an amateur when it comes to nautical history/knowledge. If I'm mistaking please correct me. Looking up "Brig" on Google images for 30 minutes hardly qualifies me as an expert. . You're absolutely right on both points. Typically a gun deck would consist of the same pounder guns. And yes, 18 pounders would be quite heavy for a brig. Even 12 pounders would be a stretch. I chose the heavier cannon mostly because I want my brig to carry a heavy broadside. To be more historically accurate, I should have simply used some 32 pounder carronades, but I'm not a huge fan of carronades. Besides, cannons are easy enough to change so I can always make a couple of 9 pounders if I'm in the mood. I took a quick look over at your parrot thread, and I must say, that's a fine looking vessel. I can't wait to see her once you get the sails all worked out.
Overall an excellent ship. Everything seems so perfect, but I think my favorite part might be the stern chasers. Of course, the stairs and anchors are also excellent. And the stern. Wow, great parts usage. I can't wait to see more from you (maybe that two-decker on a custom hull ). Not sure what internet browser you use, but I've found that Google Chrome will allow me to copy and paste text while Internet Explorer will not.
WIP Brig of War
Thank you all for your kind and insightful comments. The 12 pounders are recycled from a ship I never finished a long time ago, and the 18 pounders are a more recent design. I'm not acutally planning on using both of them, I was just doing a comparison shot. Although they are a little heavy for a ship of this size, I think I'll stick with the 18 pounders. And I must say, your Pinnacle is a huge inspiration. I hope you don't mind if I use a couple techniques from it on my brig. Same here. Trust me, you've been most helpful. Thank you for the information on the Cruizer class. That'll definitely have some great reference information, especially since there seems to be a wealth of information on it. As for the bowsprit, I don't plan on having a focsle, so it will just connect to the gun deck. For the rigging, see the update below. I've also started work on the masts. And the crosstrees. When finished, they will all be black. Sorry for the blurry picture.
WIP Brig of War
163C UPDATE #1 http://www.eurobrick...5 UPDATE #2 http://www.eurobrick...5 This past year at the University, I ended up running across the Master and Commander series. After reading through them, it rekindled my love for the golden age of sail which in turn rekindled my desire to build a proper sailing ship out of Lego. My overall goal is to create as realistic a brig as possible (although I might take some creative liberties if I really want to). This is just my first draft of the project so some things are probably going to change before I am finished with her. Some bricks (lime green and orange) are simply place holders until I can get the right brick in the right color. Please ignore the poor photography. I didn't want to spend a whole lot of time worrying about the lighting. It is a WIP, after all. In case it's not clear, the quarterdeck only extends to the rearmost guns. Although it does seem a little wide, it's proportions are fairly consistent with some brigs, mainly USS Niagara. Here are the guns I plan on using. 18-pounder (left) and 12-pounder (right). More pictures available here. Could someone tell me or (better yet) show me a picture of how the bowsprit connects to the ship? Does it go through the deck like on a post ship or does it simply connect to the main deck? Comments and criticism welcome.
- CMF Mafia 2 - Confirmation and Discussion
CMF Mafia - Day 4 - Fluffy
Vote: Jeffrey Norris (jamesn)
CMF Mafia - Day 4 - Fluffy
I'm assuming you're referring to my post yesterday. I wouldn't say I was trying to exculpate Sally, I was simply trying to shot down any potential counter arguments she might try and bring up in the future. I've been told that it's a rather powerful debating tool, acknowledge what your opponent is going to try and say before they can say it so that you can counter it immediately. I'm sorry if you feel like it was exculpating and that I did not say enough to try and drive my point of her innocence home. If you look at my record, this is not exactly the first time I've done this. I tend to act this way before voting every time.
CMF Mafia - Day 3 - The Mermaid's Song
For all those people who suspected Tickles, I'm inclined to believe that he's simply a monster who doesn't have any information on anyone. I guess you could argue that he's doing a good job flying under the radar, but I think it's more of he doesn't have any outside information to contribute so he's doing the best with what he can find in the threads. As a result, it looks like he's summarizing. Vote Sally (Scubacarrot) Too many contradictions, too confusing. If you're going to claim tracker and be suspicious of someone, why not find some time to track them? Maybe you can make the argument that Helen was more important than Derek on Night 1, but after that? If you suspected me, why not try and contact me or call me out in public? And then there's all those contradictory statements.
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