Everything posted by Captain Genaro
CMF Mafia 2 - Day 2 - Special Delivery
If Derek is council, then where the heck is the monster cop? Why hasn't he found some way over half way through Day 2 to let us know that Derek is lying? Besides, if Derek is lying, then wouldn't it be a pretty stupid idea to open up by claiming one of his own team members as monster? Wouldn't he start by using monsters just in case someone got the notion to check the validity of his statements? Plus, if you're hoping that lynching Kelly will clear up the whole Kelly/Helen/Derek mess, then I think this is a rather poor reason to lynch someone. Sure their arguments are confusing and annoying, but unless you really think she's scum, I don't believe we should lynch her. You can cross my name off that list.
CMF Mafia 2 - Day 2 - Special Delivery
Not sure if I'm liking the arrival of these robots. No DNA, no fingerprints, heck, probably make decent witnesses too. All this technology is going to put honest, hard working hitmen such as myself out of work. And then what am I going to do? Definitely not going to become a loan shark, no sir. That's a hobby, not a job. After reviewing the day thread, it looks like Sally really only pressured Bleep and Melinda. Even then, she's really only pursued Bleep. If that's really what he said (and I don't see any reason to doubt it is), it's just another bullet in his robotic head. I'm also concerned about the time he sent the message. Why was he busy sending PMs to Helen instead of defending himself in our conversation? Surly he could do both. If he really wanted to prove his innocence, he would be talking with all of us in the thread. And why did he choose to target Sally? She hasn't really done anything super scummy to me. Vote: Bleep (Bob) And just think, I wasn't so certain that I would vote for Bleep until I saw this PM. That's the evidence which convinced me.
CMF Mafia 2 - Day 2 - Special Delivery
Which question are you referring to? Revealing our identities? I tend to think that it's a terrible idea for everyone to come out and publicly state what they are. If they don't pertain to our roles, then what's the point? Catching scum? Hoping they will slip up, claim something wrong and revel their selves? If our roles are relevant to PRs then we really shouldn't reveal them. I'll post a better response in a couple hours. I'm in a bit of a rush right now.
CMF Mafia 2 - Day 2 - Special Delivery
I'm fairly certain that we could have a human monstery role. While a fortune teller might not seem overly evil, neither does a scarecrow. I'm not sure what the two faith healers are, perhaps Helen could tell us their monster roles and clear this up. I would really like Derek to tell us what the result of his night action was. He's already come out and claimed, so I really don't think he can really endanger himself. I'm not so certain about Lacey, but I think that a strong case can be made for Melinda. She seemed to act pretty confused about the whole idea of egos/IDs early on yesterday. Pretty much anyone who was reading the thread should have at least been able to come up with a general thought about what was going on. Plus, she made a (weak) case for lynching Sally, then disappeared and never said a thing during the whole Kingsley issue. Does anyone recall seeing Melinda lurking around during that time?
CMF Mafia 2 - Day One - On the Case
This whole Derek claiming has become a bigger mess than the time Paul Caroni hit back in, oh, must have been ’92. Or was it 93’? Anyway, that one had a restaurant full of witnesses. Fortunately, the witnesses had mass amnesia and couldn't quite place me at the crime. I could see there being some non-monster monsters out there, such as a gangster, evil knight or mad scientist. Fortune Teller just doesn't sound very evil. From a Council perspective, it seems like a safe claim. It's doubtful that the monsters would have this role (who knows, maybe it really is his role) and then stating that he's a cop makes people hesitant to vote for him. I'll be keeping my vote with Derek. Sure, there's a slim chance he's a monster. Nonetheless, Derek has not done anything to convince me of his innocence. He has only tried to make me concerned by claiming cop. The "Faith Healer" seems to be an interesting role and based off what little information I know, I'm inclined to think they're monster. One thing which convinces me is the claim that there is a second Faith Healer. For the council, it's an unnecessary complication. As for testing our theories on the Faith Healer instead of Derek. While I would prefer to do this, we simply do not have the time today for Helen to reveal the Faith Healer's identity and then get enough votes to lynch them. Hopefully tomorrow we will know more about the Faith Healer.
CMF Mafia 2 - Day One - On the Case
I'm really not sure that's a good idea. If Derek is lying, then we have just given the Council all our roles. And I can think of several reasons why the cop might not come out and counter-claim Derek. 1) He doesn't trust anyone and thinks it's a bad idea to reveal his role to the world. 2) He's not around to make a counter-claim in time. 3) There is no cop role (strange, incredibly unlikely, I know, but I guess it's still an option) Besides, what would be the point of giving Derek all our roles if he's just going to be lynched? Or are you now saying that we shouldn't lynch him?
CMF Mafia 2 - Day One - On the Case
While I appreciate your input Bleep, I really would have liked to see Derek reveal his role before you gave him the out of "well, maybe it's a evil non-monster. Is this the case?" Its just like a hit on someone. You don't advertise what your going to do so the target can exit through the back while you wait out front. If he's smart enough to exit out the back, fine, he escaped for now, but you don't have to lead him to it. As for Sally, I find her defense believable. When she mentioned identity cards, I think she was first just looking for something to burn. Pretty risky if she was scum to try and bring them out, especially considering what happened in the first CMF mafia. Even if she didn't know about it, I'm pretty sure someone on the scum team would have given them a heads up. And then the fact that she changed her mind is equally believable to me. If she didn't realize that the characters could correspond to roles, then it's perfectly reasonable for her to change her mind when she realized. Oh, and although it's a little late now, Vote: Derek Polanes (DarthPotato)
CMF Mafia 2 - Day One - On the Case
Well, this sure is a bit of a mess. Reminds me of the time good ol' Don Gambino had a bit of an issue with a couple of rats inside his organization. After I got through with those rats, Don Gambino never had a rodent problem again. Of course I'm referring to those furry little critters and not Marco and Luca who just happened to go missing around the same time. Real shame. Wine? I'd sure appreciate a glass of some fine Sicilian wine. Do you have anything from '72?
CMF Mafia 2 - Confirmation and Discussion
Sorry for arriving a little late. One of my, ah, appointments was a little more difficult than anticipated and it just wouldn't do to show up with stains and cement on my suit now, would it. Pardon me but I don't seem to have introduced myself. Giovanni Capanni at your service. And please, it's really a simple name so unless you want to spend a lifetime (or what's left of one) watching cement dry, you'd better learn it.
CMF Mafia 2 - Sign-Ups
1) Not a huge monster fan but if I had to pick, I'd choose the Minotaur. 2) 18th and 19th centuries; colonization, age of sail, Napoleonic era, etc. 3) My signature has a full list. 4) I’m afraid my gameplay really hasn’t given me a favorite moment. Plenty of least favorite moments though. 5) Well, at least until I get bored around the middle of day 2 . Calm down, I'm only joking. Yes, I promise to keep up with the game.
Ragnarök Now Redux - Conclusion
TPRU, thanks for a great game. Photography, sets, everything about it kept it interesting for me even though I died early on. Congratulations to the scum team. It was actually pretty fun to get a glimpse at your plans through the dead writeboard and see how they played out. Overall, it was a good learning experience. Hopefully, it'll help me out in my next Mafia game.
Ragnarök Now Redux - Confirmation & Discussion
Aww, am I dead already? Oh well, thanks for letting me play while it lasted.
Ragnarök Now Redux - Day One
As a matter of fact, I was going to chime in a while ago but something came up. I'm not going to put too much weight into the number of guests reading the topic. Almost every time I've played, I've noticed one or two guests reading the day threads. Maybe it's scumbags who are worried, but unless I'm mistaken, there's been one or two guest reading the topic since the beginning. While he’s not my number one suspect, he does have the most votes for him, we’re running out of time, and we need a lynch. Unvote: Mist (Mencot) Vote: Petr Half-Troll (Piratedave84). I have never heard of the scum-trap before or seen it used, but I don’t like it. It seems more like a weak excuse to cover up a disastrous post. At most, you would identify a handful of people who might be town or they could be scum. Townies would jump on it for being incredibly awkward and scum would use it as a legitimate reason to lynch. If this was a plan, I don’t think it was a very good one and it’s sure not a tactic that I would encourage. I see Sigrid as being a far better candidate. She has absolutely no excuse for being so silent. She hasn’t even bothered to pretend to post anything of value. Maybe she really is incredibly busy, but even then, what little she posted contributes absolutely nothing, not even an insight into her conclusions or opinions. But as I stated before, we need a lynch and I feel that Petr still has a decent chance of coming up scum.
Ragnarök Now Redux - Day One
For whatever reason, when I posted my reply, it replaced emotes in the sections I quoted with file locations on my computer. All I did was remove the file locations. Period. Nothing else. Yes I know you’re not supposed to edit your posts and I’ve never done so before in any mafia game I’ve played.
Ragnarök Now Redux - Day One
Since there seems to be so much confusion, my name is Chlodochar. I remember all your Nordic names just fine and am really confused as to how you can’t remember the name of a true viking warrior . I did not condemn anyone to death. I simply placed a vote which would not have condemned her without the support of 11 others. Additionally, I can unvote. Placing a vote early on in the voting process on the first day allows me to pressure someone into talking. My vote was not necessarily concrete nor was it condemning, it simply showed where my suspicion was and who I felt other people should be suspicious of. That said, if that was all I had to go on and there were no better suspects for the day, yes, I would still vote for her. I understand that many of you feel that my vote was forced and was simply me jumping on a band wagon. At that time, Mist was the best suspect. Even ignoring the possible language barrier, her post was very defensive, far too defensive considering the post she was responding to. Naemr might have had a bad idea and not followed through on it, but I attribute this to a lack of experience. Nothing else he said makes me think scum. Petr made an incredibly dumb statement, and I would not mind him getting lynched. Nonetheless, I felt that Mist’s defensiveness was more telling than Petr’s stupidity. I don’t seem to understand your statement. You don’t suspect someone because they appear to be a good suspect? If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck (appears to be a duck), then I’m going to work off the assumption that I’m dealing with a duck. It's been a while since I've played mafia games, but is it normal for this many people to have votes for them on Day 1? I recall one or two prime suspects, one of which would be lynched with 2, maybe 3 outliers. Unless this is the new norm, I can’t help but think this is the scums’ plan. Get us to be divided, confused, and prevent us from learning anything from a Day 1 lynch or voting pattern. Granted 6 people need to vote, but even if they all go for Petr, we won’t get a conviction. Sure they won’t get a townie lynched but perhaps they feel that several days of confusion is worth a lost lynch.
Ragnarök Now Redux - Day One
I can understand you not wanting to vote for Mist, but your counter of voting for Snotra is really weak and confusing. You decide to vote for someone seemingly at random, claim to have learned everything, and then say that all you learned is that there might be a coincidence? Did I miss something? You don’t justify why you decided to target Snotra in the first place, don’t offer any opinion on the other debates, and haven’t shared what you learned about Snotra.
Ragnarök Now Redux - Day One
It appears as if Mist is a good suspect at this time. While I agree that Jarni's comparison of her tactics to those of a Paris (beautiful village, I'd loot it any time) Shawty was not perfect, her response seemed to be a little too defensive. She tries blame to Jarni twice, accusing him of mincing words. At the end, she seems flustered. She gets to the point where she says "I don’t want to waste time roleplaying, but heck, let’s go for it if it means you’ll leave me alone." Not long after this, she runs off and says "I don't want to be throwing stones at people" after tossing a few in Jarni's direction. Perhaps I'm misinterpreting things, but I see it as being overkill for a single post that challenges what she’s saying. Based off the information I have, I’m going to Vote: Mist (Mencot).
Ragnarök Now Redux - Day One
I can’t tell you about your heritage, but it sure isn’t my heritage. A true viking knows the best medicine for any wound is going out on a good raid. You know, the taste of blood on your lips, the smell of burning flesh, and the sound of some mortal wasting their last breath asking for mercy. If you all would rather drink boiled piss, I guess that’s your business. Just let me know if anyone comes up with any real cures, like warm rams blood with the crushed bone of an ox. Now there’s medicine. I can’t tell you about your heritage, but it sure isn’t my heritage. A true viking knows the best medicine for any wound is going out on a good raid. You know, the taste of blood on your lips, the smell of burning flesh, the sound of some mortal wasting their last breath begging for mercy. If you all would rather drink boiled piss, I guess that’s your business. Just let me know if anyone comes up with any real cures, like warm rams blood with the crushed bone of an ox. Now there’s medicine for you.
Ragnarök Now Redux - Day One
Curse Loki and his vile scum. No doubt a group of worthless viking imitators. Never fear worthy einherjar, the servants of Loki will be caught and brought to answer for their treachery against Wodanaz. Oh, that's right, you "vikings" call him Odin. I see some dishes before me but no food. What kind of warrior goes to battle plays mafia games on an empty stomach? Come! Someone, bring me my meal!
Ragnarök Now Redux - Confirmation & Discussion
Oh, for the love of Wodanaz, even in death you imitators manage to mock and destroy the viking image I spent a lifetime to create. I guess some things will just never change . But please, pay attention to how a proper viking behaves. With any luck, you might learn a thing or two about a real viking.
Ragnarök Now Redux - Sign-ups
It's time for me to return from my mafia exodus. As I said in the PM, I graciously accept the offer. It's time for Gerrid to prove her worth!
The Pearl - Conclusion
Yea! I survived to the end of the game, and was part of the winning team! Bob, thanks for having me play. I had a really good time and, despite some of my mistakes, I think that I am getting better. I still have a ways to go but at least I made some improvement. I think that the numerous factions was a fun twist and unexpected. I will agree that it seemed a little stacked against the scum since all the factions wanted to find scum for one reason or another. Not to be rude (I can only imagine how hard it must be to host) but I think one reason the game is over so quickly is due to Bob's comments in some of the day threads. It lead us away from wrong theories and helped to confirm some that we already had.
The Pearl - Day Four
Thank you for explaining that to me. You're completely right, I did have the roles confused . Don't get me wrong, there is a great case against Betty and I'm not trying to protect her. I don't like what's going on with her situation and will change my vote if it is necesary to get a conviction. I just think that Michael is the more serious of the two targets. We do know that Michael was converted but we don't know if it is a one shot deal or if he can continue to use it. Yesterday we were told that it only happened because Holly found Michael but they could have been lying on this point to avoid making us target them. If we wait for a vig to get him tonight, we run the risk of something happening to the vig or Michael being able to convert before he is killed. I would feel safer leaving Betty in the hands of the vig, since there is no reason to believe that scum can convert. What the heck kind of a cruise cancells the entertainment just because a couple of guests end up dead?
The Pearl - Day Four
I have no problem lynching Michael since he would be of no loss to the town and it appears that his victory conditions require more dead townies. Vote: Michael/Badboytje88 I still need to get a couple of things cleared up before I can feel comfortable voting for Betty. Yes, she has a weak defense, but, in her defense, there is not much she can do to defend herself if she is telling the truth. I don't think she is a godfather (one of the possible explanations for the result). Pierre was scum on night 1 and I don't think that he would have been converted and allowed to kill on the same night. I also don't want to vote for her since we know from yesterday that scum do come up as scum when investigated. Sure she might be a Master Criminal, but if we're going to vote for thiefs, then why don't we vote for Michael, who has admitted to being a thief.
The Pearl - Day Four
I don't like people who we can't investigate. It could mean that Betty has some special ability or someone, probably scum, has the ability to target someone to mess up the results. Does the day investigator have any sort of limitations to his role? I don't know how helpful Michael will be for the rest of the trip, especially considering the bloodshed that we saw last night. He might come up with something if we are about to lynch him, but I can't see him volunteering too much information. I think that some confusion lead to him telling us about Bristol. He would be a fine lynch target, assuming we have no other suspects for the day.
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