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Captain Genaro

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Everything posted by Captain Genaro

  1. My guess is that it was another Master Criminal. Barbara told us there were several so I'm guessing that one of them didn't want to work with Barbara and tried to steal the diamond from Holly. I too think that the scum have the diamond/ruby/emerald/stone/whatever. The killer who took it said that his team "has it back" which implys that they had it in the past. I'm guessing that the scum targeted Barbara and were somehow allowed to kill Holly and take the diamond back. It seems odd to me that one person would be allowed to kill both Holly and Barbara. I also think it's strange that the vig targeted Timothy. Out of all the potential suspects, Timothy, while possibly quiet, did not do much to arouse any suspicion.
  2. Thank you for bringing this information to my attention. Unvote: Michael/badboytje88 Vote: Bristol/Peanuts Will you please tell me why I'm scummy, considering that I posted my remark before you came out and confirmed that Bristol is indeed scum?
  3. Vote: Michael/badboytje88 If you're telling us the truth, you've won! Congratulations, even if you die, it does not matter. Scum need to outnumber town, not town+neutrals. Pros. 1) Town loses nothing. You've won so you lose nothing. 2) If you turn out to be neutral, we can trust everything you have said, thus eliminating more people from the potential scum list. 3) We don't risk the possibility of endangering a townie. Bristol could be town, but if you come up neutral we know that she is scum. Cons 1) We lynch a neutral instead of a scum. We have to wait until tomorrow to lynch a scum. Oh no! Opps. Of course it could just be a typo. I've lost track of the number of times I've accidently referred to myself as scum while playing as town (that's called sarcasm, folks. I've had a long day).
  4. My guess is that we will find scum in the following two positions. First, there would have been the scum who voted early on for Pierre, such as Paul. They might not have expected the bandwagon to gather enough support to lynch Pierre and were hoping that they could use the defense " I was one of the first to vote for a scum" if they were ever accused. There could also be scum towards the end of the lynching process. They probably saw the direction that the lynch was going and wanted to be one of the final votes. They knew Pierre would by lynched and they want to look good by having one of the convicting votes. With 13 votes, 3 people would have had to change their votes to save Pierre. If 3 scum had voted for Pierre, they were in a position where they could not change their votes, it would look too suspicious. This is all just a guess. I'm going to spend some time reviewing what Holly said yesterday. I think that it's strange for Holly to have been defensive of Jonathan but waited so long to have voted for Pierre. If she trusted Jonathan why didn't see help him attempt to get Pierre lynched? Unless I'm mistaking, she also did not really voice any defense for Pierre. Sorry if this is a bit rushed. I really need to be somewhere and don't have time to polish my thoughts.
  5. A valid question, allow me to respond. My guess is that either Pierre or Barbara killed Scott. They both claimed to have targeted him and I find it unlikely that a third person would also have targeted Scott. Because of this, I'm assuming that one of them killed Scott. When it comes to Pierre, I find his story to be believable. Maybe he should have targeted someone who was more likely be a potential lynch candidate but I also understand just trying to find an ally on night one, someone who you can report your findings to and who can share them with the group if anything happens to you. Yes, tracker is an easy role claim and yes, Pierre could just be a great liar but I think his story adds up. I don't like Barbara's role claim. It seems plausible, and quite fun, but not likely (at least, not the way it has been described to me). For example, if neutral 1 steals the diamond and dies, are the other neutrals out of luck? Their role seems to be removed from the game. Unless there's a win requirement that I am unaware of, neither the town nor the scum need to worry about neutrals. They're about as useless as you can get. Sure, the town could try and strike a deal with them but why would the neutrals help the town? I can't imagine that the town would lynch a non-killing neutral. No one else has verified this and I still think it's odd that she chose to target Scott. At this point, I don't want to lynch her because of her (possibly faked) tracker.
  6. If you didn't know about the thiefs, then you might have thought that Jonathan was setting you up. If you are a neutral thief, you might have thought Jonathan was some scum tracker who was trying to eliminate you. Regardless of that, I believe you. Your story seems to add up and I it doesn't make me think "scum." I''ll keep my vote with Mary. Perhaps they don't trust Barbara either. Perhaps they think that Barbara is trying to hunt them out to eliminate them. Perhaps there are no other neutrals and Barbara told us this story to make us think that neutrals (such as herself) cannot kill. That could keep us from believing that she killed Scott, which brings me to my next point. There is still the issue of Scott's death. As far as we know, only Barbara and Pierre targeted Scott so one of them killed Scott. If someone really did track Barbara, it would be helpful to if we know who they are.
  7. I've wanted to know the name of Lynette for some time now. I have no idea what is going on with these two trackers and I would really like to hear what Barbara has to say on this matter. Just to make sure I have this right. Tracker 1 (Lynette) targeted Scott. You randomly called her out, asked "what are you doing out of your room?" and got lucky. Tracker 2 (unknown) targeted unknown. All we know about this tracker is that they contacted Barbara sometime and said "hi, I'm a tracker." We don't know who they have targeted. Can you give us any more information on these two? For example, a name would be nice. It would be a wasted, scum assisting day if this whole issue continues to tie up our time and prevent us from getting anything productive done. The longer we are in the shadows, the less time we have to consider information when it is presented to us. Additionally, this delay and these claims have diverted our attention away from the lynch targets, Mary and Alice. I'm fine with that, assuming we are presented with alternatives other than, as Diane so accurately puts it, Unspecified Liar Who Is Claiming Tracker (Unknown).
  8. A townie, a neutral, and a killer walk into the engine room. This sounds more like the opening to a bad joke as opposed to what happened. Considering how early we are in the game with so many targets, it seems odd that three people would randomly target one person who aroused little suspicion. How often do three people all target the same guy on the first night? Maybe I'm wrong and it happens more often that I suspect. Sorry, I meant Sam . Let's see. I was quoting Barbara and asking question that only she could answer so yes, I would guess that I was asking her. I'm following along just fine. I was typing my reply when you stated that Barbara was Sam so I missed that statement. What is it going to take for us to learn Lynette's name? I said that I would like to hear from her and we can't call her out or vote for her if we don't know who she is.
  9. I'm normally a trusting guy but I really don't like the timing of your story. Yesterday you prevented a lynch on Mary by focusing on Jordan and today you seem to be doing a similar thing. I don't think that it's likely for 3 people to have targeted Scott last night (Lynette, Sam, and the killer). It seems more likely that either A) Sam or Lynette is lying about targeting Scott or B) either Sam or Lynette is the killer. I would lean towards Lynette since her role seems more suspicious and, based off Barbara's statement, Sam's story seems to hold up. If this story is true, we could easily use Scott (and other neutrals) as investigators by having them tell us who they targeted and if they won. I would be willing to leave Sam alone for now but I want to know who Lynette is. I don't know what to think about Raymond. If he's running around telling lies to avoid getting killed, he doesn't seem very useful. I also think that, if there is an odd day investigator, there should be an even day investigator to complement him. Also, would this mean that we don't have a night investigator? Are you willing to tell us who you targeted last night? It could help to prove their innocents.
  10. It seems to me that both Mary and Alice have similar cases built against them. Jonathan points out that both Mary and Alice summarized and only voted when prompted to. When accused, both of them seem to be silent and take a good while to respond. While I can understand not immediately replying, they had plenty of time to respond. I am willing to lynch either of them but I feel that there is still a stronger case for lynching Mary. Why? There is still the issue of Mary's number. No, not the set it correlates to but her convenient "realization" that she posted the wrong number once Bob told us that the numbers relate to a building contest. The number issue is the main reason that I feel Mary is more likely to be scum than Alice. You might say I'm beating a dead horse, trying to lynch Mary again, but I don't think that I have anything else to go on. Vote: Mary (TheBoyWonder) If someone can convince me that there is a stronger case for Alice, I am willing to consider changing my vote.
  11. Just when I thought this trip couldn't get any worse, you go and ruin it for me . Oh well, I may as well go and drink my sorrows away. That solves most of the world's problems (or it should). So is Alice still top on your list of potential scum?
  12. This list has two issues (neither of which are your fault), Barbara and Phil. They have never given us a number so it's hard for us to create theories since their numbers be anything. Also, why did you pick Barbara to be scum but not Phil? I would be willing to test your theory on Mary or Alice if nothing else comes up today. Another possible correlation could be space sets=scum and non-space sets=innocent? This theory would leave us with 6 scum, include both Alice and Mary (who seem to have gotten the most suspicion), and would be less obvious than town sets=town, scary=scum. On to the death of Adam. Is it possible that Adam was carrying around the bat because he loves baseball and not because his role required one? Considering what happened in Excalibur, I don't think that Bob would try to hide clues in the pictures (besides, look at rule #10). Does anyone know what's going on with the daily theme? Granted it might be a little early on in the game, isn't it odd that we are told of the theme and then nothing comes of it?
  13. Welcome, Ferrik. If you ignore the fact that you're on a floating hulk with no navigation and that you could be killed at almost any moment, I'm sure you'll have a great time.
  14. I just reviewed everything that Alice said. While I agree that it looks somewhat scummy, do you think it wise to try and lynch her right now with so little time left? You have waited until the last minute to offer this up as an option. Besides, I think that Mary and Jordan are better candidates for lynching. This is not to say that we should allow people to get away with not contributing, but let's not risk loosing a potentially valuble lynch today.
  15. While I feel that there is a strong case for both candidates, I am sticking with my vote for Mary. Some people have claimed that Mary has a reputation for being absent-minded. This should not be an excuse to allow her to go free. We cannot allow people to get away with scummy trip-ups simply because they have a history of making mistakes Some people say "she can't be scum. They would never have allowed her to get away with such a major mistake." If she really makes mistakes, as some of you are claiming, isn't it possible that she made this mistake as scum? When she posted her first number (9696)it is possible that she was a lazy-scum who forgot to double check the number. Before I posted my number, I took a second look at it to make sure I didn't make a mistake. I don't see how anyone could have gotten such an obscure "set" and not double checked their number. It seems like someone had something to hide and chose an obscure number as a way to avoid the possibility of stealing someone else's number. That said, I have no issue with lynching Jordan if we cannot get Mary. I can understand forgetting your name, but then not going back to the PM to check who you are? And not bothering to double check to see if you have a crew/passanger number? This seems scummy to me but I still feel like there is a stronger case for Mary.
  16. You have to understand why we are suspicious. You tell us that your number is 9696 and only tell us that you confused a "9" with a "7" once we learn that the numbers willl be part of a building contest. It seems like you didn't want to reveal your number out of fear and made one up without checking to see if it was a set. Vote: Mary (TheBoyWonder) I also find it strange that Richard has 6455. All of the sets except for this one seem to be recent. Since we are going to have a contest with these sets, it seems odd that the cruise company would have given someone such an old set. Am I crazy or does anyone else find this to be odd?
  17. I agree with Alice. Let's not vote people off based off sets at this point. We are assuming that the numbers correspond with sets, but they could have a different meaning entirely. If the cruise company chose 4 random numbers for each crew/passanger number, it seems pretty likely that they would be Lego sets. Of course, I am hoping that there is some sort of build challenge assosiated with these numbers.
  18. My number is 8188 http://www.brickset.com/detail/?set=8188-1. The only similarity between this and myself is that I enjoy watching fish and 8188 has a water tank . I'm pretty sure that there must be some deeper meaning to my number, assuming there is one. Oh, that could be quite fun! Wasn't there some sort of a similar contest that took place in the 60's during Red Scare Mystery?.
  19. So our phones and other wireless devices arn't working? Well, it's a good thing that I keep all my books on my tablet. Ha, take that scum.. hey, wait a minute! Agh, this thing is wireless too! Well, if I can't read a book, I may as well join all you in your Fabulwhatever activities. If I must have a costume, I'll take the alligator one. This will remain calm and orderly, right?
  20. Why did this happen to me? First I end up on the wrong ship, then I end up in the middle of the Atlantic where there is one type of fish, big and ugly. I should have been in the Caribbean, scuba diving around the reefs looking for tropical fish. Instead I'm spending my time staring at the aquariums near the bar. I'm Thomas, by the way. I think I'll take you up on that offer. Make it something strong, will you?
  21. 1) No. 2) While I don't recall traveling on Viking, I have been on several others, which are listed in my signature. 3) Only if the activities are over by 9:30 PM. I'll start getting cranky if I'm up past my bed time . 4) Is there ever a time when I DON'T need a vacation? Of course I need one!
  22. DarkDragon, thanks for hosting such a wonderful game. I had a really fun time playing and I liked the comic style that you used for the pictures. I think that the day killer added a nice twist to the game, especially early on when we had no idea what was going on. I also liked the lunches since they helped to keep vanilla townies more active. Congratulations to the winners. I must commend the cult for doing such a wonderful job. Apart from Shadows, we never lynched a single cult member so you guys sure did a good job.
  23. If you'll have me, I'd love to give this a shot.
  24. I have not tried to look helpful. I have tried to be helpful, and by your standards failed. Yesterday you asked me to come out and tell the world who I suspected and I did so. You have called on me to be more helpful and I am doing the best I can with the limited experience that I have. I'm not asking for your sympathy, I'm simply trying to explain why I am not as helpful as some of the other members. I will point out that I have not been lazy; I have followed along and posted every day. I have been completely honest and have not told a single lie. If you can find any inconsistencies in what I have said, please bring them to our attention. I have no information from private conversations and I lack a night action. All I have to go off is what people say during the day. I'm somewhat new to this business so I am not very good at finding scum based off the day threads (unless it is something obvious). If you'll note, I was suspicious of Daisy from Day 1 and voted for her on that day. I have consistently voted for the scum and never tried to defend any of them. If I am scum, then I'm doing a pretty poor job of helping my team. On Day 2, we needed 12 votes to lynch Walter. I was the 11th vote for him. There were only 12 votes for him so had I voted elsewhere, he would not have been lynched and the scum would not have suffered their first loss. I also used my lunch, which was a donut, on Oscar. Out of my own free will, I contacted him to let him know that I used my lunch on him. I have not tried to hide anything from anyone Sorry if this is unorganized but I don't have the time right now to organize it and I want to get my two cents in before anyone else votes for me without getting to hear my defense.
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