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Captain Genaro

Eurobricks Counts
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Everything posted by Captain Genaro

  1. I still wonder why Miss Jefferson was murdered. I don't think that her death was random and I wonder if there might be a lead at the Jefferson's house. Before we leave, I would like to see if the governer has a daily planer or a calander and look for anything that relates to project wolf.
  2. I think that Miss Jefferson was murdered. An argument and then she falls off the roof of a building. How did she get to the roof, was she dragged or did she walk up and get pushed off. Wait, I wonder... I would like to know if Mrs. Jefferson worked for the government at any time and if she was under government employment at the time of her death. I would also like to know if she would go on long trips to possible hidden labs. I would like to enter the courtroom.
  3. So, have you townsfolk found anything in here before? I know the tunnel goes to your jail cell but that is all. I go to the third floor.
  4. I blink for a moment and suddenly two people are down and one of them dead! I wonder, did they aim for the mayor and miss or did they aim for Miss Jenkins and hit the mayor. Mabey they missed the target alltogether! Hmm, so many options... I would like to join the group on the way to the Town Hall and keep my eyes open for any people hidding in the shadows with knifes.
  5. I joined up the Captain after the last war. If I recall, I was walking arround the docks looking for some work when I see a Captain who is loading some crates. I offer to give him a hand in excange for some money and right then he hired me! Is that right Captain? I was a little drunk so I don't quite remember the rest of it. Anything else?
  6. Thanks for such a great game Zepher, I had a good time ( untill my death ). I do hope that I stuck to my character and was a good member.
  7. I would like to follow the tunnel looking for any signs of an exit or another passage.
  8. I would like to enter the tunnel. I would also llike to look for footprints and the number of footprints to tell how busy the tunnel got. I would also like to nock on the metal sheets to see if they are blocking something or are just support.
  9. Calm down a bit Captain, you're no longer on the western front. I wonder I would like to know what the tunnel is lined with. (Dirt, cement, wood, ect.) If the floor is dirt or covered in dust, I would like to see if there are any footprints and wether they are heading into the store, out of the store, or in both directions. This way we can know if the store has another access point. If they are heading in or out, there must be another exit since no one else in in here.
  10. Oh, that's good. Did you fight in Europe or the Pacific? I would like to look inside the boxes at the content. Explosions at the port are never a good thing. Does anyone think that we should re-lock the store and go check on the explosions? It could be a communist attack against the Captain's ship! That would be very bad! At the same time, if we leave the commuists could return and destroy any evidence. What do you townsfolk think?
  11. Well I'm not Badger and I don't know much about statistics but Lego has done a lot more modern sets than Pirates. You can't put muskets and cannons in King Arthers table or a Police Vs. Mafia MOC. That is a problem with some weapons, they are specific to a certain area. Also, while it might take a year to design, you can design multable guns each year. Finally, you should by the bayonet if you like pirate weapons so much. It looks great on an army of Redcoats and really gives you that advantage.
  12. Private messages? What are you talking about?
  13. We really should not leave the general store untill everyone is satisfied that it has been searched. I would like to look on the glass for handprints or areas where the dust has been disterbed. I Hmm, smells like it rained, I wonder... I would also like to look to see if there are any footprints on the doormat. Afterall, footprints should have been washed away in the recent rain and the building is suppost to have been empty. I vote we don't. My mother died in a cage and I have no desire to go back to one! I will not allow myself to be locked up!
  14. Should Mr. Warrent come with us? He seems like a very important man since everyone wants to see him. I would like to glance back and see if the corn stalks are tall enough to have something hidden in them. Also, if it is a dirt road I would like to look for any unusual footprints or tire tracks in the dirt.
  15. Who is Mr. Warrent and why does the farmer want us to wait for him before searching his farm? The captain said he is in the constitution's 4th amendment so he must be important. I would like to know what kind of crops are growing and if they are tall enough or thick enough to hide something in. Also, I would like to know what kind of animals are on the farm and ask the farmer if he has seen anything suspicious recently.
  16. Not that I am complaining about you unvoting me but what has come up? Something to prove my innocence I hope?
  17. I like farms, my family used to have one in California before the war... I vote that we go to the farm
  18. Blueprints! What are you talking about? Secret tunnels? This sounds more like a dime-novel by the second. You people really are strange. I agree with the captain. I don't know much about your laws but the constitution is the basis of this nation and if it says that you need Mr. Warrent, you need to wait for him! Speaking of snakes, I remember the time I was sailing onboard a freigher off the coast of Egypt. As we sailed out, we ran into a freak wave in the middle of the Strait of Gibralter. The wave damaged the ship's rudder and we had a 5 degree list port but that was not the worst of it. Some of the cargo inluded about 100 cobras and when I was walking in the cargo hold I saw a box marked " Dangerous " broken and the snakes were gone. It took us about a week to get to port all the while not sleeping and carring knifes with us. That was by far the 10th worst voyage I have ever been on. Oh well, we only lost one sailor on that trip so it was not all that bad, was it?
  19. The fact that he could break into the police station was a minor detail. Mre. Keen is not the friend I am talking about. The friend only said that he knows Walter to be scum, that is all that he said. I know that my friend is a townie based off of previous information however I don't know if the information could have been planted. He was not able to investigate anyone else since his investigating powers were a one time deal only. He claimed to have investigated Walter after a tip from someone who was suspicious of him. I really don't want to say who he is for fear that he might be targeted. Anything else you want?
  20. Alright, lets start from the top. Then what were the reasons I gave. I said that Carrie claimed that he was innocent so I thought that she was covering for him. What else would have been my reason? I voted for Mr. Kovacs after a friend told me about him. He claimed to have investigated him and after a long disscussion, I realise that if he is guilty, we win, if he is innocent, we loose. If he is guilty and we don't vote, we loose so it is the best thing I can think of. Stash was a neutral so I consider that to be a fine vote, better than townie but not quite mafia. Does this satisfy your accusations?
  21. Thanks mayor. So I had one wrong vote, lots of other townies voted for him to for the same reasons the mayor listed.
  22. May I ask what this X-K2P is? Sounds like another government plan that none of the people will be told about untill it happens. Also, I have no idea why you folks want to search the captains freigher so badly but I will go along with it as long as the captain approves. Did I hear someone say deckhand? I do hope that you have good stories to tell.
  23. What kind of town do you run here Mr. Mayor! I get off a ship and welcoming me is a dead body in the middle of the road! Nice to meet you Mr. Patrick. My name is Frankie Daly the cargo worker on the Lakota. While our crew may be small, we run the best freighter afloat! I would like to stand to the side, watching everyone else investigate the body of the dead communist.
  24. Vote:Walter Kovacs/Walter Kovacs It seems like the right thing to do.
  25. I am really confused about who to vote for right now. I am going to have to look through my letters and the past days to think about who to vote for.
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