Everything posted by Captain Genaro
Decal Wish List
If someone has the time could you please make this (the guy on the right ) and this torso. Also, could they please be in yellow not flesh. My most sincere thanks.
Lexington & Concord WIP
Wow, very nice and absolutly stunning. I have never been a fan of the cannon smoke but I guess I must get over that. This article seems to disagree. According to wikipedia, a British officer named Percy had 2 light cannons with him.
Pirate's Hidden Cove (my first MOC)
Thats a nice little MOC. Mabey you could put the palm tree on a little beach where they could have a campfire cooking fresh fish. Anyways, I see that you have not been told this enough for one day so... Welcome to EB.
Dystopia Mafia - Sign-up!
Wow, looks like quite a crowd already. Now you can add one more. Sign me up please!
Endor Ewok Celebration
My goodness, all those trees, no Ewoks, no the detail. Wow, this is a masterpiece. I especially like the pen with the stormtroopers in it.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Conclusion
Well, I just want to say thanks for such a great time and for allowing me to join. This was my first mafia game and I learned a lot and plan to join more in the future. And hitting a lady with your sword, how rude, how very rude.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 6
Hmm, very interesting Pvt. Reutal. If that is so, how come you waited till now to inform us? Wouldn't it have been better to inform us when you were closer to being killed? It seems like some people I susspect very strongly are your greatest supporters and that they refused to vote for you when we only needed one vote. Untill We started to vote for you, everyone would follow in unison giving us the votes we need, however when you came along, we always missed convicting you by one or two votes. Prehaps some deserters refusing to vote for the murderor? You do have a very convincing story. Also, if we are to believe Pvt. Perot, claimed he found a letter tying you in with the deserters. What do you say about that? If I have made any mistake, please feel free to correct me. I will be eating muffins with Pvt. Stelly
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 5
I compleatly agree that our Sarge is a deserter, however I think we need to finnish what we have started and vote for Pvt. Reutal. Also, if our investigator is correct, then we also have the killer, which could buy us more time that we desperatly need. If too many honored are killed, then we might be over run. I urge you to revote for Pvt. Reutal so that we may finally be ridden of his filth. Let us once and for all finish what we have started. I Vote: Pvt. Reutal/ Dragonator. Third time pays for all right.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 5
I strongly susspect a power struggle between our sarge and the late Captain and lieutenant. This could be why after two back to back days of the athorities being killed off, it suddenly changed and our dear sarge was spared. Also, yesterday I believe he claimed to have "investigated" someone and found they were the killer but failed to say who they were. As for Pvt. Yellman, I am not positive that they are a deserter but you do bring up a good point.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 5
Which is exactally why we need to start convicting people now before we loose too many good people to these killings.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 5
This is terrible. We are loosing more honored soldiers each day. I still believe that Pvt. Reutal is the killer here. I have that feeling that it is him. Also, did any of our investigators find out anything last night that could help?
Imperial Soldier's Mafia - Confirmation and Discussion Thread
Is this when we call in the reserves to take other players spots? Because I am now starting to like the idea of throwing corrupted potatoes at their tents.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 4
I am terribly sorry for the silence from me. I had to go to the hopital tent for some issue in my stomach called " food poisoning ". Appearently eating raw saussages is bad for you. Anyway, back to the topic. From my bed, I was able to hear some conversation about what was going on. From what I understand, it seems like the old accusations for Pvt. Reutal are back and Pvt. Perot makes a convincing argument so for the second day in a row, I Vote: Pvt. David Reutal/Dragonator. Rally together men, if the Pvt. is innocent then tomorrow Pvt. Perot will hang for his accusations againsed the 42nd. If Reutal is the killer, then we know who our loyal investigator is. Also, Sarge you might have forgoten (or I didn't hear this little detail) but what happened to the info about the original " killer " you investigated and now voting for a provost guard insted of the real killer? Am I missing something or is this mighty suspicious?
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 4
Well, I am not saying that I think Pvt. Reutal is innocent however,this new " information " seems to lead us to our first deserter. As for your second idea, not bad. It sounds reasonable however,I would like a little more support before I think Pvt. Perot is the killer.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 4
Thank God no one was killed last night. We now have a fighting chance to defeat the deserters. I am also starting to wonder if one of our "loyal" provost guards hasn't turned traitor. But lets not forget that our provost guards arn't the only ones with yellow epaulets.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 3
Although I hate voting for someone based on someone elses accusations, I must Vote: Private David Retaul (Dragonator). This seems to be the person whom evidence is pointing to. I do pray that he is a deserter so that I have not voted for an innocent man.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 3
3 honored men dead in 3 days. This is madness! We must stop these killers now or the deserters will have us all dead. I heard that the lieutenant seemed to think that his assailant was a private. If this is true, then we will have a tough time hunting down this madman, most of us our privates.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 2
Defending your honor. I believe that if you truely think that our lieutenant is a deserter, then you should vote for him. Otherwise, no one will place a vote unless some one with evidence comes out and we will all be killed in the night. That could as I see it end your family and your future. As I see it you seem rather hesitant to cast a vote for someone who you think is a deserter. Rather odd, thinking a man is guilty but you refuse to vote. I dislike voting without more evidence ( but I hate being killed in the night like sitting ducks more) but you did say that you wanted to go back home very much, the best I have to work with so... Vote: Private Alain Entaine (Alice) If you can convince me to change my vote, then I gladly will.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 2
With all do respect, I do hope that you didn't take this to heart. I see what you are trying to say. I still believe that if you can make a good argument as to why someone else is guilty, everyone would look at them and you could be safe for a while. If we start yelling and fingerpointing, we will most likely kill more of our own than the murderous deserters. We should look for patterns and try to eliminate posible suspects untill we can find whos guilty. Not that the Provost guards are helping with all their information.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 2
So you tell what you find to the general and captain then wait for the deserters to be found and hung before telling us what you found out . My son made more sence when he was 3. Also, some of us are rather hasty to vote based on several words that have been spoken. Just a little advice to follow, a great way to advert suspetion from your self is to be suspicious of others. Although I am just a private, I think we need to come together and use reason to find the killer, not just fingerpointing.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 2
Why, why this is an outrage. You can't go killing loyal captains like this. The poor man. Sausage, don't mind if I do, I haven't eaten for at leat 10 hours. *eats some sausages.*
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 1
Very true, also I was busy eating breakfast *takes a swig of wine* I like the idea however, I believe that the killer would clean the weapon or hide it. It is hard to explain why your bayonet has blood stains on it during morning inspection.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 1
Very sorry about the late return, I had a therapy session with the doctor after my ordeal. * takes a tart out of one pocket and eats it. * I don't think so, after seeing the dead body, I ran to get help hoping that the doctor could help him. I thought that if we could save him, he could tell us who killed him. *finishes eating tart * hold on, I'm going to be sick again.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia - Confirmation and Discussion Thread
I loved the video and all, great idea but I think it should be saved for important parts.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 1
Terribly sorry for the late arrival, I was reading some letters from my wife. Sausages sound delicious, I'll take some with a side of eggs. You can't start rooting out deserters on an empty stomach. Oh and tarts, I'll take five. Plus hmm, some toast and jam and if anyone is feeling up to it I would like to place my breakfast order in an hour.
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