Everything posted by Captain Genaro
Clone Conflict Entry Thread
Okay so here are my troop placements 1 trooper on the BARC speeder. 2 gunners and Yoda in the AT-AP Comm. Fox Obi Wan, Mace, Plo, Anakin Ashoka, Comm. Cody and Capt. Rex in the AT-TE 1 Star corps and 1 shock per republic speeder bike (3) 2 gunners per missle walker (4) 2 troopers in the Com. Transport. Everyone else is reinforcement right? Hope this is correct. Pictures
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 1
Commander, I thought much higher of you, after all the battles we have seen . I say that we give him a fair trial followed by his execution, death by tickling. That seems to be the most popular form of execution.
WIP 8-Gun A.N.V. White Rose MOC
Well, if you are looking to make a brick built hull try Phantom by ZCerberus. I consider him to be the best brick built hull maker of all time. Hope this helps.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia - Confirmation and Discussion Thread
Geoffrey Oult reporting in sir! May I also be as bold to say that there is no better regiment than the 42nd and that I am proud to serve beside so many great fighing men.
The Imperial Flagship - How long 'til it's gone?
I think that you should have several months at least. They releasted it about a month ago and they still sell the pirates line on S@H.
9 Year Old Suspended because of "LEGO" Gun
Stuff like this makes me really mad. I could cause more trouble with safty sissors than a 2 inch plastic gun. Some people will over react to anything.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia - Sign Up
Although I have never played a Mafia game before, I have followed most of them and have a idea as to how they are played. Sign me up please.
NFL fans anyone?
I always have been and will be a Giants fan. GO BIG BLUE! Just to make you all mad though I am pulling for the Colts in the Superbowl.
Train Ideas Needed
If you want to do something compleatly different, why not try a narrow gadge mining train? It could be carring ore from the local mines and have a passanger coach for the miners with several box cars for supplies. Or if that is really bad, I think that a rugged little passanger/ freight train would be nice.
WIP The Making of a Fleet
You are correct to say that the Royal Navy classified their ships Rating system of the Royal Navy. Although black and yellow were most common for the navy, captured and commandeeered ships would also be used and not always re-painted. Furthermore, some captains would choose to paint their ships different colors.
Hello Eurobricks!
Maine is part of the U.S. Huh, when did this happen. Welcome to eurobricks, enjoy your stay and tell me more of this " Maine " place.
Restoration HELP NEEDED
This could still be because of bath soap, if it was in water with soap while connected, only the sides would be damaged. ( if that makes sence ) Secondly, I am interested in buying, if you could PM me more info that would be great.
"I'm Innocent!"
I love the noose and the SNOT platform. Simple yet effective. Mabey I am missing something but what is the Jolly Rodger consest?
Community Build: Torture Chamber
I like the idea and the stuff in it so far but it seems a little emptie to me. Mabey you could put in a waiting line , more machines or a watchtower. Still, nice start.
Welcome. So you are a Marine and a Police Officer at the same time or different times? Anyways, thank you for serving this wonderful country, God Bless America!
Shipwrecked on the Cutlass rocks!
I really like this, looks just like a ship has gone under in a big storm . The tree hidout is original too. How did you get the idea of building this?
CITY: Extremely random photos from Lego City!
Lots of work I see . I can't tell but is the skyscraper going to have an interior or just the building. Also, I don't see the pink dolphin hotel. Keep up the good building.
Happy Thanksgiving!
GOBBLE GOBBLE . Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Football and food with black friday tommorrow ( Get paid extra for working ).
- Reference Material for Creating more Realistic Ships
WIP Phantom MkII
I love the usage of blue for the stern but I don't think that there is a good transaction . It looks a little out of place. Still, I love your ship. The rigging and sails are near perfect.
Selling Off Some Sets
Sent PM about Skull island
Ship Size Ratio
Still off topic: aye but a ship of the line now theres a vessel that even Morgan can't beat. If only they wern't so rare On topic: Could someone tell me how big gunports should be if I am aiming for realism.
MOC: The Great Escape Motorcycle Jump
I would have liked it if you had added some vegitation ( plants, trees ect) but still, a classic scene from a classic movie
Ye Medieval Fayre
When I saw what the power source was, I laughed . Great MOC, it looks like it could go along in any medieval village.
WIP: Achille and Guerrière, French Frigates of 28 guns
WOW . I am in awe of your ship. I think that it is great and only find fault in the masts but like you said, they are going to change. My hat off to you sir.
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