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Captain Genaro

Eurobricks Counts
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Everything posted by Captain Genaro

  1. That's a good little boat you and your son built there, and it's nice to read that you were able to spend some time with your son on this project.
  2. Thank you for the reminder, and the MCRA revenue and expenses are added.
  3. What a nice little build that has a whole lot more than the first picture would suggest. Details such as the cannery and waterfall are clever and add a unique touch to this mine, while the overall design is a quality MOC in its own regard. You could consider adding some more details to the ground, such as plates and tiles, which shouldn't be too hard given that this is LDD.
  4. To Captain Cathy Derr of the Narwhal, Trusting that all parties involved will act in a manner to uphold their honor and that the brave and valiant Sons of the Grand Duchy of Prio may exit this conflict with their lives, liberties, and honors intact, we shall cooperate and participate in the negotiations set forth by Willem Guilder. Alexander Prio Grand Duke of the Grand Duchy of Prio, Lord of Isle Romantica
  5. Each property has a base trade value that will be added to a settlement. That trade value is multiplied by the multiplier given the settlement's size when the property was licensed. As such, as settlements grow, new properties (but not existing properties) provide a diminishing return to the trade value.
  6. Oleon has a PM where we update the first few posts with relevant information as needed. We also use Google sheets to help keep track of faction information.
  7. Good quote, and a fair point. I'll look into seeing how we can make it easier for players. That might be Legostone, but I can't say for certain.
  8. In the monthly account summary there is a tab for all licensed ships. Black flagged ships have a black flag and skull and crossbones next to their name. Capt. Wolf posted this when the rules were announced in the February MCRA.
  9. None of Prio's ships are black flagged, but they would have selected to attack black flagged SRs when they attacked the Dark Narwhal and Misfortune's Wrath.
  10. There seems to be some confusion regarding the black flag rules. Let me clarify. As soon as a ship attacks neutral shipping (i.e. shipping, be it player or NPC, that your faction is not openly at war with), your ship, and any other ship it is sailing with, will be black flagged. They will be pirates. When a black flagged ship sails, any ship sailing with it will be treated as if it is flying a black flag. Any attack against black flagged vessels or any vessel sailing with a black flagged ship is permissible, and the game mechanics do not have any penalties for doing so. You are attacking a pirate. There may be IC consequences, but that is strictly between players. If you are at a state of war, you may freely attack enemy ships without the black flag rules applying. That is not piracy, that is legitimate warfare. If you have a Letter of Marque, granted by a faction that is at war, you may legitimately attack enemy shipping. Applying the rules to the current situation: The SR vessels Dark Narwhal, The Drunken Monkey, and Misfortune’s Wrath attacked Prio's traders. At this point, these three attackers gained black flag status. In the subsequent MCRA, the Dark Narwhal and Misfortune's Wrath were attacked by Prio. Under the black flag rules, this attack was not against legitimate shipping. This was an attack against black-flagged pirates and was justified. Prio's actions were anti-piracy, not piracy. As such, Prio's ships are not black flagged. More recently, Prio issued an ultimatum: release our ships of we are at war. The SRs did not release the ships, and a state of war exists between the SRs and Prio. For this reason, the Odin's Scorn fleet, which attacked a Prio fleet, is not black flagged. A state of war existed prior to the assault. Until peace is declared, any SR and their allied privateers may attack Prio and their allied privateers without black flag penalties and visa-versa.
  11. The Palmetto, Peacock, and Pearl were attacked in February. In April, Prio responded by attacking the Misfortune's Wrath and Dark Narwhal, both of which were involved in the February attack on the Prio fleet. Neither the Peacock or Pearl were involved in this second attack. As such, from Prio's perspective their attack in April was justified and the current situation surrounding the Peacock and Pearl is simply an attempt to extort money from the ships. Apart from an encounter in the most recent MCRA, I can find no other reports of encounters between the SRs and Prio this year.
  12. Better late than never, right? I enjoyed reading your story and seeing some of the prelude for your Celestia entries. Your builds are also nice, and you have some great furniture techniques. Let me know if you need any help getting these licensed.
  13. Thank you for the information. We have a train show this weekend, and I'll be sure to pass this information along to my LUG.
  14. To the Governor of His Most Sacred Majesty, King Philip I, of Oleon's colony of Fatu Hiva on Ile d'Or, In response to usurpations and blatant violations of the Laws of the Seas and the Laws of the Empire of Oleon, we hereby request that the pirate vessel Odin's Scorn be seized by colonial authorities and her unlawful prize, belonging to citizens of the Grand Duchy of Prio, Prince Alex, along with all her crew, officers, passengers, cargo, wares, and other affects be returned to her rightful owners posthaste. This wanton act of piracy threatens the free and just navigation of the seas, and we have no doubt that Oleon has no desire to, in effect, condone acts disreputable towards honest trade. Pablo de la Rosa Consulate General of the Grand Duchy of Prio And now for Oleon's response: Mister de la Rosa, The Empire of Oleon requires that any diplomatic requests and communication from the Island of Romantica take place through the proper Marderian authorities. Your request does not meet this criteria and cannot be considered. Jacque Debussy
  15. This build would need to be reduced to a 32x32 footprint. You are welcome to make additional builds, but they need to clearly be a separate build. You may edit this build to reduce its size.
  16. @coaster At our last LUG meeting, someone brought some 3D printed Lego track, including curves and switches. They seemed fine to me, but I would be interested in knowing what advantages yours provide. Higher quality? Lower cost? I wish you the best of luck getting the funding you need for this project.
  17. @Bart I would like to address some of your concerns. There are quite a few NPC nations and settlements, and fleshing each one of them out immediately would require a larger effort than we have the manpower for. As such, this is being handled largely through AMCRAs and as needed (e.g. Prio/SR conflict). Each faction is represented in this and can and will speak up if they feel that a NPC nation is being unfairly defined or their faction unfairly impacted. For NPC nations, the sheets do not reflect the nation's total power. Mardier, one of the most powerful factions in the old world, has zero troops, no forts, and a small fleet. The same, or similar, can be applied to every NPC nation. Once again, we do not have the manpower necessary to manage each nation's resources, to MOC new properties for new nations, etc. Players are welcome to support or work with NPCs. This also applies to the SRs. Note that we do not desire to defeat the SRs. We are not setting out to make things unfair or unbalanced.
  18. Only against black flags. Anything else is piracy. A Letter of Marque would give the holder the right to attack any and all Sea Rat shipping without any consequences for being a pirate. If you do that without a LoM, you will be branded a pirate and anyone else can attack you without penalty, they may seize your vessels, you will have limited ports, etc. None of those issues apply here.
  19. Captured ships are lawful prizes. They would not be undefeatable, but I don't see how a Class 2 would defeat them. The dice add some unpredictability, but not enough for entirely absurd results.
  20. To the Governor of His Most Sacred Majesty, King Philip I's, colony of Fatu Hiva on Ile d'Or, In response to usurpations and blatant violations of the Laws of the Seas and the Laws of the Empire of Oleon, we hereby request that the pirate vessel Odin's Scorn be seized by colonial authorities and her unlawful prize, belonging to citizens of the Grand Duchy of Prio, Prince Alex, along with all her crew, officers, passengers, cargo, wares, and other affects be returned to her rightful owners posthaste. This wanton act of piracy threatens the free and just navigation of the seas, and we have no doubt that Oleon has no desire to, in effect, condone acts disreputable towards honest trade. Pablo de la Rosa Consulate General of the Grand Duchy of Prio And now for Oleon's response: Mister de la Rosa, The Empire of Oleon requires that any diplomatic requests and communication from the Island of Romantica take place through the proper Marderian authorities. Unfortunately your request does not meet this criteria and cannot be considered. Jacque Debussy
  21. His Excellency, Lord Alexander Prio, Duke of Prio and Hero of the War Against Marderian Tyranny. To all that read this, greetings. Through abuse and usurpations, the settlement of Bastion and their allies, styling their selves the Sea Rats, have made several wanton attacks that jeopardize the free navigation of the seas and lawful trade between nations. We, therefore, the Grand Duchy of Prio, our citizens and vessels being victims of these malevolent attacks, do consider a State of War to exist between our nation and those calling their selves the Sea Rats. So that these vicious and unjustifiable attacks against honest sailors may be brought to a swift and deceive end, we, the Grand Duchy of Prio, will issue Letters of Marque to private vessels in good standing with the Grand Duchy. These licenses shall grant the holder permission, for the duration of the war or until revoked, to seize, burn, and otherwise destroy any and all shipping bearing the Colors of the Sea Rats. Men willing to pledge their lives, fortunes, and honor so that the laws of nations may be upheld and justice be done to these unscrupulous pirates are encouraged to apply for a letter. The cost is 100 DBs per vessel. With a firm reliance on the protection of the gods and with the goal of ensuring our liberty, Juan Salazar Speaker of the Assembled Convention In order to apply, please respond below with a list of the vessels and remit 100 DBs per vessel to Prio. Any vessel that hasn't attacked Mardier and isn't a Sea Rat will be granted a LoM. Please note that for the duration the LoM is active, your vessel will fly Prio's colors and will be a fair target for anyone who chooses to attack Prio. Any attacks outside the scope of your LoM (i.e. not against the Sea Rats) are still considered piracy. The SRs may chose to issue their own LoMs, and Prio will not allow privateers to hold a LoM from both nations.
  22. To Her Most Corrish Majesty's Officer, Rear-Admiral Fletcher. Greetings. Your concerns and requests have been sent to the appropriate authorities. I will inform you as soon as any decision is reached. Until then, I would ask that you reach out to the aggressors and see if an arraignment can be reached without the need to involve Oleon or the RNTC. Major Wolfgang Hochstetter
  23. Taxes are the responsibility of you and the entity issuing the tax. They should contact you with a tally of how much you owe and you should pay it. Game masters are not part of this effort.
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