Everything posted by Captain Genaro
[OL - FB] Captain Picard: Chapter 1 "The Return"
He cannot initiate a PM, but he can be added to one.
[OL - FB] Captain Picard: Chapter 1 "The Return"
Welcome back, and I'm very pleased to see Captain Picard is back on the Brick Seas! Your build is well done, and I particularly like the architectural detailing around the balcony (especially given that you did so with such basic bricks) and the dock. If you are looking for a settlement, I would suggest reading the list of Oleon's Colonial Possessions. You should find it helpful if you are looking to work with a specific geography or island design. Also, don't forget that the rumors about the island could relate to the island's bonus, which could increase your income from properties on the island. If you are concerned about Oleon's strategic growth plans, send me a PM or ask about it in the Estates General PM. Should you need any further help, don't hesitate to ask.
[OL FB] Recruiting Sergeant
A continuation of my main character's story. Jonah is a character by @SpaceJoey86, and it was a real pleasure getting to combine our efforts for this build and story. I do hope to have more of this in the future. Comments and criticism are always welcome. Previously: Lavalette Inn An Offer Reaching King's Harbour Captain Anthony Genaro was pleased to be back in Lavalette. His mission to Cocovia had gone extremely well, the company had rewarded him richly, his landlady was finally paid, and he had just finished his ship's logs. As such, he decided to visit one of his favorite taverns before heading off to the company's offices to drop off his report and logs. He was in high spirits at the thought of finding some fine spirits, but as he drew nearer to the tavern, he became aware of a large gathering, almost a mob, surrounding the building. Recruiting Sergeant by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Finally he got near enough to see more clearly. The crowd was surrounding what looked like soldiers, royal soldiers Anthony thought, and his suspicions were confirmed when he saw the regimental banner adorned with fleur de lis. He was about to ask someone what was happening when a sergeant stood on a stool and began reading from a worn sheet of paper. “Loyal Subjects of the Crown!” the sergeant began. “His Most Sacred Majesty’s 31st Regiment of the Line, commanded by Major Victor du Pont, which has so gloriously distinguished itself in battle, is looking to recruit several men to join its ranks. All clever young fellows who are free and able and ambitious of becoming gentlemen are invited to come forth and meet the recruiting sergeant. Such spirited men who are willing to engage will be rewarded at the end of their term, with twenty acres of land. Each volunteer meeting the qualifications shall immediately receive the Royal Bounty of one and one-half livres and all the rum they can manage, in addition to arms, clothing, accoutrements, and every other requisite proper to accommodate a soldier in His Most Sacred Majesty’s army. Vive le Roi!” “Vive le Roi!” the crowd responded as the drum began a steady beat. Recruiting Sergeant by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr The sergeant began talking to the crowd, encouraging potential volunteers to step forward, but Anthony was too confused to pay attention. A royal regiment in Lavalette? Recruiting? Such behavior would be expected from the company, but not a royal regiment. His only hope at answering his questions was to ask someone in the crowd. Recruiting Sergeant by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr “You, there!” Anthony called to a man standing in front of him. “What is happening?” “Haven’t you heard… sir” a man replied, adding the title upon seeing Anthony’s naval uniform. “I’m afraid I haven’t, mister…” “Jonah” the man replied. “Well, Jonah, what is this? Royal regiments in a company town?" “It’s the Terraversans. They’ve seized our ships and men!” “Zeus’ beard!” Anthony swore. “You’re serious?” “Yes, sir. I don't know the exact number, but apparently several company ships and hundreds or thousands of men are being held hostage." Anthony stood there shaking his head for a moment. The idea that some upstart colony would openly seize ships was simply inconceivable. “If that’s all, I really must report to my officer,” Jonah replied anxiously. “Of course, of course,” Anthony said absently. The story seemed insane, too ludicrous to even be seriously contemplated. But it would explain the presence of royal troops and a fair number of the crowd had some rather unpleasant things to say about the Terraversans. “Wait a minute!” he called out, remembering his manners just before the man left. “For your troubles” Anthony went on as he handed the young man a coin. “And Poseidon’s blessings upon you.” "And may He ever stand beside your ship," Jonah replied with a common blessing for sailors. A few additional overview pictures: Recruiting Sergeant by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Recruiting Sergeant by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr Recruiting Sergeant by Capt. Genaro, on Flickr
La Comete
That is an incredible MOC you have there, Legostone. The rigging is very detailed, the stern design is intricate, great colors, neat little boats, and an active crew. Overall, all the details come together to create a very nice ship. Hopefully it has many more exhibitions in its future.
- Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
Do not simply license a prefab canoe or rowboat as your build. Prefabs can be used as the basis for a build, just as prefab hulls are acceptable for larger ships, but they should not consist of the entirety of the build. The Class 0 example is part of a larger MOC, and that is why it is acceptable. Had the boat been alone without the surrounding display, it would not be acceptable for a license. When I say unique, I mean that they must be different vessels. It is okay for the vessels to have similar looks, colors, features, and characteristics, but reusing builds with minor changes, especially in LDD, is not allowed. A good example of this is Phred's Class 0 fleet. Each boat looks very similar, in some cases almost identical, but they are all separate vessels.
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
You could earn some revenue, but I cannot say if it would be profitable. That would depend on upkeep costs as well as the value of the port you would be sailing to and from. Each vessel is expected to be unique. It is not uncommon for vessels to look similar, but it is expected that they be new builds.
Account Summary
I can look into it. The purpose of the parity is to show how many more builds of a certain type are needed to advance to the next level. Since plantations are not relevant to growing a settlement's status, they were not included.
Oleon: Sign-up and Discussion, Era II
Welcome back, Brandon. I'm glad we didn't lose you to the greedy greens, and I look forward to your new stories.
Account Summary
You are welcome. They should have been added automatically. If you could name the pirates in question, I'll see what happened.
Could I ask that you go ahead and transfer The Athena to Kotz and the Cotton Lady to the MCTC. Thank you, and the ship is yours.
All payments for the RNTC and myself are complete. Do we need to re-license the vessels in our name?
How about the RNTC wins the auction at 750 DBs and then sells the Cotton Lady to Capt. Wolf for the 800 DBs. Does that sound fair?
Some really nice microbuilds you've got there, Legostone. And I've gone ahead and placed a few bids for myself, the RNTC, and Oleon.
Account Summary
I do apologize about the delay. Phred is a little busy with real life, and I don't have access to edit the April account summary. As soon as I get access, they will be added.
Account Summary
You are referring to freebuilds, right? If something is showing up now, it is most likely from April. This rule has been in place since the beginning of the game. As for the doubloons, I show that you have 10 DBs each for the first three freebuilds, 10 DBs each for the two mini-challenge submissions, and 5 DBs for your fourth freebuild, totaling 55 DBs. All your submissions for May are included. I'm not sure what other two builds you are referring to, but it is possible they need to be resubmitted. Check your submissions using this listing tool, and if something is missing, go ahead and re-submit it. The safest option is to have separate topics.
Account Summary
@Drunknok It looks like everything is correct. You are receiving 55 DBs from 4 free builds and 2 mini-challenge submissions. The increase to the settlement size occurs in the month subsequent to when the form was submitted, and these are appearing in the June sheet. I don't like Corries so I make them wait a while before adding them. You are now added.
Account Summary
@Drunknok I'll look into your problem later today. @LM71Blackbird Normally the earnings are added much sooner. I'll see about getting those added shortly.
Oleon: Sign-up and Discussion, Era II
You do not have to resubmit anything. If you'd like focus on a new character, that should be fine.
Kings Port Advertiser and Ship List (Vol 3, Issue 3) April 618
This is more of your revenue rather than profit (I'll fix the terms for the next MCRA). You still have to pay taxes and any ship upkeep. I don't believe Corrington has any taxes on MCRA income, but your faction leadership can confirm this.
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
@Mesabi We are considering the current economic balance right now. There are some areas that will likely be tweaked in the near future. Please note that all leadership is done on a volunteer basis, and it may take a little time to get everything right. In regards to properties, land-based are supposed to provide a steady income stream. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme, but by properly utilizing trade company monopolies and island bonuses, you can get a steady source of income to support your operations. Ships are supposed to be high risk yet high reward. We have seen very little piracy, thus much of the risk for ships simply isn't there. We are aware of these issues and are working to try and resolve everything. There are currently 10 people in leadership roles, including a regulator and moderator. They can easily be identified by the leadership tag. If you have an issue with the way you are being treated by anyone in leadership or any other player, please feel free to send a PM to one of the other leaders. I am sure the issue can be resolved.
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
If leadership deems it appropriate to bring this up with a player, it is highly unlikely it would be discussed in public. As such, it is entirely possible that the issue was brought up first, but very few people would know if it was. It is also possible that the rule change could be designed to preempt potential problems. If you want me to justify the rule change with specific examples, it will not happen. Discussions about the quality of MOCs will be done via PM with the relevant parties. There is no reason for it to be public. By limiting the number of builds one license in a month, it discourages players from aiming for quantity over quality. In the past, you could only license three per month, but any excess builds could be licensed by related parties (TCs or towns you control, factions, friends, etc). This is no longer an option. You have three builds per month, and if they are licensed by you, fine. If they are licensed by a third party, fine. But you only have three builds, so you may as well spend time and effort on those instead of aiming to get as many builds as possible. I am not pretending that the rule is perfect or that it can address every potential issue, but it is an improvement.
- Astrapi marketplace
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
The first part is correct, the second part is incorrect. A total of three builds by a player can be licensed in one month. It does not matter who licenses them (faction, settlement, TC, the player, etc.). Any entity can license as much as they would like, but each license will count against the builder's limit. The prior focus was "who is licensing this build?" The new focus is "who built this build?" In this case, two more of your MOCs can be licensed. Roadmonkeytj hasn't built anything. He can still license three of this builds. The FTA can license as many builds as it would like without violating the three-MOCs per builder rule. To take this a step further, say you had four builds instead of just the one, which you still give to Roadmonkey and is licensed for the FTA. At this point, only two more of your four builds can be licensed, but the fourth could be licensed in another month. Does this help? One purpose of the rule is to encourage people to focus on the quality of builds instead of quantity. The Court felt that the original rule was insufficient in this regard. As the game develops, it is not unreasonable for older rules to be replaced even if they were effective in the past.
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
Rule updates occur when the Court determines that a rule is outdated or could be improved. While we do our best to make sure the rules are perfect the first time around, this is not always the case, and the original rules may need to be updated from time to time. That rule is replaced. You may license more than three builds per month, but that would require the builds being bought from a third party. When you license a build by a third party, it will count against their limit for that month. E.G.: Player A builds three MOCs and buys a fourth from Player B. Player A can license all four builds. Player B can only license two builds. Nonetheless, both Players A and B are welcome and encouraged to build as much as they would like for BOBS; they simply cannot license all of these builds in one month.
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