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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Metroid doesn't matter? Oooook then. Nice MOC by the way. Too bad there isn't really any suitable pieces for the wing membranes though. Still that's alright since you did blow them off during the fight in Prime 1.
  2. Ah, yes, that's a possible explanation that Greg could use. Rather cheap though.
  3. But Mata-nui was only able to do that long after that serial chapter. Even if not all of Zaktan's protodites exploded along with the tank, the rest would have suffocated to death long before Makuta was defeated. The only logical explanation I can see of him surviving is if there was some nearby water source and the remaining protodites fled into it and escaped.
  4. But you're forgetting that they can't breath without water now, since he enetered the mutagen.
  5. Well, it certainly seemed that Tuyet was dead. The remains were further evidence to prove that, but Greg managed to flip all that upside down by saying that they belonged to another Tuyet. As for Zaktan, he said that he was very dead not long after that serial chapter was put online. If you ask him now, the answer will likely be "wait and see". Next thing you know, Greg will say Botar rescued the real Matoro and let an alternate one sacrifice his life, lol.
  6. Anyone know where to select those shield things? I don't see them anywhere as an option in the Recon builder...
  7. Man, it's like I've forgotten everything already. Who was brought back to life previously, before Mahvrah? EDIT: Ah, now it's coming to me. Let's see, there's Tuyet and possibly Zaktan.Can't really think of anyone else right now. :(
  8. The fourth one is on youtube. Just search for some of the more recent Hero factory uploads that were posted.
  9. Um, what? No they didn't. The Bohrok are some of the sturdiest and solid Bionicle sets as far as I know.
  10. So, did anyone upload the English versions of the HF episodes cause I can't seem to find them anywhere online.
  11. I thought this was a pretty neat set. It's the last large Bionicle set I ever got. Wait. No, I got Muaka and Kane Ra off of ebay, lol.
  12. I find it amusing that you say Furno is the worst hero set yet you use his helmet as your avatar.
  13. Looks a little much like Vakama Hordika in my opinion.
  14. Hmm, any chance you could post any pics of that prototype piece? Sounds interesting.
  15. I don't know. Despite the nice boxart, Von Nebula doesn't seem very appealing to me. He seems like a distant cousin of Tuma or something.
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