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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I could only seem to find the original build/instructions; if someone has a link the the latest version, that would be great...!
  2. https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=2868b&#T=S&O={"ss":"CA","rpp":"200","iconly":0}
  3. Fork to Fork was Very Reliable, I've run it at SEVERAL shows with hardly ANY problem, The only thing that initially tripped me up was if the antennas aren't perfectly straight, it will drop balls. And the runout/exit makes it very flexible when you integrate it in larger show displays.
  4. Spectacular idea. I have often thought of building it, but realizing its too fragile to move/transport, have put it off. Look forward to seeing you're work!
  5. Regarding the Spiral Staircase; can anyone confirm if i HAVE to use the 9.5 extra hard spring? Is there an alternative? I have don't really want to open up a sealed kit to get at one, if I don't have to Thx Mike
  6. Set 8864-1 Desert of Destruction https://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?P=62531&in=S
  7. I'm currently building the Fork, and have hit a snag with the instructions... I'm uncertain as to how the black pin in step 13 can be inserted, if that hole is already occupied by the blue pin, as shown in step 12? Maybe I'm missing something obvious?
  8. Great review; I have this still in the box, but I don't know if I will ever build it. Like a lot of others, I may end up just using it as a parts pack however.
  9. Fantastic build, and thanks for sharing the LDD file; may have to try building this.
  10. Very nice work. I keep looking my Artic Helicrane, and saying I should rebuild it more accurately as an actual SkyCrane; but other projects get in the way.
  11. Is it possible to get the images to use on a different label sheet/system? I use Avery Address labels, and there would be very helpful... Either way, awesome job!
  12. My wallet died a little just thinking about building something like this.
  13. Needs HOG steering Cute tho!
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