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Everything posted by JunkstyleGio

  1. @Jti001 At least a paddock stand is way better for a racing bike! And we can get rid of the horrible kickstand. @R0Sch I hardly ever use stickers. They do not ad anyting essential to the model. .
  2. picture not available. Please use a free and "open"picture service like Flickr.
  3. I'm very happy with this one! The building experience is adventurous to say the least. Considering some "leap of faith" steps in the instructions, you get a great looking model. i did have to make soome minor changes. But then again: that what Lego is all about. 1: recoloring red and blue gears with black and DBG 2: redoing steer with flexcable. 3: closing up windscreen. 4: lowering stand. Only 12 parts extra. .
  4. Looks intregueing! Hope to see a video soon!
  5. At first this bike was "big no" for me. But after seeing various reviews, i kind of buckeld in and went for it. So far I'm not disappointed. Uwe Wabra designs are always veryy nice!
  6. I wish that TLG ddid not have so many rules for designers. Too bad for great designers like Milan Reindl. (And like i said before on the other F1 cars: "Same size front- and rear wheels? Come on...) So I will this one let me pass by.
  7. Come on... Same sized front and rear tires?
  8. Looking forward to your updates!
  9. It's only an easter egg, if you make it an easter egg.
  10. Great! I really love this little one!
  11. Although again Sariel's review is very strong, he made various construction errors. Moreover, the model also squeaks in his version: something I have yet to hear my version do. In my opinion, these build errors all arose because of his building speed
  12. @R0Sch Thanks for the basic io file. I finished it model. Had to make some "alternatives" for the missing parts. Plus did some work around for the rubber parts... Also put the model on more tilted stand. Still had a lot of fun. By the way: does anyone know what that thingie with the yellow rubber bands is suppose to be?
  13. Here are some basic alternate for the parabolic antenna. Her is one of the alternates on the moon.. Credit for the basic model where credit is due..
  14. Great idea. Maybe, when you shorten the leg, you also should shorten the upperbody. Still it looks nice!
  15. I do not charge for anything. It's a hobby.
  16. That looks nice. Too bad the lxf file had too many unrecocknized parts in LDD. But i can a lot further in Stud.io. (But stul a lot of repairing had to been done.) But in the final end a farely good render was made.
  17. Nice job blue-ing up the BMW. Would love to see the blue rims on the BMW and vice versa now!
  18. I'm still building the original. But i'm looking forward to all the MODs that will be presnted here. Keep up the good work you all!
  19. 1972 parts would have been better. The model is a rendition of the LRV of the Apollo 17 whom had its flight in 1972.
  20. The saturn V was build with 1969 parts to comemorate the first moonlanding.
  21. Just wait some time, The price will drop. (I got mine on day one with a 30% discount).
  22. So this looks good. And it is something different. I'm going to wait until this one "sails out" to see if I get it or not!
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