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Everything posted by JunkstyleGio

  1. A good book. Nice updates for 2023. A few little tips: A: A book should end with a rear cover. B: Please add pagemumbers, C: A pageindex at the end would be nice. A little pro-tip last: a book always contains a plural of 4 pages.
  2. It is even possible to build the racer without The 11272: Technic Axle Connector 2 x 3 Quadruple parts. It took me a bit of tinkering.... I learned over the years that there is always a "work around".
  3. Something like this? Too bad in Parts Designer the spot where it should be placed is not fully available. Therefor not visually rendered!
  4. Personally I think that asking for instructions of a 26000 part model is kind of strange. And does anyone realize how much time it would take to make them? A day? A month? Or maybe a year? Then how much would anyone pay for that?
  5. In the end, all will work fine! The red liftarm is probably the problem. (And will be delt with in further steps!
  6. Both motorbikes are build the way the instruction shows us. But which one is correct?
  7. @Bartybum Yes but a little less than the BMW
  8. The bike looks great. I love the "naked bike" look. The gearbox and it's new parts work like a charme. And a great build all together. The price is kinda high, but I got a hefty "pre-order"discount. I made a 2 minute movie.. 2 minute movie
  9. That looks like an intregueing build!
  10. Boxart rear Boxart front Promoart 1 Promo art 2
  11. @brunojj1 O wow! Let's sue everyone... @ everyone: Does anybody know when the emborgo on the set will be lifted?
  12. @Jim we may not all have seen the review by Sariel, but at least i saved the pictures..
  13. With all the new parts this is going to be a no-brainer buy for me. Can't wait to see more..
  14. This link is dead. Maybe everyone was too soon with posting. And big Brother (read TLG) is watching us..
  15. Maybe are those going to be used in different sets!
  16. These might help too I've got the front and rear wheels as complete submodels. You can find them for Ldraw here: https://brickshelf.com/gallery/JunkstyleGio/42155/wheels.ldr And for Stud.io here: https://brickshelf.com/gallery/JunkstyleGio/42155/wheelsa.io Best way to work with files like these is to open them in Parts desiger and save them as customparts.
  17. Pictures say more than a thousand words..
  18. @osterum A few better pictures of your lovely improvement would help us.
  19. The first "Unimog"! Great model. I remember some of the parts were really brittle from the beginning. But i loved it that the HOG-stering was hidden under the roof. I would love it if it was orange...
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