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Everything posted by JunkstyleGio

  1. As I am not a fan of the one-part rotorblades, I redid them in to an "axle-conector"version. As I did that for the 9396 already I kind of had an example, but they had to be slightly different. Of course I had to work with parts available in my spare-parts. Here is my version now. As I did not like the neon-yellow parts, I did replace those with white parts.
  2. I never been much of a fan of the one-part rotors. So time to build them with parts. T here is another building mistake in the (printed)instruction
  3. And here it is. For me the color change from neon-yellow to white is a succes. What a great model! And what a lovely build! The gearbox is great and all the PU-functions work like a charm. Lots of little manual funtctions too. Certainly the best model of the last 4 years,,,
  4. A quick video on the working. After baggies three you get a look look at all the powered functions. This model is truely a masterpiece!
  5. Building this model is going to be so much fun. But i really don't like the neon-yellow parts. So I will exchange them for white parts.. I "greebled" the missing new parts in the stud.io file from @Ngoc Nguyen I'm sure I going to like this set as much as I like 9396...
  6. Well.. Re-assembling is part of the fun. (or even a complete rebuild is..) Enjoy it!
  7. Would love to see how this model compares to the 42125
  8. Thanks! (maybe my Korean is not that good, It will give me some exta info.)
  9. No you gave a direct link tot the file.. What i need is al link is a link to website itself..I definately would have a look at the other files you mention.
  10. Black is so boring when rendering. But chrome Silver is not..
  11. @SNIPE just give us a link to the website where the Io-file originates..
  12. @Ngoc Nguyen You can find the file at the Ldraw forum..
  13. The good thing with Stud.io that you have all colors available. So getting the BMW in Gulf striping is easy.. (I did not check if the colors really are available) Together with the "Sao Paulo Yellow" one the are quite the team...
  14. Three of my favorite things.... 1) no cars, cranes or boats! 2) Lots of axles and connectors! 3) Movement without engines! Brilliant!
  15. I do not know where it was previously used for but I does have good purpose in the new "Jazz Quartet"
  16. Joy of endless repetition! I love it!!
  17. So much to see, so much fun, and such a great build! Brilliant, mate!
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