Everything posted by Bkrosell
Episode V: Secret Plans
Maybe I can find time for this, school ends the first week of June so I've got time.
Episode IV: Secrets of the Empire
I'm beginning to feel bad for the stormies...only a little
[SoNE Episode IV] Sector D:Narrow escape
I get what your saying about the lava, but the worst thing happened to me...I ran out of pieces.Although I just didn't think of adding rocks, that would have been nice. Thanks for your input.
Home Sweet Home - Sci-Fi contest
Oh No! I actually forgot to enter! I hate school...
Age of Mitgardia (free-build-challenge)
thanks Sk, it might be awhile before I can get phase two put together, so much homework!
(RESULTS)The Great Mitgardia / Kaliphlin Naval Arms Race (Contest)
I've been procrastinating with my build, I will try to get it up today...or next week.
Book II Challenge II - Avalonian Civil War! - RESULTS POSTED
I'll go with the drow assault if possible.
[SoNE Episode IV] Sector D:Narrow escape
I see you want some close ups, can I still do that after the episode ended?
[SoNE Ep IV] Sector E - Command and Conquer
This is amazing, the story is just as good.
[SoNE Episode IV] Sector D:Narrow escape
It was time to move on Sullust. Many rebellion spies had been captured and stuffed in the prison along with even more soldiers. A month earlier we put a man on the inside, or a woman rather. One of my closest friends, Marian, volunteered for the job. We were then given the task of evacuating the prisoners on the same level as Marian. We were given a good number of small and large cargo ships, my team received a smaller one, which made sense considering we were to gather up any stragglers left behind. Not many of the ones we found made it on the ship alive, among the dead was one of Marian's friends. It was a struggle to get her on the ship, we barely made it out ourselves because a massive wave of storm troopers had just exited the building. It was truly a narrow escape.
Age of Mitgardia (free-build-challenge)
So I came back here after a while so I might work on phase two of my tower but I realized that the link for phase 1 isn't bellow my name, just wondering if that means I can't move on to phase two.
GoH on Lego Fan Events
I think that's a good idea, go for it.
GoH on Lego Fan Events
Thanks Gideon, I'm hoping I can make it to Brickworld Chicago, If I do I will hopefully display a GoH build I have had up on a shelf for a while
GoH on Lego Fan Events
Even though I probably won't be able to make it, does anyone know how I would register to have one of my builds shown at brick world?
- Darth Revan minifig (and other May the 4th promotions)
Home Sweet Home - Sci-Fi contest
I might get something put together but I'm really busy lately so don't count on it. EDIT: also, does starwars count as sci- fi or do you mean only themes in the sci- fi forum?
GoH on Lego Fan Events
I'm trying to work something out to go to brickworld but I have a lot going on.
- [Contest] LDD/LDraw Contest 2014: Build your dream home
[SoNE free build] Moving in
I'm about to dissasemble this, any objections?
[SoNE free build]MECH
I forgot, I would like this to be judged.
Book II - Mitgardia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Looks good sk
What will happen when you run out of space?
every girl I've met loves Legos, and I have realized, now that I'm going into high school soon, I'm going to have some real problems trying to move all my Legos.
SoNE Map and Planet Bios
I don't know to much about this stuff so I didn't have anything in mind, just thought it would be cool.
[SoNE free build]MECH
thanks for the Idea, I'll wip something up here.
- Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka — Redemption (Alliance Headquarters)
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