Everything posted by rloesberg
- [75059] Sandcrawler
Would it hurt you if the Star Wars franchise would stop right now?
If would opt for a third option: Lego should stop with all the reissues and start being creative and original again. If you watch the movies there are so many new sets to be created. The Ewok village was very welcome, but extremely expensive. There is still the (Palace of) Naboo, Coruscant, Cloud city, Mos Eisley and Mos Espa, etc. All planets with a lot of buildings and vehicles to recreate. I would not be sad when Lego stops with Star Wars because of the lack of originality nowadays. But I will be thrilled when they start being creative again ;-)
- Middle-Earth Madness - Rohan Battle Pack vs The Watcher in the Water [
[Wargaming Factions] Latest update: Redcoats vs Bluecoats Battlefield
Maybe you should consider giving the Italians some firepower ;-)
My ambitious project - Brickage City
Hey guys, I got inspired by your posts and think I will give it a try as well. Any chance that you can share the Excel spreadsheets by e-mail? ( Thanks!
- Blasted Ashore!
CCCX Ras-al-Jabar
Might be the best MoC I ever that you used the dark grey colour for the castle. There are actually real life examples in India, Turkey and also the Middle East of castles being built in such dark grey fashion. The market town is impressive as well.....Wow!
Pirate Ship working rudder, crane, cannon by technic parts
Great features, but I don't understand why the steering wheel also operates the gun....that doesnt seems logical
What If Battle : British Line VS Samurai
put the British in a square formation and they will probably win the battle ;-)
Port for Imperial Flagship
I guess everything has already been said... allthough the comments for improvement are certainly right (I was also puzzled by the cannons), the overall impression is one of shock and awe. To have the possibility and the creativity to make such a gigantic but also detailed and beautiful MOC is just unbelievable. Great work, hope to see more work from your hand.
Am I the only one that can't see the pictures?
Taking over from the French
Ok I followed your instructions, hope they are visible now
Taking over from the French
Ok I understand, can I move it myself?
Taking over from the French
I still want to build a MoC with my redcoats and bluecoats set in India. I have some prince of persia buildings and the Scorpion Palace as well as a Western Fort. At this moment I don't have the time to start building. Today I wanted to "play" a little with all the Lego I collected. I know that the uniforms are not all from the same period and that Indian rulers probably did not have Chinese concubibes, but I just like these figures the most... So here is a small scene depicting his Royal highnes the Prince of Wales and her Royal highness the Princess of Wales taking the official treaty with the French at the court of one of the local Indian Princes. If I posted this scene in a wrong forum, feel free to (re)move it, cause Im fairly new with posting.
Fake LEGO pirates : general discussion
Don't know if anybody already posted it, but I saw a lot of these fake sets on the following site However the fort was new to me
W.I.P English Galleon (Princess Ceinwyn)
Wish you could make us some building instructions how to duplicate your galleon. Its beautiful and I want to make one myself too!
The Old Lighthouse
It looks really well made, but what's with all the minifig hands?
Hair piece
Wow those hairpieces look amazing I also love your ship and the building in the background, do you have more pictures of the ship and the buildings?
Bonaparte re-elected Ambassador!
Crusader Fort at Herenbosch
Sorry, I didn't know that we were not supposed to react on older posts. I just did it again, but now I know it, I will only react to new topics.
The Battle of Teutoburger Wald
Great work! But don't forget that after this battle some major victories were won by the romans. Germania was never conquered, because it did not exist... large parts of the area were eventually conquered and/or partly romanised.
Crusader Fort at Herenbosch
Its a stunning Castle... Im jealous at your talent. But why is it called a crusader fort? If I learnt it well, the crusaded ended in 1300, but the star fort model was only introduced when gunpowder cannons were in use in Europe. So more into 1500. Can you explain your idea or was it just fantasy? But as I said, it is really beautiful...
The three SW sets you'd like TLG to release
Just 1 wish: The senate Im thinking: Palpatines room A small hallway 1 or 2 senate boxes (perhapse the one of naboo an/or alderaan) The chairmans/palpatines box in the middle of the senate room A landing pod with a coruscant shutte/bus elevator All modular like cloud city, perhapse some level differences like in the death star minifigs: palpatine, padme (senator), Senator Organa, "right and left" hand of palpatine (forgot their names, always sitting next to him), 2x blue senate guards, 2 or 3 other senators/visitors
How can I access universe mode? Ah you know St. Augustin and its history. I always wanted to build a fort and really got excited when I saw the Castillo de San Marcos. But I started with a version based on Fort Branco here on the forum. I think I will try to expand it to make it more like the real Castillo. Unfortunately I dont have a lot of bricks to build a fort. But Im trying to design some buildings in LDD for a port with merchantdwellings and a fort. And maybe in the future I can build it for real :)
Im not permitted to upload the file... do you know what Im doing wrong? Im fairly new....
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