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  1. Thanks for the great review!!! I just wish they would have incorporated a little bit more of the old into the new.
  2. I purchased 10 of the them this past Sunday at one of my local TRU, I'm going to be a little more help though. Price:$3.99 UPC: 673419140522 TRU Item Number: 232632 This might help you locating them a little better, only 2 TRU in my area had them out of around 8-15. The TRU I went to had 50 of them in stock, I'm guessing that is the amount there getting.
  3. Thanks, Inconspicuous. All Legos at least recent one's that I've bought all start with 204. Can't wait to go look for this set during the rest of the week.
  4. Great Review!!! I have a question though, do you happen to have the Target DPCI number so it might be easier to locate.
  5. Can anybody post the DPCI number from their purchase? It would make it a lot easier to find at a Target. Thank You
  6. Thanks for the review!!! I can't wait till my TRU.com order comes!!! I just wish this set was included in the %25off sale.
  7. The deal is live right now, I just purchased it =D. I already have one but for this price I wouldn't mind having 2!
  8. Target has a better deal UCS Millenium Falcon is $399 at Target minus 10% off coupon: NVO5WOQL Lego Millenium Falcon The Death Star is also on sale for $320 minus 10% coupon: Lego Death Star Free Shipping on Orders over $50 and don't forget 10% coupon code: NVO5WOQL I would have made a new thread but it wouldn't let me so I'm including it here unless someone else wants to make a new thread for me.
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