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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Aethersprite

  1. Or we could get the Rebels version since the ship also appears in Rebels, with Season 3 Ezra. Really bummed that we're getting so little Rebels sets this year.
  2. Those are awesome! Looks like the sets are movie-based as compared to the SDCC releases. I'm also glad that they're now individually packaged rather than in two-packs. Cap and Iron Man are must-gets!
  3. This is an awesome idea. I love these!
  4. Did some googling, and here are the dates for the upcoming Toy Fairs: London: 24-26 Jan Nuremberg: 1-6 Feb New York: 18-21 Feb We should have set descriptions from London, some pics/videos from Nuremberg, and detailed pictures from New York. It's highly likely that Lego will omit the Ep 8 sets, given the past 2 years with TFA and RO.
  5. Very nice! I've thought of using a similar technique for the nose but you beat me to it. Would love to buy something like this as a set.
  6. Thanks for the pictures! The Milano can actually hold 4 figs in the cockpit - still a huge downgrade from the original. But given that I'm struggling with a lack of space in my house, the smaller size isn't so undesirable for me.
  7. I just realized that with some modifications, Tazerface's ship could easily pass for Rocket's Warbird!
  8. The best part of this wave is that the builds are all unique and impressive. Even the Milano, which is a remake, is substantially different in design from its predecessor. I'm also loving Tazerface and Yondu's ships. Very unique and way less generic-looking as compared to past non-flagship Superhero set builds, IMO.
  9. The Milano looks really small but, I'm really loving its design! Hopefully it has a decent interior. These sets all look fabulous. It might be the first wave that I'll have to collect everything... Do we know the USD prices for them?
  10. I didn't expect to see CCBS Rey on this, though it should have been obvious. Great job!
  11. That's amazing! It reminds me of Rivendell! I'd love to see this in real life.
  12. The Star Wars CCBS sets have been pretty generous with recolours, so I'd expect Lego to do that anyhow.
  13. No offence intended at all - but I personally still don't see the need for this comparison, unless it's a review of a re-made ship that compares the new iteration with past ones! Just my opinion. Your post is still well-written nonetheless You'd make a good reviewer! We don't expect DSLR-level photos on here (although those would be nice), I'm sure iPhone photos will suffice for a review
  14. The new Milano is 2 studs shorter and seems to be smaller in length as well. I'm not giving up on it yet; I'll hold my judgment until we get pics of its interior! Hopefully the interior is still decently sized...
  15. Huh. Are they on the Internet, or broadcasted on TV?
  16. Interesting information. If the last fig in the Quadjumper is Constable Zuvio, then the set is a must-get. I don't own any of the TFA sets yet, so the set is a great chance to get the main characters!
  17. Given that SW constraction has lasted this long (even longer than Bionicle!) I'd wager that SW constraction sets are doing well, but what do I know...
  18. Could someone link/quote me to nrg's original message regarding the rumour? I've been actively following this thread but I seemed to have missed out on his rumour. if it came from him, I'd believe it.
  19. Wait... Where is the FO TIE Bomber coming from? Is it a legitimate, source-backed rumour or are people just wish listing or predicting again?
  20. I've never thought of using that technique to give R2 his rocket boosters, I love it!
  21. Is that final GOTG2 set supposed to be the Milano?
  22. So, according to makoy from the SW 2017 thread: Looks like 1) we finally get our first constraction OT Stormie and 2) our first constraction vehicle since Speeda Demon!
  23. Great find! Any idea how those prices translate to US prices?
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