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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Aethersprite

  1. Yeah, hopefully Lego will take note... Release good and accurate sets, and people will buy them in drones.
  2. I don't own any of the sets yet, but based on reviews I've seen, the RO wave looks to be one of the best SW waves in recent history! I don't think any single one of the sets is a misstep or a bore. It's the first wave in a long while where I really want to purchase all the sets, if not for budgetary and space constraints.
  3. That'll do perfectly. Thanks so much for the pics! They're a great help. It seems like Krennic's shuttle's wings are substantially longer than the Tydirium's - that's great to see on the set, but it might be a headache for my shelf! Hopefully it still fits, heh.
  4. Given the popularity of Super Heroes - not just in Lego sets, but in movies and merchandise in general - I wouldn't worry about the theme ending any time soon. IIRC Star Wars just got renewed recently, so that's not ending any time soon, either!
  5. Yeap, my thoughts exactly! I just might pick up K-2SO if the price drops. On another note, something just looks off on the Death Trooper to me. Is it just me, or are the legs too long? I can't figure out what's so off about the figure. One main problem is its bulk - the legs should be wider when looked at head-on, but that's just a consequence of using the CCBS system. Are its limbs disproportionate? The legs just seem a bit too lanky to me.
  6. Huh. That's great news! Hopefully we get a proper TFA Stormie BP, given that Ep 8 is coming out next year.
  7. That Death Trooper helmet mold is amazing. I can't wait to get more of them in next year's battle pack. For those of you who managed to get Krennic's shuttle - do you guys have the Tydirium as well? I'd like to request a photo comparison with both shuttles in landing mode! A head-on picture would be great as I want to compare their heights. Thanks in advance!
  8. Well at least the part for Kanan's hairpiece exists. We don't actually have one with the mask yet. In all probability it's going to be the mask molded with the hair, like Jyn's helmet and her her hair.
  9. You're right; which is why I put 'evergreen' in inverted commas! It's not evergreen per se in that it lasts forever. The license would need to be renewed time and again, of course. But it's 'evergreen' because the license is expected to be renewed every time it's expiring. I can't remember where I'd seen it, but I recall that there's an article somewhere labelling the Super Heroes theme 'evergreen' like Star Wars.
  10. There are already pictures of the entire new Phantom out there...
  11. I'm not sure about how it started, but hasn't it been confirmed that the Super Heroes theme is 'evergreen', i.e. scheduled to last indefinitely like Star Wars?
  12. Oops. I was referring to the 2017 Rebel Alliance BP - are their helmets the same as the rebels that have been released before?
  13. I'm not familiar with the source material, but are the helmets in the Rebels BP the same as the ones seen in the OT?
  14. If you're doing an update on the U-Wing, you need to make the wings/mandibles a lot longer!
  15. Could it be that the looseness was intended, so that you can manuvre his arms around more easily?
  16. Do you have the Imperial Shuttle Tydirium! I'd like to know how they compare height-wise, in landing mode? I actually like the monolithic look of Krennic's shuttle. The way Lego detailed the front with the trapezoid plates looks really good.
  17. Does anyone here own Krennic's shuttle? If so, I'd like to request a comparison photo with the Tydirium in landing mode! I want to see if Krennic's shuttle can fit in my display cabinet, heh. It looks rather tall.
  18. Can anyone tell if the Death Troopers in the BP have their cloth pauldrons on, by the way?
  19. I really wish Lego had included one Shore Trooper in the BP, but I love Death Troopers so I'm not complaining! Planning to populate my Krennic's shuttle with those anyway.
  20. Was thinking the same thing. Hopefully this is so! Love the BPs, at least the build in them are decent!
  21. Agreed. The Ultimate sets just provide pretty useless weapon racks, IMO. The mini mechs are way more playable! They just might be my first Nexo Knights sets.
  22. I don't see a reason why it won't be included. We just haven't seen pics of the right side of Thanos' car, is all.
  23. Yep, and $60 for the Y-Wing is a good deal IMO. The previous one was $50, and this one seems to have more pieces to make it more accurate and detailed. Plus, a bit of inflation.
  24. Thanks! Yeah, I still can't believe that the TIE Striker costs $70. All the other RO sets are reasonably priced except for that one. Glad to see that the Y-Wing is cheaper!
  25. I assume you mean that the bunker battle is $50 and the Y-Wing is $60?
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