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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Aethersprite

  1. Where are you guys seeing the out-of-box pictures of the War Machine set...? Looks like I was right that the mech doesn't have elbows... I wish I was wrong on this one. Lack of articulation is really inexcusable these days with the existence of things like Mixels ball joints. EDIT: Found the pics... Not impressed. The huge gap in the shoulders is pretty unsightly. Especially since the IW Hulkbuster managed to improve on the original's proportions.
  2. The War Machine Buster's arms look like they're fixed at a permanent 90 degrees... I really hope that that's not the case.
  3. The Starkiller base set is perfect for me. Nice diorama and two main characters. I'm glad I haven't bought any sequel sets just for either character yet.
  4. Well, the Infinity War Hulkbuster was still called Hulkbuster, and it's literally being piloted by the Hulk himself...
  5. It's odd, because sir von lego has never been wrong with his leaks. I'm guessing those were postponed or cancelled like the CCBS 501st Trooper with Clone Walker.
  6. What wave are the Oni supposed to be from? Legacy? Summer?
  7. Is it even confirmed that we'll be getting future waves of Legacy? I do hope so!
  8. Do we know when the TLM2 CMF series will be out?
  9. I see, I missed that part. I'm not saying that being $20 less is a bad thing!
  10. The Black Ace looks significantly more substantial and bigger than Vonreg's TIE Interceptor, yet it's $20 cheaper? Wow.
  11. Do we know how much it costs?
  12. Ah, that makes sense. Thanks! By the way, I haven't caught up with the latest few seasons of the show - what's up with this Legacy wave? Do the sets have anything to do with the coming season, and do we know why the sets are being re-made storyline-wise?
  13. Is the Ultra Dragon coming in the next wave, or is it just an inaccurate rumour? Odd that we still haven't seen pics of it yet at this point. Unless it's an exclusive. Also, I just noticed that the Golden Dragon has more pieces than the Samurai Mech but is cheaper!
  14. I love how the FO Stormie is just standing there on the cover art. It's like it knows that it's supposed to be a token inclusion in the set
  15. I love how small (and affordable) the new Golden Dragon and Samurai Mech are! Great for kids to get as "entry level" sets, and they can get the main hero and villain in the smallest set as well. Between these, the new Lego Star Wars Junior sets, and the abundance of $10 sets in the TLM2 line, I'm starting to see a trend with smaller sets in Lego and I love it.
  16. Slightly disappointed that we didn't get all 3 types, but that's too be expected. Fantastic BP nonetheless. I actually prefer the legs!
  17. So I was just randomly looking around the forums when I stumbled on this thread... Holy crap, you're back! I'm pretty late to the party. I remember reading your comic years ago and was so sad when you stopped. I can't wait to get caught up!
  18. Shame that we still don't have pics of the smallest set yet, the Golden Dragon... That's the one I've been most wanting to see!
  19. Is the Death Star Escape supposed to be a Juniors set? Because it looks really good for a Juniors set! It could easily pass for one of those $20-$30 location playsets. The Dewback is also insanely cute. This set wasn't on my to-buy list before, but I think I have to get it now. I don't have a C-3PO yet.
  20. This is hilarious. I love it. I went down the rabbit hole of your posts after seeing your latest Axl instalment. The chapel is a great MOC, too! I hope that you'll keep doing more of these, even after Nexo Knights ends! Ninjago, perhaps? You have a real knack for MOCs and storytelling
  21. Well that got dark real quick... This is brilliant! Can't wait for the future episodes
  22. Nice. Can't believe they're putting the main hero and villain in the cheapest set, but I love it.
  23. Which set does the Overlord come in?
  24. I knew it. Having all 3 in a single cheap set was too good to be true.
  25. Do we have the price points for these sets? The Samurai Mech and Golden Dragon look quite cheap, which is great!
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