Elite Vorox
Where is the stinger fail tail. Anywho I have to agree with the others, this is a truly outstanding MOC. Good job!
Any Formula 1 racing fans out there?
Sorry I've haven't posted here in ages but don't worry I've still been keeping up with our beloved F1. Congrats to Button and Webber, fantastic race in Brazil, as always. Shame about Alonso and great job by Kamui Kobayashi, what a first race. Oh and Trulli, Heikki and McLaren have all been given penalties. Here is the article on
Review: 8987 Kiina
Nice review. After reading that I think I'm gonna use your style of reveiwing if thats alright. BTW after seeing TLR I think Tarix has made up for his crummy set. Seriously though get rid of the silly tube, a the thornax on his hand and then give him one blade he doesn't look half bad.
The Legend Reborn
- The Legend Reborn
Does anyone die? (You don't have to tell us who)- Bionicle characters, photo portraits
Solek is looking at Kopaka like; 'OMG somebody shot Kopaka in the eye' Still these pictures are fantastic.- Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)
I'd risk it. The first time you take the pieces off they don't usually break. In fact I've made a lot of MOCs using parts from 2009 sets and only Metus's head is cracked. BTW please post pics of your modification.- Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)
I don't have any legends. Gresh istn't that good to be honest. He along with Tarix were the winter line up worsts sets IMO. Mind you at least Tarix had nice gold parts an those amazing weapons. Gresh is just lame.- Review: 8990 Fero and Skirmix
The only summer set I bought last year was Jetrax so I wouldn't have known the piece came with Takanuva As for the tan piece, I fell a bit silly now due to the fact I own several Bionicle and Technic sets that use both colours. Sorry I don't know how to make them smaller. When you say 'minus the photos' do you mean the quality or size of them? Yay another Vehicle hater.- Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)
I guess you should ask.- Bionicle characters, photo portraits
Well I've just read through the whole topic and i think I've gathered you (Front) work for Lego. If so, what department do you work in and what do you do?- Review: 8990 Fero and Skirmix
Hi all Welcome to my reveiw of set 8990 Fero and Skirmix. Set Number: 8990 Set Name: Fero and Skirmix Price: 14.65 GBP or 19.99 USD Pieces: 148 The Box The front of the box shows Fero atop Skirmix in the arena. Fero seems to be saying 'charge' and firing his thornax at an unknown target. Skirmix seems to be ignoring Fero and standing in the same spot whilst roaring. The rest of the box displays the age, set number and the name of the set. Notice how it doesn't say special edition because here in the UK Fero and Skirmix are just standard sets. The back welcomes us to the arena; Fero is just standing there, while Skirmix appears to be dancing. The rest tells us there is an action figure game to play and shows the two main functions of the set; the Thornax and Skirmix's jaw movement. At the very bottom we see the B.I.O code and a small ad promoting the other Glatorian. As you can all see I'd already opened the box before I took a photo of the back. Silly me. Pieces New pieces include the life counter for the action figure game, the 'iron man' head in orange, the Thornax launcher, the spikeball, the helmet that also comes with the Skrall set, the new Skrall blade in green which also appears in red with the Skrall set, Glow-in-the-dark green with Akatus and green again with Tuma. Finally we have the new hands, wait no we don't. That's the once thing that bothers me with this set, I don't see why Lego couldn't simply put the grey Akatus hand in this set, it's not like we need a recolor or anything. The recolors include the Fenrak head in dark read, the Makuta Mistika feet and hands in dark red, the shorter double socket picecs once again in dark red and finally this odd piece we haven't seen since the Nui-Jaga in 2001. The Build You first build Fero who is just your basic Agori build and is rather boring. The lack of the new hand piece makes it even more boring. Now once you've got mini Skrall Fero out of the way, it's time to build the gem of the set; Skirmix. You first start to build Skirmix's body and tail. It's not that hard to be honest but still its different and quiet fun to build. You also place the life counter near the neck which makes it flow with the set unlike the other Glatorian which have it bulging out of their backs. The tails is thin and looks stupid on such a muscular body. The legs are once again not that hard to build they're also very sturdy. However the sliver Piraka foot seems way out of place and sort of ruins the colour scheme for the whole set, the standard blue pins to help much either. The hands are made of 2 pieces; the Av Matoran arms/legs and the Shadow Matoran foot. Overall the hands are small, silly and don't seem to have much use, a bit like the arms of a T-Rex. The head is a nice build and the jaw movement it designed cleverly. Once attached to Skirmix the head looks big and powerful, just like a T-Rex =P The whole set take about 1/2 Hour to build and overall its quiet a decent build. Here is your piece inventory. Playability The set is quite fun to play with and The Thornax launcher is a fun projectile, it shoots well but the set only comes with one spikeball so don't lose it! The other forms of play are the fact you can put Fero atop Skirmix and have your own Bonehunter raid; you can also fit other sets on Skirmix as well Skrall and Partario fit fine but Tuma is a bit too big, I can't really judge the action figure game as I don't play it. The other feature is Skirmix's jaws which can maul your other BIONICLE friends to death. There are a few bad things about the set, like the hole in the neck which in my opion looks awful . Another bad thing are those blue pins, just like the feet the ruin the whole colour scheme of the set, I would have much rather had tan pins (like in the Skrall set) than the blue ones. Furthermore the position Fero is placed on Skirmix, you have to bend Skirmix forward so Fero can look in a straight line. Lastly Fero himself is a bad thing; I would have rather had another Inika clone sitting on Skirmix than an Agori. If we had had a canister sized set instead of Fero, the set would be fully worth the money. Here is why you can't sit Fero like he is on the box. Overall Pros Nice pieces Neat recolors Fun build Functions Really fun to play with Fero's sword <3 Cons Few new pieces Fero Blue pins Horrid feet WTF is that a tail? No new hands ;_; Overall Fero and Skirmix is a fairly decent set but I can't fully recommend it to you, sure it is a good set but it isn't fantastic either. So I'll let you decide and with that I leave you one last picture; 'ZOMG it's a big me!' Thanks for reading- Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)
That clip was probably the full trailer. But I still need to hear Tuma speak. IMO he needs Vader's voice XD BTW It seens like Tarix will also get an upgrade. Watch the YouTube version and pause at 1:01, thats one of Tarix's waterblades.- Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)
That Skopio should have destroyed the Thornatus in the recent clip. I still feel that Gelu should be Mata Nui's 4th companion.- Bionicle characters, photo portraits
Wow these pics are amazing. You've captured the sets in beautiful detail, well done! Could you please post instructions for the Nocturn head if thats possible. - The Legend Reborn
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