MOC: The Lego Pink Dolphin Hotel is nearing completion
Mon Dieu! All the pink! This is amazing and very pretty. I would love to book a week here! I love your revolving door and the fountains are also very nice! oh and here is your pink dolphin!
Castaway pirate
Very nice use of "motion." I love the wave! It kindof looks like that old Japanese Tsunami print that you see everywhere.
Which are you?
French mermaid. I'm difficult!
Off with her head!
J'adore! Magnifique! It is very inspiring and very clever!!
Thank you very much everyone! SlyOwl, that chandelier is amazing and very inspiring! As to the mirrors, I found quite a bit of mirror stickers on BrinkLink, I wouldn't have even searched for them because until you mentioned it, that Lego made mirror pieces never even occured to me. So much grattitude is owed to you!!! oo7, that floor technique is very neat. My fiance rather wants to do the flat tile pieces in varying colors to make similar patterns, but if that doesn't work out we'll definately give your technique a try. Sir Wellington (love the name) thank you so much. Instead of the wallpaper, I had thought I might use gold paint and a fleur de lis stamp. It certainly won't be as ostentatious as the actual wallpaper but I am hoping it gives the look/feel of wallpaper. I will, however, borrow your idea of printing out small portraits! What glue or tape would you recommend. I was thinking perhaps a double sided tape, but that would leave the corners of the paper open for bending. Merci beaucoup!
Hello, Bonjour, grüß Gott, Guten Tag, Aloha
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!!! I really really appreciate it!! Sandy, it is nice to see another strong female around!! Yes Sir Wellington my name is based of of the du Barry. Merci
This Madame is Versailles
I love it! I do wish the pictures were brighter though. Your idea for Marie Antoinette matches mine almost perfectly! The only difference is that I am using the Queen's head and crown from Castle Drawbridge Defense 7079.
Thank You SuvieD! It appears that I cannot send PMs yet (after 10 posts? I'm working on it!) I absolutly will look into the SNOT techniques. Sounds promising! Also it seems I have posted this in the wrong place, from what I've seen I suppose it should go in the Pirate MOCs section? If that is the case I would appreciate a moderator moving this thread. Merci! 007, I am planning on doing the inside first. I would like to get to the outside, but it all depends on how the interior goes.
French Gendarmeries
These are magnifique!!I absolutly love them! Would it be acceptable to you if I borrowed some of your decals for my own troops? Also, what type of paint do you use? Do you find that it scratches off easily? Or does it stay put rather well?
The Battle of New Orleans
Made up for the song. Johnny Horton wrote lots of "funny" songs about things in history (mostly American.) Sink the Bismark, Comanche the brave horse, Johhny Reb, North to Alaska, The battle of Bull Run, etc. Very cute MOC btw! My mother used to sing this song when I was little, I thought she was insane until I got older and realized it was a real song! lol.
City 2010
The piglet set sounds so wonderful!! I hope they integrate well with my BrickForge pigs. I certainly hope they add more farm sets in 2010. I would very much like to see something with crops, perhaps on a brown baseplate with an airplane crop duster to fly over! As for the police/rescue/fire/etc. Lego has to manufacture what sells. If they made no money we wouldn't have lovely sets like the green grocer or the Medieval Market. I am perfectly happy with them selling and making whatever so long as they continue to create things that AFOLs like too. If you hate the repeat stuff don't buy it, or buy it and make something better out of it. After all isnt' that what lego is all about?
Recently ED-209 posted a Mini-MOC he created with a guillotine and Marie Antoinette. This got me thinking. I have always loved Marie, and been interested in her life and the time during and preceding the revolution. After much thought I have decided (with the help of my fiancé) to build a set of rooms and a garden in the style of Versailles. I say style because I know I won't be able to perfectly replicate certain wallpaper and upholstery patterns but I still hope to give my MOCs the feel of Versailles. I also intend to create something like the Hall of Mirrors but am at something of a loss as to how to make/use mirrors. One thought is to build the walls and have a slight space to insert some small square mirrors in-between them. As for the gardens, I think I am pretty well set on how to do them and what to use, but any thoughts and help is always welcome. Currently I am only in the acquiring bricks and making plan drawings phase. We are currently buying as much gold, white, and medium blue legos off of Brinklinks as my wallet can afford (honestly not that much at a time.) I'm also looking into interesting pieces that I could possibly use for interior accessories (I've bought some cakes and Lego muffins and Blue Imperial soldiers.) I'm also trying to save up for the Taj Mahal as it looks to be an ideal set for the parts I need. Basically I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or advice they could offer to a relatively new MOC maker. Also are there any special pieces that anyone might know of to help me along the way? Also, does anyone own the Taj? How are the pieces? And do you think they would be of any help? Merci beaucoup in advance!
Egyptian Villa
This is lovely! So very clever!! And I must say I love the slight touches of color to the main building. The spikey bushes in the courtyard are spot on!!!
Hello, Bonjour, grüß Gott, Guten Tag, Aloha
Hello all! I am Mme Du Bricky and I've decided to join (finally) after seeing all the lovely things everyone here does. I also joined because I recently decided to undertake the largest and possible most difficult MOC I've ever done and am hoping for advice and etc. I will of course post about it in the appropriate section so as not to break with protocol. My interests are Legos (of course,) French History (specifically the revolution,) studying about fish, mermaids, mythology, gardening, and etc.
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