Everything posted by Captain Harlowe
PETITION to keep the Pirates theme beyond 2010
SIGNED !!!!!!
The end of LEGO Pirates by mid 2010
Pirates of the Caribbean IV
I like PotC I, but II and III sre getting worse and worse. They gradually got more and more Fantasy, and the British were acceptable good guys in the first movie, they were the bad ones in the 2nd and the most badass bastards ever seen in part 3. I hate this. after PotC I I really thought, that all this over romanticised rubbish would be cut down to a limit. As to the Defeat of the Navy ... Every Ship had a Captain, and Officers, and Soldiers. So simply turning your back and running is not an option, as the sailors would have no choice. The Flagship of Beckett would have never been so easily destroyed in the first place....
Star Trek Lego?
Hm...i doubt, that the Star Destroyer is anywhere near any scale, let alone minifig.
REVIEW: 6242 Soldier's Fort
I think Richie is right, It's, imho, supposed to be a rammer, used to ram the powderbag, shot and wad down the cannons barrel.
Finally the gathering: Ladybird Pirate Books
Is there any way of reading those online somewhere?
Huge Project. I need help
"Good luck on your ship Captain Harlowe, I think it will turn out great!" thank you very much ...I hope it will turn out somewhere near the result I am looking for. Capt. Harlowe
Headrails - How to.
I think, that 1x2 Plates are ideal, you only have to make sure you have fresh and snug fitting specimen. They allow very nice curvatures and have the most equal "flow" of the lines. The main aspect, and difficultthing, is choosing the correct length and curve for the headrails to look good, same with the gallions frames. It may be difficult, but one must not allow oneself to copy the "appearence" of a periode ship or it's elements, as they appear, you need to understand how they work, how the system beyond that was, whats been the idea, and copy the cunstruction and how things work, and it would bring you quite nice results. Unfortunately the Bow and the Stern of 18th C. ships are full of things, this "rule" applies to. Captain Harlowe
Huge Project. I need help
As my ship will be a Waterlinemodel, and the Deck below the Gundeck will be half under Water, I am omitting it to allow for a stable foundation of the ship, allowing a dark "hole", tiled black, to allew looking through the grates, withour seeing anything. So the height of the deck doesn't matter. If it were constructed as I planned earlier, with deckbeams, small beams in between and finally planking, it would be 3-5 plates thick. I am, at the moment, prefering SNOT(where does this abbreviation come from?) decks, as they allow me to show the decks structure, and possible add a slight curvature to it, but tiles also look nice, and would allow the other decks to keep the same style as the rest of the ship, and still show the accurate technique uon they underside... I could waterpaint the sides of the tiles black, or whipe the decks with watered down watercolour, to allow the pitch to be visible between the individual planks...But that is another use of non-Lego material... However, I am uncertain of the colour for the decks. The light rey would match originals decks nicely, as they were rapidly bleached from sunlight, washing ans saltwater into a grey. I am afraid, that it might let the ship look boring, but on the other hand, the hull is painted red on the inside, brown on the outside, and detailed in black/darkgrey and decorated in gold/green... Captain Harlowe
Huge Project. I need help
Thanks. I was trying to snot the grates, but if I use tiles, I dont know how to make them into larger pieces. The Gun is great!!! Too great for my humble is limited. But I'll keep an Eye on you design, for possible later projects Capt. Harlowe
Huge Project. I need help
Very nice ides..I can make good use of it on another project. But the "Holes" sre to big for my purpose...a minifig could break a leg XD. The Originals were carefully dimensioned not to allow a mens shoe heel to fit the holes. *grin* Captain Charles F. Harlowe
Huge Project. I need help
Thanks. Thats the Lego-Way to build them. The original grates on the Sips where unually not made diagonally Thus I d prefer not using these parts, and build something from normal bricks, flats or tiles. Capt. Harlowe
Hats of Imperial Army
That sums it up pretty well, very nice work. Only one point there is, I think diffrently. The Bicorns did not really show up before the napoleonic era. I am quite certain, Georgy Washington wore Tricorns. The Shape of the Tricorns also changed over the time. The earliest one were not as sharply shaped at the corners. In the middle of the 18th C. they were very nicely made, quite perfectly resembled by the Lego-Tricorns. Later, slowly the front corner became shorter. The did not evolve into bicorns, but only gave the idea... Capt. Harlowe
Huge Project. I need help
Hey, thank you very much. Your Figureheads are very nice, a great inspiration and basis to start off from! Thanks alot for them. I know, what Lego-part you have in mind, but I'm willing to moc the real thing.
Huge Project. I need help
Hi! Well, um, you have those gaps in the secks, to allow supplies etc. being loaded or unloaded from the ships hold. Usually they are not covered with solid boards, but with grates, to allow fresh air and light to enter the lower decks, and powder smoke to exit them. in very bad weather they're covered with thin boards and sailcloth. From Above, it looks something like this: ______________ |[][][][][][][][][]| |[][][][][][][][][]| |[][][][][][][][][]| |[][][][][][][][][]| |[][][][][][][][][]| |[][][][][][][][][]| |[][][][][][][][][]| |[][][][][][][][][]|
Huge Project. I need help
Hi. Work is continuing, on both fronts by now, but I now have to fach a new Problem, I have searched the forum and clicked through galleries, but I could not find any good solution for fine gratings seen centered on the decks. ....*please help* Cpt. Harlowe
Huge Project. I need help
Hi. I found an old LDD file with a half-finished Stern, I'll finish it today, and upload pictures here. You may have the LDD file as well, if you want. Well, the Suprise'S figurehead is somehow not one of my favorites, I do not like it for any reason... In general, I am constructing the 17th and early 18th C. sterns in two steps, the lower stern first, and I prefer to use slopes to create a relaively smooth curvature, as seen on originals. Above that, I create first some helping markers to mark, where the real ships outside frames would run, and then I start building the stern. I usually not lean the stern backwards, as this, imo, causes more trroubles with stability and gaps, than i can justify for getting this sloped effect.
Huge Project. I need help
^^ I'm pleased you like it...if you'D give me details, i'd love to make you a personalised version, whateer colour/size/style you like ^^ I also have some unused ones...somewhere on my harddrive.
Huge Project. I need help
Thank you very much, Sir, I really apreciate that. I was thinking about a Lady in some long and flowing pseudo-ancient dress and armed with a spear, or sword, maybe even a round shield. but not actually swinging the weapon, but more like resting, waiting for the future.,,, I'm not too good at drawing, but I might do alittle sketch. Captain Harlowe
Huge Project. I need help
Hi again...I am desperate...I was trying to build a figurehead but, I'm just not made for this XD Is there anyone, who might help me with that? Best Regards, Capt. Harlowe
BrickArms Prototypes from Brickfair
Captain Harlowe replied to the enigma that is badger's post in a topic in Minifig Customisation WorkshopGreat Company and certainly great arms! I hope, one day, there will be brickarms for the pirate Series... like a matchlock musket and shooting stick as well as a wheellockpistol for the Spaniards and 17th C. uses, a decent Brown Bess musket and a bayonet, also a flintlock pistol for 18th-19th C. themes, and a Smallsword for both... Does anybody think, that there would be any chance, to once see those weapons made by brickarms? Captain Charles F. Harlowe
Huge Project. I need help
Well, it is a small but deadly frigate^^ The windows you see, are those of the "great" Cabin directly below the poop. The decks height is exactly five Lego (bricks) with some beams coming a little low, as on real ships. In front of the great cabin are 2 smaller cabins, then the semi-open helm. further down to the front you arrive at the Quarterdeck, home if some 6 cannons somewhere in the rage of 6-9 pounders. The main gundeck is open midships, but has high walls. Here the 20 main Guns lurk in the dark, waiting to brawl at the enemy at any time. There is also a capstan and space for a small boat. The forecastle is to hold the kitchen, and provide some dry places to work at nasty weather. Also here are places for the crew to sleep. In the rear part of the gundeck, there are linnensheets to seperate some cabins for some officers, and they have their mess...coincidently, like in master and commander, they have to eat under the rudder-beam^^. Below the gundeck is the "crouching-only-zone" where some things are stored, works are done and primary sleeping places for the crew are found, also the brigg. Below that, there's only the hold left. As the Hold is completely, and the middledeck halfway below the waterline, and the ship is going to be a waterline model, these decks may only be build as seperate vignettes. all the other decks are going to be fully equipped. Captain Charles F. Harlowe, thinks he is crazy to have several sheets of paper background for the ship and crew.
Huge Project. I need help
Hello! Well, I am quite a Ship-buff ^^ the Problem is that I exactly know, what I want, but I have problems to get the bricks to work the way I want XD Here is a screenshot from my Project from the LDD, still without Lanterns. And another one from the Cannons. The one in the foreground is the idea i grabbed from a cannon from this network. The upper three are modified at the muzzle, and are a small light, an intermediate and a heavy gun. the latter I made bigger by using minifig heads to increase the breech diemeter. I especially like the barrel, as the small 1x1 round directly behind the muzzle appear smaller to the naked eye, than the larger 1x1s, and the miniheads work nicely, at least imho. They also have the perfect size for my masts...I only have to find a way to stabilise them XD. I'd feel cheating, when I'd use drilled holes and steel wire XD Captain Charles F. Harlowe
Huge Project. I need help
HiHi, thank you very much. Well, that will take some time, as Money and Space are limited. Unfortunately I have to work with the LDD for the basics, and struggle with bricks, suddenly no longer available ( D'OH! ) But, i think I found a solution for my cannonrelated problem. I only wonder, if it is tollerated to snip aomething off an otherwise perfect brick Captain Charles F. Harlowe
Huge Project. I need help
But this is NOT a Pirate Ship, It's a Ship of His Majesty, by whom the Order was given, to hunt down some Thiefs, Pirates and frenchie Privateers Well, thank you, and sorry for causing trouble :) ----------- By now I have looked at many Figureheads, and I do not really like many of them, most of them are too chunky/big for my taste. Further, I ran through the written background-story and found the names, in consideration. The most likely one ist H.M.S. "Seraphim". The ship is mainly dark brown on the outside due to the natural Paint used to preserve the wood , whilst the Decks already bleached to a light grey. The Interior of the hull is painted blood red. The Decoration is covered with a green paint, and the carvings and decorations are golden-yellow. Capt. Charles F. Harlowe
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