Gender in LEGO Themes
I'm going to play devil's advocate and say that LEGO should have the attitude of "If you don't like it, don't buy it. It's our toy and we will do what we want". This subject has been beatin to death and growing rather tiresome to see pop up in the forum discussions of the AFOL community.the sooner people just accept that LEGO is a toy and nothing more, this discussion will end. The only thing a LEGO product teaches children is tactile hand eye skills, not gender equality. Parents teach that plain and simple. The only reason LEGO shows a particular gender playing with a specific line in their marketing campaigns, is due to research. That research is generated from placing multiple toys in front of children and watching what they gravitate towards. A child that has never been reared to focus on a particular gender ased toy, will play with anything. So parents are ultimately responsible for what their children play with. I see no pictures of children on a LEGO box, only the product. The girl thinks it's a boy's toy because she has been raised to believe that. So stop blaming LEGO and start taking a good hard look in the mirror. As for AFOL's that want a more gender equal distribution of female to male minifigs, or gender neutral figures that can double as both in off the shelf sets. I will just be brutally honest and say get over yourself.The joy of LEGO is you can tear it down and make it whatever you want. You want a gender neutral army of people in your MOC? Make your own from all your parts. You want more female torsos to throw in your city? Go to Bricklink and buy some. Quit taking all of the fun out of the hobby with discussions like this one and go back to the times when LEGO was just a toy to have fun with.
Misprints and Other LEGO Production Oddities
I got a Chima magazine foil bag of the Mother Tooth Worriz figure. It came with a second unpainted wolf helmet piece.
Unpopular LEGO opinions
Mega Bloks is better than LEGO. Seriously.
Is there any website which can show me bricks I have?
I also use Basebrick. It has some good filtering options that I find very useful.
Lego Kidsfest
They have a website,, that has all the information on events and activities available. We have one coming to St Louis in March that the family is going to attend.
Best Bulbs for a Primitive Photography Setup?
I don't know what your funds are like but you can buy an inexpensive light box set up that will give you pretty professional looking photos. Just Google "photo light box" and you can get a good idea of what's out there. Light boxes diffuse the light on you object and even crappy cameras shoot good pictures. As far as bulbs go, I believe most photographers use "daylight" bulbs, as they give the whitest look.
Latest Chima Purchases ?
Got the Fire Temple, Mammoth Stomper, Ice Fortress, and the Chima minifigure pack today. Lots to build.
Latest Chima Purchases ?
Got Fluminox's Speedorz set.
What is my LEGO hobby?
I don't spend a lot of time organizing parts or creating MOCs, but I find myself constantly re organizing my collection to make room for new stuff. I guess I just need to make a collection room and call it a day.
- Legends of Chima 2014
Latest Chima Purchases ?
Today I got the Fire Lion and the free Worriz Bike. Spent a $100 and got the free space fig also.
Latest Chima Purchases ?
Bought Eris' Speedorz set and Vardy's Vulture Glider.
Female minifigures - do we need the hourglass torso and make up?
Query...are we only referring to city figures or across all lines of LEGO? If you direct this question at some of the other lines such as pirates, castle, ninja or Ninjago and Chima, how does one distinguish between male and female without feminine features like the hip shading or lipstick and eye lashes? Customizing becomes very simple, but now there are no female minifigs in those lines. The hips, boobs and make up, help to fully represent a female character. I welcome the added features and think this is the best way to give us female characters.
- Rare Misprint?
Chima 2014 Ultrabuilds in US?
As much as I hate to tell the Lego insiders that they were wrong, I never understood why they thought TLG would not release these in one of their biggest markets. Pretty sure we'll see them in August.
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