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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Jebediahs

  1. "I fear I no longer have the stomach for demolishing structures." "For now, I'm off to play with the Watch." En Sabah Nur took his leave. "I should return once you have this all sorted...!"
  2. "Are you all so quick to throw out the principles that laid out the foundation for all of this when infiltration and detection avoidance have always been this organization's greatest and most valuable of skills? Why cast aside that which has consistently worked so well for us in the past? The Shadeaux and Hinckwells will not suspect our involvement; even aided by the mighty Ziegfrieds, they won't see us coming. Besides..." Nur's appearance began to change. "Can it really be considered stealing if the heads of each House-" Nur activated the Scroll of Magic Disguise again. "-are the ones to hand over their riches freely." Standing in favor of Option 2 with each outstretched hand holding an impossibly large coffer overflowing with gold and gems, En Sabah Nur grinned.
  3. Jebediahs replied to JimBee's post in a topic in The Heroica Archive
    Siercon (Siercon and Coral): Smoke Form (Renders the user invisible in dark conditions causing Free Hits and /rolls of DAMAGE to miss during Dim weather, suitable for Siercon only, Fits any equipment slot. )
  4. En Sabah Nur signs up for the lottery.
  5. Oneiromancer These dreamweavers put their targets to sleep...permanently. * Additional Health: +5 * Additional Ether: +10 * Weapons: Oneiromancers can wield anything suitable for mages. * Job Trait(s): Power Nap - The Oneiromancer and her allies recover health and ether in an amount equal to the Oneiromancer’s weapon power per round whenever afflicted by the asleep effect. Dream Control - The Oneiromancer can enter the dreams of sleeping victims (guard, fellow PCs, etc.) to gain insight and hopefully useful information. Spellcasting - (See mage) * Battle Style: Sleepy - Oneiromancers excel at putting enemies to sleep. 1. SHIELD: Waking Nightmare - The oneiromancer instills fear in her enemies. All enemies that are asleep become minimized at the cost of 5 ether per target. If not asleep, the target is weakened instead at the same ether cost. 2. CRITICAL HIT/GREAT SPELL/SUMMON GREATER NIGHT MARE: The oneiromancer attacks or spends 1 ether to cast an elemental spell with strength equal to two times her weapon power added to her level (WP:20 x 2 + Level 30 = 70 (elemental) damage). Optionally, the oneiromancer can spend 5 ether to summon a night mare whose level is equal to the strength of the critical attack (Night mare of Level 70). 3. HIT/SPELL/SUMMON NIGHT MARE: The oneiromancer attacks or spends 1 ether to cast an elemental spell with strength equal to her weapon power added to her level (WP:20 + Level 30 = 50 (elemental) damage). Optionally, the oneiromancer can spend 5 ether to summon a night mare whose level is equal to the strength of the attack (Night mare of Level 50). 4. FOCUSED HIT/FOCUSED SPELL/SUMMON LESSER NIGHT MARE: The oneiromancer attacks or spends 1 ether to cast an elemental spell with strength equal to her level (Level 30 = 30 (elemental) damage). Optionally, the oneiromancer can spend 5 ether to summon a nightmare whose level is equal to the power of the attack (Night mare of Level 30). 5. DAMAGE/NO SUMMON: The oneiromancer is struck by her opponent’s attack. Optionally, any attempt at summoning fails. 6. SPECIAL DAMAGE/NO SUMMON: The oneiromancer is struck by her opponent’s special attack. Optionally, any attempt at summoning fails. Night Mare Oneiromancers can spend a turn to summon a demonic, fiery steed to aid them in combat that is ready to attack on the following round at the cost of 5 ether. The night mare level varies upon the /roll of its master but its health is no greater than one, due to the fact that the oneiromancer isn’t an accomplished demonologist/warlock. A freshly summoned night mare will replace the current night mare even if the new one is weaker in the strength. The night mare has the following skills: Level: Varies *Immune: Darkness and Fire elements* Health: 1/1 1. SHIELD: Night Terrors - The night mare puts all enemies to sleep and gives them the afraid effect at the cost of 5 ether per target from the oneiromancer. 2.-4. HIT: The night mare deals damage equal to its level then puts the target to sleep at the cost of 5 ether to the oneiromancer. 5. DAMAGE: The night mare is struck by its opponent’s attack. 6. SPECIAL DAMAGE: The night mare is struck by its opponent’s special skill. The night mare deals non-elemental damage but successful attacks always inflicts the asleep effect to the target at the cost of 5 ether per target from the oneiromancer. Due to its demonic nature, the night mare is immune to fire and darkness elemental damage.The summoned steed prevents free hits as its target is able to fight back. The night mare takes independent turns from the oneiromancer but the oneiromancer can change the steed’s target each round. The night mare can also be commanded to do nothing. The oneiromancer can spend a turn to dismiss the night mare but it will automatically vanish when the battle is over or the oneiromancer is knocked out.
  6. The Wolf King’s spies hide in plain sight, distracting their quarry… Dancer These warriors dance across the battlefield, garbed in colorful raiments. Requires membership with the Wolf King's Followers. * Additional Health: +10 * Weapons: Dancers use swords, daggers, whips, fans and throwing weapons. * Job Trait(s): , Partner - Before their turn, Dancers may choose one target to dance/grind with/on/next to. If target is a conscious party member, the target receives any positive status effect of the Dancer’s choosing (see official rule sheet). If the target is an enemy, the target receives any negative status effect of the Dancer’s choosing (see official rule sheet) other than KO, petrified, jinxed, or doomed. When dancing with an enemy, the Dancer will receive damage from attacks that hit all enemy combatants. Target keeps the effect as long as the Dancer is dancing with them. - If the Dancer and her partner /roll the same value in the same round, they will each conduct a combo move by activating their SHIELD skills before the start of the next round in addition to their turns (only applies to dance partners who are party members). - The Dancer is boosted when in the presence of music (bands, minstrel songs, etc.), subtracting 2 from her die /rolls.* Battle Style: Dancing - Dancers require a conscious party member to be most effective. 1. SHIELD: Conga Line Sword Dance - The dancer strikes all enemies with strength equal to her weapon power multiplied by 2 then added to her level and her dance partner’s level (WP:20x2+Level 30 (self) + Level 25 (party member/enemy)=95 damage to all enemies). Additionally, all party members receive a random positive effect (see official rule sheet) for the remainder of the battle. 2. CRITICAL DANCE: The dancer strikes her opponent with strength equal to her weapon power multiplied by 2 then added to her level and her dance partner’s level (WP:20x2+Level 30 (self) + Level 25 (party member/enemy) = 95 damage). Additionally, the dancer continues to grant her partner a status effect. 3. DANCE: The dancer strikes her opponent with strength equal to her weapon power added to her level and her dance partner’s level (WP:20 + Level 30 (self) + Level 25 (party member/enemy) = 65 damage). Additionally, the dancer continues to grant her partner a status effect. 4. MISSTEP: The dancer (or maybe her partner) trips causing the dancer to miss her attack. She continues to grant her partner a status effect but a value of 1 is added to her die /roll on the next round. 5. SIDESTEP DAMAGE: The dancer is struck by her opponent’s attack and her dance partner loses its status effect for the rest of the round. The dancer’s fluid movements give her a 1/6 chance of avoiding the attack entirely in which case she continues to grant her partner a status effect. 6. SPECIAL STUMBLE: The dancer has a 50/50 chance to dodge the opponent’s special skill so that it hits the next ally in turn unless the skill hits everyone. The attempt at dodging takes such concentration that the dancer is unable to dance during the next round. Original -incomplete- Dancer submission whose post was lost during one of the server swaps. Obviously the classes have changed since making some buffs obsolete.
  7. Myrddyn’s reference. Like the Mage Hunter, it’s a class born of the house alliances in an attempt to gain an advantage in the final battle! If there is one. During their extensive travels, the Bonapartes came across a small group of magic practioners who could perform magical feats without expending ether. In an effort to remove their reliance upon ether restorative tonics, the Bonapartes shared this knowledge with the Ziegfriends… Psion These mages cannot be silenced but could benefit from a healer best friend . Requires membership with the Sungold Alliance. * Additional Health: +10 * Weapons: Brooms, Staves, Wands, Daggers, Gems, Throwing Weapons and Scrolls (at the cost of Health instead of Ether) * Job Trait(s): Mind Trick - Psions can try to influence situations in their favor when aggression would only make things worse. The trait also allows Party members to remain in contact when separated at a limited distance (QM discretion). Psychokinesis - Psions can use their mental powers to remove obstacles from their path even outside of battles but doing this depletes health. Precognition - Under intense strain, the Psion concentrates and expends health to get a hint on any puzzle or riddle he encounters - the more health spent, the more revealing the hint is. * Battle Style: Mental - Psions’ use of the mind proves taxing on the condition of their bodies. 1. SHIELD: Mind Assault - The psion attacks the minds of his foes and hexes all enemies. If the target is already hexed, the enemy is filled with a sense of dread and becomes doomed. Additionally, all allies are infused with psychic energy, propelling them towards their true potential. For the next round only, all allies add the psion’s level worth of WP to their current weapon power. 2. CRITICAL HIT/CRITICAL PSYCHIC HIT/MASS HOLD: The psion attacks his target with strength in an amount equal to weapon power multiplied by two then added to level or he may spend health to cast a ranged elemental psychic attack of the same strength that has a 1/3 chance of putting the target to sleep at the cost of health in an amount equal to the round number (WP:15 x 2 + Level 30 = 60 damage + 1/3 chance of sleep). Optionally, the psion prevents all enemies from attacking for the rest of the round at the cost of health in an amount equal to the round number per enemy (Round 6 x 4 enemies = 24 health lost by the psion). At the beginning of the next round, the psion can choose to prevent all enemies from attacking for the rest of the round at the cost of health in an amount equal to the round number per enemy (Round 7 x 4 enemies = 28 health lost by the psion) in addition to his turn as long as the psion is listed first in the order of actions. If a hold reduces the psion’s health to zero, the psion does not suffer the KO effect until the end of the round, regardless of healing received. 3. HIT/PSYCHIC HIT/HOLD: The psion attacks his target with strength in an amount equal to weapon power added to level or he may spend health to cast a ranged elemental psychic attack of the same strength that has a 1/3 chance of putting the target to sleep at the cost of health in an amount equal to the round number (WP:15 + Level 30 = 45 damage + 1/3 chance of sleep). Optionally, the psion prevents the target from attacking for the rest of the round at the cost of health in an amount equal to the round number (Round 6 = 6 health lost by the psion). At the beginning of the next round, the psion can choose to prevent the target from attacking for the rest of the round at the cost of health in an amount equal to the round number (Round 7 = 7 health lost by the psion) in addition to his turn as long as the psion is listed first in the order of actions. If a hold reduces the psion’s health to zero, the psion does not suffer the KO effect until the end of the round, regardless of healing received. 4. ZEN MEDITATION: The psion regenerates health in an amount equal to the round number. He may choose to continue to regenerate for the following rounds as long as the psion does not perform any other action (attacks/use item) and does not receive damage. 5. DAMAGE/PSYCHIC FEEDBACK: The psion is struck by his opponent’s attack. Additionally, the psion’s powers are directed inward causing all enemies to focus their attacks on the psion for the next three rounds. The psion will suffer all attacks (including free hits) from the enemy party instead of the intended allied party member should the attack not hit all party members. 6. SPECIAL DAMAGE/PSYCHIC FEEDBACK: The psion is struck by his opponent’s special skill. Additionally, the psion’s powers are directed inward causing all enemies to focus their attacks on the psion for the next three rounds. The psion will suffer all attacks (including free hits) from the enemy party instead of the intended allied party member should the attack not hit all party members.
  8. The imposters that were Nur turned towards Cedric as he left the Hall. With eyes wide and goofy grins on their faces, all the mage could think was 'This-is-awesome!' His characters faced the yeti and elf. - "Alright alright. Can you two stay for one trick? Just one, just one!" Hundreds of spiders emerged from every one of Cinna's pores, enveloping the dark mage until she was gone. Remedy dropped to a puddle that quickly dissipated as spiders scattered throughout the floor. Farrah the were-rhino, let out a thick fog from her rear that obscured her from view. As for the odor of the gas, it was unknown if the power of the scroll affected the sense of smell. Shadina went in a brilliant flash of light. The spiders began to disappear a few at a time. Two of them, much much much smaller than the others scurried out of the Hall and assumed their natural forms. - "That was so much fun! The mage began pacing excitedly. "WO-OW! That went soooo well and it was merely a test!" - "I thought that nice gentleman was going to strike me." - "Alright friend-wow. Imagine what can be accomplished! We could raid the Hinkwell estate, the Jei Pei Palace or the Cathedral of Commeeerrrrce! OOoo the Treasury! On second thought, they all may have wards in place...the Marketplace it is, then!" - "Sir, I do not believe that to be the best course of action." Alfred reluctantly followed his Master.
  9. - "Yes, you two! We'd like to recruit you for the Sungold Alliance! You can tell by our upstanding demeanor how respectable we are so one can only conclude the Alliance must be just as respectable, don't you agree?!" A ghostly visage of female pogcanis appeared like a mask over the were-rhino's face. -"Perhaps if you stuck around for an entire quest, you'd have a better relationship with the guilds, dear yeti." The apparition quickly vanished after delivering its taunt, revealing the smiling face of the rhino...who still had her melons exposed a bit.
  10. "I notice nothing out of the ordinary. We simply wish to spread the good word of our respective affiliations. For us, the Sungold and the other two, Crescent Union." The wererhino's wide hips bumped the table as she moved around it. A cheek jiggled with each step. "With us as members, who wouldn't want to join one of our groups. As far as dark magic is concerned..." The Rhino lowered her zipper exposing a bosom that rivaled Shadina's. She leaned over the table. "I see no dark magic here. Do you ?"
  11. "Without a doubt it is! It symbolizes *cough*mumble*cough*. Me and Bubble Butt here are members of Sungold and the other two we came in with are Crescent Unioners but I hear the best loot is with the Wolfking's Followers. Us four became friends before we chose sides and remain friends to this day."
  12. "Hah! Please child. No need to be intimidated by my stature." Shadina flexed her impressive chest. She leaned over the table and squinted, trying to get a look into the eyeslits from her position at the edge of the table. "Step out of the shadows and into the light. The light of the Sungold Alliance!" A golden badge appeared on her top and shone briefly. Was it there the whole time? "I see no pin prominently displayed upon your person. Have you not sworn allegiance to a faction yet?"
  13. - "Ha-tah! He flees! Crescent Union wins again, Ms. Cinna! Looks like nothing could stop us aside from a dark dragon bahaha!" - "You appear to be correct, Remedy. The day is ours. I will now turn to face the bar and stand in silence." "Aw come now, Furball!" Shadina shouts after the yeti. "I'm just trying to be friendly!" She slaps the bar then hops up to make her way after the yeti, the wererhino close behind her. "I know you're no simpleton beast. Look, you even have a friend there. The one with the book. Hello." Shadina waves.
  14. OOC: Hahah Typo. From age 64 to 34, got it haha. "Tssss. Put your hood back on man-fleshbag! You so ugly, you belong in a Salmandian zoo!! This 'un does, what I say, when I say it! Cinna! Give Lefty a squeeze." The phlegman's eyes narrowed as her grin widen so much it nearly split her head in two. Cinna began to fondle her left breast. "Uh oh, looks like ssssheesshh going to disrobe, next and there is no one here to stop her! Har! haha*glarb*glub*Hah!" The eyes of the wererhino and Shadina widened. Inspired performance, my companion...wow. Shadina and the rhino approached the yeti. - "Hey now, bud. This is no place for solitary brooders! The Hall used to be a much lively place-" - "-that bustled with comaraderie! Now that-" - "-I've returned, I'll make Heroica great again!"
  15. Cinna's head turned slowly towards the man addressing her. She grinned wide then took a step in his direction. The jelly girl extended an arm. - "'Ey there, bub! Sheeessh with me! Can you even pitch a tent, old man?" The wererhino nodded approvingly.
  16. Four impressive women entered the Hall. The first wore a winged helm. She was tall, very muscular but with an ample set of baby feeders that were readily displayed for all to see. Upon entry the second woman, a curvaceous wererhino, moved just behind the right arm of the first. The third woman took her position just behind the left arm of the first. Her body moved like jelly as she walked. Multiple colors swirled constantly underneath her translucent skin. The fourth was a lass with sparkling eyes surrounded by a dark aura who stood directly behind the muscular woman, completing the diamond formation. - "Stay close to me. This spell is rather difficult to maintain." - "Of course, sire." The first two women winced in unison at the harmony of the others. - "Compose yourself, my friend! One-at-a-time... It is easier for me to appear as two and you as two than for me to control all four myself! And change the manner in which you speak. Take some of the gravel out of your voice! " The alluring quartet ascended the stairs. The Buxom Beauty, the Rhino, the Jelly Girl then the Eyes. Shadina swaggered to the bar and rested her massive bosoms on the counter. - "Someone requires my services, I assume."
  17. - "Hand me the scroll..." - "Of course sire." - "With this power, I can be anything I want!" - "Master, the text states it only alters how you are perceived by others. It does not actually transform you into your greatest desire." "Yes, yes I know. If I weretoturnintoagobletofwine, noonecouldactuallydrink from me, I know. I know. But they would believe it to be so. Outside of the questing environment, I can devote enough concentration to regenerate a constant supply of ether for the illusions. And I have quite a few characters in mind..." "I could be Shai de Bej, a Fenarian battle mage warped by Kreotian magics and chosen to serve as the living avatar of the laughing god Jasiri." "Jasiri...she who is half elven and half Fenarian in appearance and unashamed of her origins. The one who manifests before her favored as a plump female elven child with a dulled left ear, a frail Fenarian woman with very sharply pointed ears, a sentient Nekrastone or all three at once." "Mistress of the confused, withdrawn, forgetful and insane. Witness to all things that take place in the dark. Creator of shadow ether, a power hidden among the strands of the Eye's ether accessible only to those who give up a portion of their mind thus condemning themselves to a lifetime of permanent confusion!" The Seneschal remained silent as En Sabah Nur cast his spell again. A small grayish sack appeared on the ground. A dark green ooze creeped upon the bag and began to insert itself, filling the sack. Tendrils spread forth from the bag and tied a purple sash around the sack as eyes floated aimlessly within a newly sprouted head. A colorful mop bobbed atop the head as the phlegman reached for a vial containing a remedy. "Alfred, meet Remedy the Malady, phlegman witch devoted to serving the simpleton slime god, Duplox. I will have her regularly drinking remedies to change the color of her ooze as a fashion statement, her form of makeup if you will." The phlegman's tone shifted to blue as the liquid filled the oozing vessel. Some portions of her body were more saturated with the remedy than others. "Make a note to remind me to never have the tonic pool evenly throughout this form and to have my eyes float in random areas of my body as I become damaged or fatigued. A physical representation of me losing the concentration required to maintain my humanoid form. Alshoo I will fall into the schloshy speaking pattrn. Hm...as far as my personality is concerned...perhaps I can keep random articles of clothing from enemies or love interests and pass as a tad insane as I hear bits and pieces of what the Voice in the Sky says, like the Docken fellow." - "And how would you explain your inability to divide yourself like all phlegmen?" - "Ah, simple! I am but 6 years of age and can barely hold myself together as is. A dual striking weapon could grant me a 'temporary ability to split'. I may revisit this form but on to the next!" "In honor of you, my friend! And those like you who are dedicated to serving a solitary task with pride. The Beguiler is a golem who suffered unending racism from the war Under the Mountain and survived. Growing tired of the constant prejudice he-I secretly wish to destroy all flesh based creatures! "Built by Kreotian articifers who consulted with rockling geomancers then enchanted by...enchanters. After adorning his body with ether-rich paints, Beguiler is granted the ability to harness the power of the gems making him a dangerous sorcerer! 'THEY HATE US BECAUSE WITHOUT A WAR TO USE US AS EXPENDABLE FIGHTERS, WE HAVE TAKEN THEIR EVERYDAY JOBS' etc. etc." Nur laughed to himself. "Alright, one more. One more." "Presenting the were-rhino seductress, Farrah Moan the acrobatic sage whose gifts stem from the amorous vapors she expels from her various orifices." Farrah grabs her sash with two hands and uses it to fan her nether regens. "A fragrant queef to soothe and restore life or an element-enhanced excretion from the rear to incapacitate my foes." Farrah does a cartwheel. "In her nimble catsuit, Farrah works up quite a sweat!" "Do not think I have forgotten you, good Alfred. How about a more musclebound appearance for yourself, Crystal Titan perhaps?" - "Master I do not suffer from the affliction that is vanity-" "Tut-tut *snort* I have not saved all the creativity for myself!" - "This has gone on long enough. These am our new forms as long as Cronk can maintain them. Cronk's Angel go with Cronk to cause some mischief. Cronk grin now." Cronk ESN & Cronk's Angel Alfred (Jebediahs) 31 year old Male Orc, Mystic Knight Level 33 *Immunity: Blinded, Fragile, Sealed and Lightning, Wood and Earth elemental attacks*, *Nimble on first round of combat*, *Reflects Ether-Based Attacks*, *Magically Disguised* Power: 55 (77 vs. Humanoids) Defense: 13 (Artefact boost 7 + Earthy Wooden Shield 6) Health: 54/54 (Mage Base 5 + Level Up Bonus 32 + Mystic Knight Bonus 7 + Raw Meat Bonus 5 + Raw Meat Bonus 5) Ether: 40/40 (Mage Base 5 + Level Up Bonus 32 + Mystic Knight Bonus 1 + Ectoplasm Bonus 2) Gold: 0 Equipment: Quarterstaff (WP: 22/44 against humanoids, suitable for mages, clerics and necromancers ), Earthy Wooden Shield (SP:6, grants immunity to wood and earth-elemental attacks), Custom Fitted, Grounded and Sealed Heavy Armour of Brilliance (SP:5,Immune: fragile, blinded, sealed and lightning, suitable for En Sabah Nur, Bodywear, ), Flexible Grieves (SP: 1, imparts the Nimble effect during the first round of combat, Footwear ) Traveler's Cloak (SP: 1, Backwear ), Magic Mirror (The user reflects all ether-based attacks back to the caster without getting damaged by them, Accessory )
  18. En Sabah Nur ran his finger along the Hovel Wall from the outside, some distance away from the entrance. He found the brick he was looking for and made the appropriate hand gestures. A portion of the wall morphed into a stone version of a wolf's head with mouth agape. Nur deposited 500 gold into the mouth. It promptly closed then immediately reopened. The coin was gone and a Scroll of Magic Disguise was in its place. As soon as Nur removed the scroll the mouth slammed shut once more before the magic left, returning the wall into its original appearance.
  19. "Alright, I'll take 70 gold for the Carapace (SP: 3, Immunity to SP Reduction, Bodywear)." 335 + 70 = 405 gold. Nur sells Mythril Axe (WP: 15, Axe) for 75 gold. 405 + 75 = 480 gold. Nur sells an elixir for 20 gold. 480 + 20 = 500 gold.
  20. "Your failure to appreciate the full potential of this armor is your mistake, I suppose though I must agree that it is not much to look at . I will take the 100 gold for the Beast Totem (The wearer may choose to enter battle in Beast Form, suitable for Beast Warriors, Accessory)." Nur also sells his Shackles of War for 10 gold.
  21. The Guild of Invision has been busy conducting Shadeaux funded experiments to combat their oldest of rivals... Mage Hunter These hunters target a very specific prey. Requires membership with the Crescent Union. * Additional Health: +9 * Weapons: Mage Hunters depend on weapons particularly adept at cutting down mages such as great swords, long swords, axes, scythes, whips and crossbows. * Job Trait(s): Elemental Tenacity - The mage hunter absorbs elemental damage but suffers double damage from non-elemental attacks. - The mage hunter generates an aura that can silence friend and foe alike.Sense Magic - The mage hunter has the ability to successfully track and determine the direction of magical objects and beings. * Battle Style: Antimagic - Mage Hunters despise magical things. 1. SHIELD: Dampening Field - The mage hunter’s aura fluctuates. If an aura is active and pointed at the enemy party, all enemies are afflicted with the weakened effect for the duration of the aura. Targets already weakened become fragile. If the mage hunter’s aura is active and pointed towards an allied party, the party’s positive status effects and immunities are nullified(removed) for the duration of the aura. The mage hunter’s aura is extended (or reactivated) for only one round but the mage hunter may choose the direction of the aura. 2. STRONG DISPELLING STRIKE/STRONG AURA EXTENSION: The mage hunter hits his target with strength equal to weapon power multiplied by two then added to level. The total damage of the attack is multiplied by two for each positive status effect the target has which also removes each effect from the target (i.e. (WP:15x2 + Level 30) x 4 (two immunities/positive status effects on target) = 240 damage + removal of positive status effects). Optionally, the mage hunter may choose to extend (or reactivate) his silence aura for three rounds. The extension has a 1/6 chance of reversing the direction of the aura. 3. DISPELLING STRIKE/AURA EXTENSION: The mage hunter hits his target with strength equal to weapon power added to level. The total damage of the attack is multiplied by two for each positive status effect the target has which also removes each effect from the target (i.e. (WP:15 + Level 30) x 4 (two immunities/positive status effects on target) = 180 damage + removal of positive status effects). Optionally, the mage hunter may choose to extend (or reactivate) his silence aura for three rounds. The extension has a 2/6 chance of reversing the direction of the aura. 4. LESSER DISPELLING STRIKE/WEAK AURA EXTENSION: The mage hunter hits his target with strength equal to weapon power. The total damage of the attack is multiplied by two for each positive status effect the target has which also removes each effect from the target (i.e. WP:15 x 4 (two immunities/positive status effects on target) = 60 damage + removal of positive status effects). Optionally, the mage hunter may choose to extend (or reactivate) his silence aura for two rounds. The extension has a 3/6 chance of reversing the direction of the aura. 5. DAMAGE/WEAKER AURA EXTENSION: The mage hunter is struck by his opponent’s attack. Optionally, the mage hunter may choose to extend (or reactivate) his silence aura for two rounds. The extension has a 4/6 chance of reversing the direction of the aura. 6. SPECIAL DAMAGE/WEAKEST AURA EXTENSION: The mage hunter is struck by his opponent’s special skill. Optionally, the mage hunter may choose to extend (or reactivate) his silence aura for two rounds. The extension has a 5/6 chance of reversing the direction of the aura. MAGE HUNTER AURA: The mage hunter generates an aura of silence before the first round of combat that lasts for three rounds. The aura is directed towards the enemy party, preventing the enemies from using their special skills. The mage hunter may choose to spend a round extending the duration of (or reactivating) his aura but risks the chance of his aura changing direction. Aura direction always begins at the enemy party, with the first direction change pointed towards the Allied party, silencing them for the aura’s duration unless they are immune to silence. For battles with multiple enemy/allied parties the QM will determine the direction change pattern. When the aura is reactivated, it points in the direction opposite of the last active aura. For multiple parties, the reactivated aura points towards the next party in the sequence from the last activated aura.
  22. En Sabah Nur stands before the questboard. He signs his name to the Fields of Glory.
  23. "Mr. Fancyfeather I would like to sell this beautiful piece of armour fashioned from the shell of a rust hopper...a jumping insect. Carapace (SP: 3, Immunity to SP Reduction, Bodywear ) for 225 gold please. It's rust proof and anyone can wear it! I'd wear it myself but my this piece I have on has been tailored just for me. And this thing Beast Totem (The wearer may choose to enter battle in Beast Form, suitable for Beast Warriors, Accessory) for 100 gold. What do you say?"
  24. - "Oh, so when you said you want to track the demon down yourself, you have no intention of actually facing it on your own, only monitoring its movements. Good luck." En Sabah Nur takes his leave.
  25. - "Demons! What power do you possess that would allow you to destroy a demon by yourself, girl?"
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