Everything posted by Vladsimpaler
Marching was their success
It looks very nice! But the hats look a little odd to me, are they custom? Or maybe my eyes are getting bad.
Adult Collecting vs. Play
LEGO is actually quite cheap when you think about it. You buy the parts (or the set) and essentially you have them with you forever. Then you consider taking time building it and whatnot, and LEGO figures out quite cheaply. A much cheaper habit/hobby than smoking and drinking. At least you're doing something productive. (Though some would argue. ) In my lifetime I've probably spent a couple thousand, but when I consider the hours I've put in, that couple thousand doesn't seem too bad.
Talk Like a Pirate Day! - The build up!
The language is a bit confusing at first but in a day or two you'll get used to it.
Talk Like a Pirate Day! - The build up!
Those jerks! How dare a business try and improve their sales. What's wrong with them, it's like they have to pay bills and feed themselves and their families.
The Penguin's Confederate Gym. )
Hahaha, very nice. Unfortunately the CIS didn't take heed of your training plan, huh?
Talk Like a Pirate Day! - The build up!
My Facebook is set to English (Pirate) so every day for me is Talk Like a Pirate day. I'm pretty stoked, but disappointed because it's on a Saturday. More fun when it's on a school day.
What Pirate set should I buy?
I like the SES more so I'd save that one.
Pirates- a pin-point for historical MOCs or regular bad vs. bad?
Well if you want to get nit picky. I'm sorry but this sort of nit pickiness to me just ridiculous. Which you can just use for your Napoleonic armies? The uniforms were somewhat historical, but let's be honest here: The original sets had a historical setting to them but weren't that historical. No country ever had any flags like the blue or red coats. It's supposed to be what you want, not just some historical analogue. The problem is that you're just shoe horning all sets into a historical setting and obviously that's not what they are for. Look at the SES: It has the Jolly Roger on its masts. No Pirate would ever do that. But why aren't you complaining? So your verdict is that unless everything is historical, then you're not going to like it. Again, you're just shoving every Pirate set into a historical setting, which obviously isn't how it works. And historically, the forts like El Dorado would be pretty sizable, not small like it or the Soldier's Fort is. My verdict? Drop the historical mindset and have fun. After all, that's what Lego is for, not for complaining about dynamite. Sure historical stuff can be fun and I enjoy messing around with it, but when it gets in the way of actually being able to enjoy stuff, then it starts being a detriment.
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