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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Thanks for the video link, haven't seen that before! Unfortunately can't see how he prevented disassembly, it was surprisingly difficult to design (for me :-)). Anyway, the locking mechanism is really cool! I remember the topic for "one-way" assemblies, that probably got me thinking about this originally. If you want to make this box impossible to disassemble, then create a door that locks automatically (a springed latch for example). Or push an axle from the side to lock the door and prevent it being pushed all the way through.
  2. Hi, have been away for a long time, but now I'd like to present something small I came up with: an indestructible box, meaning a box that cannot be disassembled without damaging the parts. The only way to take it apart or to build it, is to unlock the securing pins inside the box. So if you use one of the sides of the box as door (with a lock!), then you got an "actual" safe. I haven't been able to find this kind of creation before, so hopefully my idea is useful for others thinking about it. In this model the "door" is the front panel secured with grey 3M pegs that you can pull out from outside. The red beams are the frame, yellow parts keep the frame secured, and grey parts provide walls, that also prevent the frame being disassembled. Here is the frame without the grey panels, where you can see also the securing pins (4M with end stop, shown in the locked position): When the 4M securing pins are pulled out, the top part of the box can be lifted and disassembly is possible. Here is the LXF file as well if you want to take a closer look: LXF FILE Do you have ideas for a locking door? It could be combination lock of some sort, mechanical, pneumatic, etc. Also is there a way to disassemble this without opening the door that I didn't think of? Ari
  3. Thanks for sharing the details. I think I now figured out the mechanism from the pictures (although LDD would still be nice if you manage to do it at some time). I'll probably try to build that myself just for experimenting with it. Btw nice how you routed power to the linear actuators :-)
  4. Very nice and clean, I like a lot! I've built tail lifts myself before, but haven't managed to do it with small LA's. Your design is interesting, haven't thought of having the tail gate closed without raising the platform all the way up (as it usually is). Any chance of getting more pictures/LDD of the mechanism?
  5. Yes, nice one :-) It could also shoot a blanket of some kind (Lego pirates sail(s)?) over the opponent. Stopping an SBrick is a bit tougher one...
  6. Just a thought... While it's not explicitly forbidden in the rules, I guess it's against the spirit of the competition to use robot-mounted PF IR remote control as a weapon. That is, to interfere / hijack opposing bot's control. Anyway that's hardly a "signature move", except for solving how to get line of sight to opponent's IR receiver...
  7. +1 for the LDD, any news about that? This is particularly interesting MOC because it's almost a C-model. And a very nice indeed!
  8. 20: 10 16: 6 32: 4 22: 3 36: 2 11: 1 Well done, all contestants!
  9. Oh man, I really hope I could give points to more entries, so many really good ones didn't get into my top-6. 3: 10 10: 6 6: 4 12: 3 13: 2 7: 1
  10. Very nice, I like! Looking forward to the video. Any chance of getting pics of the interior?
  11. If I may, I could add a couple of non-wheeled ideas I've been contemplating building, but haven't had the time to try (and possibly never will): - a Technic ship that floats, using either floating elements or some kind of (non-Lego) film for keeping water out of the hull -- this should be an interesting engineering challenge, as the hull shape is not restricted to existing one-piece hull elements - a 4-legged walker with a realistic stable gait (an elephant would be perfect for this); basically three legs move on ground and one is up returning -- the mechanics of this are rather challenging and I'm not sure if this would be best done with pneumatics or with linkages, or even linear actuators - a sci-fi spacecraft
  12. Your design will work, but I think it's too complicated. Why not just have an air tank after compressor, and then T-piece where you have a valve and another air tank. With the valve you can block or allow use of the second tank. (And release pressure from the system if you want.) Anyway, I would use both tanks without the option to cut one off. Maybe instead (if you want instant constant pressure when the tanks are empty) have a valve to override the tanks completely.
  13. Couldn't agree more with other poster about how awesome this is and how we're looking forward to the building instructions :-) (I think LDD file would do nicely as well.) Very nice set of functions in such a nice package, superb job!
  14. Interestingly, I would say the claw is built wrong, both there and in the videos (at least in one of the two displayed models). Comparing to the claw in 42006, the 5M half beams with axle holes shouldn't be at the outer edge of the base of the beams connected to the claw elements. What I mean is that while the other pair of claw fingers is 5M apart, the other is 4M, leaving the other pair open when in the "closed" position. Ok, a small detail, but anyway... Of course I might have missed some difference in claw design and it is as it is supposed to be, but I believe this wouldn't be the first time toy fair display model is built wrong. Edit: this picture: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/dokludi/Technic/42042replica/p1120053.jpg
  15. Well done! I'm not familiar with the original model, but I'm sure you captured the spirit of it well. It's always pleasure to see complex pneumatic mechanisms in action!
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