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Lego Spy

Eurobricks Counts
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Everything posted by Lego Spy

  1. Thank goodness this 'circle of strife' is over. Good game to everyone who died/lived.
  2. Wow. That was reeeaaally close. Sorry for doubting you, Dick.
  3. Trust me, I'm definitely laughing, sitting down, and watching the battle overhead. The sitting down part and the battle, sure, but laughing? No, not really. And the battle is more in front of me than overhead. I'm going to Vote: Mr. Freeze (Zepher) for his suspicious behavior.
  4. I'd rather you had just waited for what was left. It would make you look less suspicious. Also, your "explanation" is kind of weak.
  5. ... This is your defense for picking it?
  6. 1. Mr. Freeze's Coolant Zepher 2. Gandolf's Pointy Hat 3. Iron Patriot's Helmet Lego Spy 4. Storm's Lightning 5. Flash's Lightning Cowl piratedave84 Wait, when did this come about?
  7. Oh... That's what the whole uzegnaramo thing was about.
  8. For lack of time, and evidence toward anyone who is a viable voting option in my opinion, I'm going to Vote: Brickelodeon (Brickelodeon). If anyone provides me any substantial evidence against Lind, I'll consider changing my vote if I'm online.
  9. Thanks for the detailed reply. I'm really not sure who to vote for now. Day One I thought you were Scum, but since then you've seemed much more like a Townie. Brick I'm really not sure about, and Dave... I don't know.
  10. What is the reason for voting for Lind? What I mean is what are the current evidences?
  11. This is correct. The Falcon Wings were the Watcher.
  12. I'll have to read through the accusations for Lind and try to participate later. Also, my radar has been totally off track. I did not think MT was Scum. 1. Captain Jack's Crow 2. Storm's Lightning Darkdragon 3. Gandolf's Pointy Hat Lego Spy 4. Iron Patriot's Helmet Zepher
  13. Well I have to vote, and due to other questions at hand, I'm going to vote for the person I'm most suspicious of. Vote: The Flash (Walter Kovacs)
  14. Oh no... What could this be? Town switched with Scum?
  15. Has he even posted once all day? (He's been online viewing this day (3) at least twice in the past 24 hours) Lady K said she was suspicious of him in PM to me before she died. Her reasoning was that he had joined the bandwagon on day one, and then voted for Lind on day two, choosing him rather than Tammo. (Who of course turned up Scum)
  16. Okay, howdy all. (I hate myself for saying that.) Anyway, fhomess did not target anyone, as he stated, so that wasn't a lie. Also, about how many scum do we think there are? Right now, I feel like Zepher is either scum or the SK.
  17. Well he had the Vig costume, so I'm asking if he used it. I'm assuming he didn't.
  18. Also, did fhomess send in an action?
  19. Should I reveal two of the costumes I know? (Both have abilities)
  20. Yeah, ah... I'm feeling pretty stupid at the moment. I was rushed last night, and I voted for you because I thought you had the redirector. Now that I understand the actual circumstances, I'm going to Unvote: Starlord (Shadows), and Vote: Joker (Tamamono).
  21. I'm going to Vote: Starlord (Shadows) as well, because the redirector could be very dangerous in Scum hands, and for his "mistake" he made earlier today.
  22. One of the best, and one of the creepiest.
  23. 7:00 A.M., waking up in the morning. Gotta be fr- Wait, what!? Some crazy stuff happened last night. So if I'm reading this right, one (or more, who knows) of the claims made today is a lie. Shadows incorrectly remembered redirection and Brickelodeon claims to be a cop/insane cop are the only ones I remember seeing. Were there others? Also, I updated the Writeboard. (Link in my signature) (last night in real life, by the way)
  24. 1. Iron Patriot's Helmet mostlytechnic 2. Flash's Lightning Cowl Brickelodeon 3. The Lone Ranger's White Hat 4. Captain Jack's Crow 5. Egon's Proton Pack Tamamono 6. Mr. Freeze's Coolant 7. Magneto's Super Awesome Helmet Lego Spy 8. Joker's Silly Green Hair 9. Indy Jone's Fedora So two people made kills last night. Tammo claims that his didn't go through, so assuming he's not Scum, does that mean one kill was Scum and the other was an SK?
  25. Wait, what's this all about?
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