Everything posted by Lego Spy
Unrest in the Forest - Day 4: 2112
Sorry I'm a little late to the party, but I've been reading throughout the day. I agree that the stumps should not divulge all their information in public. That would be giving the names of every Oak tree that has claimed to the stumps, to the Maples. Not a good idea. Yes, that's true, but some of those claims may not be lies, and the alive trees are Oak, Maple, and possibly Third-Party. I really don't see any good reason for an Oak to want to have this information divulged in public. Your post has been noted. Off-topic, but Berty is technically a unisex name. Gosh darn it, I didn't realize you were a stump Agnes.
What are you listening to?
Kraddy - Android Porn (Single swear word in the song if anyone here is bothered by that.)
Nintendo Discussion
In case this interests anyone, the limited edition NES 3DS XL as well as both the Blue and Red SSB4 3DS XLs are available refurbished from the Nintendo online store. I got my refurbished Wii U from them, and it was definitely top-of-the-line refurbishment. The Peach amiibo is also available for $9.96 on
Pulsar Requin
Wow! Great work! I didn't even realize it was six feet long.
What are you listening to?
Song of Storms - Dubstep/EDM - remix by DJ-JO
- Caterham 7's project
- Unrest in the Forest - Day 3: Caress of Steel
Unrest in the Forest - Day 3: Caress of Steel
Care to explain how he's less scummy? If anything, I think he's more scummy than Catarina was. Also, not bandwagoning against someone who seems scummy just because they're a noob doesn't seem like a good reason not to bandwagon. Noobs can still be scum. Vote: Larry Larch (TheLazyChicken) For his actions earlier today and his scummy behavior. I'm keeping my eye on you though, Berty.
- Unrest in the Forest - Day 3: Caress of Steel
Unrest in the Forest - Day 3: Caress of Steel
Some people seem to agree that Vicky's argument against me from yesterday was pretty good. Let's take a look at it... Oh no, is it catching on?... This is your typical, run-of-the-mill "you bandwagoned, you're scum" claim. It seems to be a rather frequent occurrence. Also, I'm sorry, but even if I was scum, I'm not dumb enough to kill someone for saying something like this about me. Lastly, Larry, why were you so quick to agree with what Vicky said?
- Nintendo Discussion
Metal Gear Rising minifig help!
Doesn't Raiden have grey hair?
- Nintendo Discussion
- Nintendo Discussion
- Nintendo Discussion
Adware Problems
Same here. I only noticed it on one computer though. Not the other...
Unrest in the Forest, Day 2: Fly By Night
I still consider myself to be a noob, as I've only played two games, and before today (in-game), I didn't even know Serial Killer was a role. I voted for her for two reasons. Fluffy posts, and the refusal to actually defend herself.
- Nintendo Discussion
Unrest in the Forest, Day 2: Fly By Night
Three things wrong here. One: I was offline during all the Catarina business, so I couldn't have voted prior to the fifth vote even if I wanted to. Two: no I wasn't thinking "aw, what the heck" because I had read the previous three pages. Three: no lynch today, folks! Cause you know, if your vote is after the fifth one, you're officially being a scummy bandwagoner. Oh wait! No, that's just me. Sue and Bobby not included. Oh crap, if I do it again tomorrow... Illuminati Confirmed!
Unrest in the Forest, Day 2: Fly By Night
Yeah, those are both about right.
Unrest in the Forest, Day 2: Fly By Night
Sorry I haven't been saying anything. This is mainly because I wasn't on a device powerful enough to post things properly, and because I wanted to see how things played out. And they certainly have. Without a doubt, my vote for now is going to Catarina, the asterisk using Groot that lives in low-light, for obvious reasons. Vote: Catarina Dogwood (adventurer1) Do you know what the rule about editing is for? I didn't realize Berty had only played one game before now, so I wasn't clear on the fact that he's a noob.
Nintendo Discussion
Alright, I have 325 coins left, and I'm not sure about which downloadable game to get. My picks at the moment are Super Metroid, Earthbound, Fluidity: Spin Cycle, and Dillon's Rolling Western (+ The Last Ranger). Which of these games would you guys suggest? Also, I hope I can eventually get a Lucario amiibo...
Unrest in the Forest, Day 2: Fly By Night
Agreed. Why the maples would even janitor on night one at all in the first place perplexes me. It seems like it would just be too obvious to the oaks and they'd want to keep it a secret until later in the game. Very odd decision on their part.
Unrest in the Forest, Day 2: Fly By Night
Clumsy tree-fellers! Vote: Ernie (Walter Kovacs) Jokes aside, this is pretty frustrating. What I find especially interesting is that neither of the two Oak "deaths"/now stumps are trees brought into question yesterday. It seem like an Oak vigilante would go for one of the top suspects from yesterday, rather than picking, overall, someone who hasn't done anything particularly maple-y as of yet. My best guess is that whatever happened last night, neither of the two kills were dealt by a vig. Suggesting a few things: 1. The vigilante, if we have one, did not submit a kill last night. 2. There is no vigilante. (Somewhat unlikely) 3. Or, in my mind the least likely, the vig did kill last night, and just made a strange decision.
Unrest in the Forest: Confirmation & Discussion
Yay! He's alive!
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