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Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. If I didn't hear that "purposely rendered to look stop-motion" thing, I would have just thought it had a terrible framerate.
  2. *head asplodes* Seriously? Time to read the first anything Bionicle since last year.
  3. Crap! I was almost ready to sell my sets! ALMOST! Oh well, time to learn how to MOC again XD. Seriously though, I want it now. Bad.
  4. I would buy 10 copies of the book that has that. ...of course I would probably sell off 9 of them, but still...
  5. AHHH!!!! DEPTH?!?!
  6. ^sounds exceedingly painful EDIT: Wait, can it be all blue zamor spheres? 'Cause that would be pretty nice.
  7. ^and he loves it anyways...
  8. Well, your source shows him having two small guns underneath the... wing-thingies... but other than that, it looks perfect. Off-topic: don't judge me for using the word "thingies" in this post. ...twice.
  9. Three people is enough to confirm it?
  10. ^Thanks for pointing that out. That's how they made it look so good; they gave mata nui an edit to look like the stars. If you look closely, you can see that his animations are the exact same as the three "commercials".
  11. Give me four months.
  12. Oh yeah... I sort of remember that. However, I was six, so I could've cared less. I'm sure the six year olds of today won't care much more than I did. Off-topic: stupid spell check saying that "could've" isn't a word.
  13. I was... six... when the mata leg appeared; please explain what what the mata leg issue is.
  14. Way to stay on topic?
  15. Wait, which one's Surge? If its the green guy, then I thought that it was a little obvious that it split in two.
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