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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. ah ok, sorry. Yeah i just used pieces from the set, aside from the pilot
  2. Nope it's just something my own twisted lil brain came up with! :) I was inspired by the Viper starfighter from Escape Velocity: Nova, but i put my own spin on it. Thanks for the comment! :)
  3. I felt like tearing apart my CW Anakin Skywalker Delta-7 and rebuilt it into a custom starfighter the other night. This is my first full build since coming out of my Dark Ages recently (been collecting minifigures and the occasional set but never doing anything with them) https://flic.kr/p/Poi9Pg https://flic.kr/p/Poi5zK https://flic.kr/p/N9R3dh https://flic.kr/p/PaJ2Ay For awhile i was stuck as to who should pilot this beauty, then i realised it would be perfect for my Custom Mirta Gev minifigure (Arealight helmet, torso, and jetpack and Irina Spalko head and limbs) https://flic.kr/p/N9UyQJ What do you think?
  4. They were the only 1x2 bricks i had left to use as landing gear. In the case of the Gozanti Cruiser, i slapped single stud tiles on the side to represent TIEs, like the larger set
  5. First up was a shuttle of some kind, i'm still not sure whether to call it a Gamma Class Assault transport, or something along the lines of the Lambda/Sentinel Class. Next up is my rendition of a Gozanti-Class Cruiser (aka Imperial Assault Carrier) I didn't have enough grey or white, so i used what i had, which was tan. (If it's good enough for Tarkin, it's good enough for me! LOL) I DO have more pictures, but i can't figure out how to post them easily, so i hope this will be ok for now.
  6. I wouldn't want to be on the business end of that! :O Beautiful ship! :)
  7. I don't think you can. The handle is the same diameter as the lightsaber rod. You could probably fit a ski pole into the end of the lightsaber hilt, but then it might be too long to look right.
  8. updates of Cloud City Lando, Leia, and Luke. Naboo Pilot Padme, Grand Admiral Thrawn, more aliens like Noghri, more Wookiees and Trandoshans, Zuckuss and 4-LOM, Rebels Ahsoka, Force Awakens Luke, maybe some of the characters from Droids (Mungo Baobab, Jan Tosh, Jord Dusat, etc) My list is endless LOL
  9. Currently my faves are: Twi'leks (CW Aayla Secura, Hera Syndulla, Oola) Kylo Ren (i like the big helmet...call me weird LOL) FO TIE Pilot Rebels The Inquisitor Rebels Sabine (with Helmet) And i also like the "Shadow" Troopers from the Shadow trooper/Shadow Guard Battle pack (only had one from the old Imperial Dropship BP which i gave to a friend of mine)
  10. I was just wondering if anyone else had considered using ski poles instead of the black or grey bars for the Royal Guard's Force Pikes? Personally, i think it looks better than the pseudo-lightsaber ones or Castle Spears.
  11. Here's my attempt at a Microfighter style version of Lando Calrissian's Sorosuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000, the Lady Luck. I only had a limited set of bricks from some temple or other set (got them from a friend so i can't complain LOL) I do have a couple of Moisture vaporators i can use for parts if i can find them.
  12. Just wanted to share something i cobbled together from the remaining bits of my old Blacktron Renegade, the biggest Lego set i had when i was a kid. I still have to rework the rear of the cockpit to make it sturdier, but overall I think it turned out well. Sorry about the lackluster pics. I took them when i was moving LOL
  13. On the plus side, the helmet/backpack from the Jango Fett still fits on a regular minifig head. Not sure if you can't reuse the hands on regular minifigs. I know you can't use the legs though. The shiny 3P0 head makes a nice little "jungle idol" for lego Indy to hold too LOL
  14. Nothing too spectacular, just a little scene i whipped up. I only had some 2*2, 3, and 4 stud bricks leftover from when i was a kid. I also used a C-3P0 from a Lego pen (anyone else ticked off that they weren't actual minifigures? :-/) Enjoy! :)
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